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Willows pov

I wake up next to Evelyn and go to pack the rest of my bags and get changed. Then I go back out of the bathroom about to leave, Evelyn was still asleep as far as I knew. "Oh, willow!" I hear her say and she runs over to me, guess she woke up. "Now hold on just a minute. I need to talk to you." She says, her arm blocking me from leaving the door.

"Too bad, be—" "Stop. You've said your piece, and now I get to say mine. I gave you a day to cool off and see things from my perspective. But seeing as you lack the capacity to consider it, I'll tell you why I'm angry. You lied to me! You lied about where you were going. And not only did you lie, you went to a place you knew was dangerous!" She says, tears forming in her eyes.

"It's not that you didn't tell me, it's that you went without telling anyone! Then you try to criticise me for caring! If it wasn't for me, you would probably be laying in that alley, staining the snow with your blood. Just like Althea." She adds, I look up at her angrily.

"If you're done describing my gory death avoided at the hands of a white knight, I'm leaving. I haven't the energy, nor the time to tell you I don't need your help! I've got to do my job and sit in a bikini in the middle of winter, pretending to enjoy sugary cocktails!" I growl and storm out of the room.

I thought a brisk walk through the cold forest would cool my anger, but instead, it was as if my irritation melted the snow, turning the flurries into steam. My own frustration warmed me from the inside out. I could have flung my jacket away and survived on sheer willpower, and it felt good.

After dealing with the ice that was Evelyn Montgomery, feeling warmth was totally new.
"Woohoo! Coming through!" I hear Andrews's voice yell as a white horse and carriage fly past me.

I arrived at the gazebo Evelyn was in the other day."Surprised to see you here." I say to the person, it was Camilla. "I could say the same thing about you." She smiles and I walk over to her. "Though I'm more surprised you didn't see me, turn, and run." She laughs awkwardly.

"Why would I do that?" I ask, smiling at her. "Eh, I just figured Evelyn had turned you against me, just like she did with everybody else." She shrugs, honestly I'm only standing and talking to her because I'm so angry at Evelyn.

"I can form my own opinions and ideas about people, thank you very much." I smile and she blushes slightly.

"Though I was under the impression that nobody knew about this gazebo apart from Evelyn." I shrug and she bursts out laughing. "She wishes. I was the one who showed her this place." She smiles. "Really? But she said—" "Evelyn says a lot of sh*t. This whole family does, as soon as I f*cked up. It's like everyone took me right out of the memories, the same way they did the picture frames. This my gazebo." She says, sounding slightly sad.

"What...what happened?" I ask and she sighs. "You want the real story, or the one Evelyn will feed you?" She asks and looks at me, waiting for my answer. "The real one." I nod and she smiles, leaning back onto the gazebo.

"Alright, it's simple. Back when we were younger Evelyn and I went to the same university. We were both interested in a girl called Natalia. Who was a year younger than me and a year older than Evelyn. She was a cheerleader, so we both joined the cheer team too." She speaks. "Ah, teen love." I laugh and she laughs with me.

"Evelyn, even back then, was a stone-cold a*shole. So I managed to snag a date with Nat. One day, during practice, the coach called for the squad to run the pyramid drill. Evelyn was on the second tier, and I was on the top. Coach blew the whistle, and Evelyn moved right away, on purpose, and I came tumbling to the ground. She knocked me out, I was out of school for two weeks with a concussion, and in that time, Evelyn started dating Nat." She sighs. I knew Evelyn wasn't a perfect person, but I never expected her to do something like that.

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