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Willows pov

I wake up next to Evelyn; I forgot we even slept in the same bed, and I barely remember anything from yesterday. She is lying facing me with her arms over my head, holding me to her chest. Our legs are intertwined, and I can feel her breathing on my forehead.

I try to move, but she has me trapped, so theres no way I could get out of bed without her waking up, and I didn't feel like waking her. I close my eyes and try to sleep for a little bit longer.

*1 hour timeskip*

I wake up before Evelyn, but I decide to fake sleep for a little bit. I move my leg out and gently kick Evelyn in the thigh. "Did you just kick me?" She asks. I keep on fake sleeping so she will think I did it in my sleep. "Little imp." She moves the blanket and gets out of bed, walking into the bathroom. And that is how you get a double bed to yourself!

*2 hour time skip*

I wake up but stay in bed, listening to the noises around me. "No, grandad, we are not coming." I hear Evelyn say, I get out of bed and slide on one of my hoodies as I walk out to the hallway.

"Why not, Evelyn?" Andrew asks. "Uh, Willow's not very well," Evelyn answers him. I wasn't ill.
"Hungover, you mean?" Delilah laughs. "Yeah? And whose fault is that, Delilah?" Evelyn snaps at her sister. I'm also not hungover; maybe slightly, but not enough that it would affect anything they wanted to do.

Evelyn's mom walks into the room they are in, and I am still standing on the top of the stairs. "Children!" Mellisa yells. "Just go, Evelyn." She says, sighing. "It will be fun!" Marco smiles, nudging Evelyn; he has seen me now and smiles up at me.

I walk down the stairs and stand next to Evelyn. "What will be fun?" I ask them. Evelyn turns towards me and looks me up and down. I'm not sure if she was checking me out or thinking how bad I look.

"Go back to bed, Willow." Evelyn mumbles, looking at me. "Perfect timing, Willow! We are going to get our national Christmas tree!" Andrew smiles, pressing a button in his jumper, making it flash.

"What do you mean? Aren't you just going to pull it from storage and put the decorations on?" I ask because thats what we did in my family anyway. Everyone looks shocked, and Evelyn laughs at me.

"Fine. We will get ready and meet you out front" Evelyn grabs my hand and starts walking up the stairs. "Good out ride is already outside." Andrew smiles and we all walk opposite ways.

When we get upstairs, I get changed into some warmer clothes. I put on a black vest, some blue jeans, and some long black boots. I'm looking through my drawer to find a jacket, but all I can see is the one Evelyn gave me at the dock. Well, let's go chop down a tree!

I walk down the stairs to meet Evelyn at the bottom. She is wearing blue jeans and a thick green coat. She has her hair in a bun, and she has green earmuffs over her head.

We walked out of the house and to where everyone was sitting, not in a car but in a horse carriage. It was a black carriage that was pulled by two white horses; there were six seats in the actual carriage and two on the front. At the front, Felix, Evelyn's butler, and another worker were seated, and in the back, Delilah, Andrew, and Marco were seated on one row and Violet in the other.

Me and Evelyn went and sat down by Violet, and the carriage started moving. "When you said ride, I thought you meant a BMW or an SUV that we could all squeeze into and get a tree from the store." I laughed.

"No, there is a tree farm on the edge of our property; we don't need to go too far to get there." Evelyn smiles. She was fiddling with her gloves like they didn't fit right. "So you chop down an actual tree every year?" I ask.

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