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A/N: Heyy, sorry it's been a long time since publishing the last part... I was busy with school and work, but now that I will (hopefully) graduate soon, I have more time to write! Enjoy!

"114?", Clary repeated, leaning over to properly see the small piece of parchment Mary was holding.

"Yes", Mary nodded and looked into Clary's pale blue eyes.

"Wow, I didn't know we had so many students in this school", Clary's lips spread into a wide smile as she spoke.

Mary shook her head and placed the envelope in her pocket before she spoke.

"Who knows, maybe my pen pal is a house elf!", she smirked, causing Clary to burst out in laughter. After calming down, Clary took a quick look at her watch and pursed her lips. "We should get going, you have Divination next", she said.

Mary, still twiddling the parchment in her pocket, nodded as they started making their way towards the Divination classroom. When they had reached the tower, Clary said her farewells and rushed to her lesson.

Mary peeked inside the classroom carefully, unsure if she should wait for the other students arrive.

"Come in, come in, my child", an eerie voice called from the room. Taking a deep breath, Mary stepped inside dimly lit room and tried to find the source of the voice. The room was decorated with colourful pillows and flickering fireplaces. The air was thick with the scent of some unfamiliar incense lit on a table next to the door.

"Be not afraid, sit down, sit down", the eerie voice spoke again. Mary located the source of the voice and was abashed. The voice belonged to a gigantic bug. No, it was a lady, who was wearing colourful robes and glasses which made her eyes look ten times bigger. Her slender hand motioned Mary to sit down on an armchair next to her.

Mary glanced around the room before she sat down, praying for the rest of the student to arrive quickly. The eerie lady took Mary's hand in her ice-cold one and squeezed it. "Welcome, my child. My name is Professor Sybill Trelawney, the Divination teacher at Hogwarts. What may I call you, sweetie?" she locked her bug-eyes on Mary.

Mary squirmed uneasily in her chair, trying to unleash her hand from Professor Trelawney's firm grip.

"My name is Mary. Mary Montgomery", she mumbled.

"Oh Miss Montgomery, I see, I see. You must be the daughter of famous Aurors Kathleen and Matthew Montgomery!" Professor Trelawney exclaimed and threw her hands in the air.

"Yes, I am", Mary squeaked.

"Wonderful, wonderful...", Professor Trelawney started wandering around the classroom. "So sorry to hear your mother pass away. Terrible that accident... And your poor father, left so broken hearted..."­, she wailed. Suddenly, she stopped wandering and turned to look at Mary. "How is he doing these days? I heard he got seriously ill after your mother's death".

"Oh", Mary whispered, "he died last April".

Professor Trelawney's face went pale. "I'm so sorry to hear that, oh you poor girl, an orphan at 19, oh my my..." she whined and started to approach Mary, unmistakably trying give Mary a "soothing hug".

"It's alright, I've been living with my uncle", Mary m­­­umbled and quickly backed away from Professor Trelawney's reach.

To Mary's relief, other students started pulling into the classroom, causing Professor Trelawney to take her attention away from Mary and starting to welcome other students with her eerie voice.

At the beginning of their first lesson Professor Trelawney roamed around the room, interviewing the students about their birthdays.

"When were you born, dear?" Professor Trelawney asked Mary.

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