My name is Mary

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For the first time, Mary was beginning to understand what Clary had been going through during the last autumn. What she might be still going through. One could say, that having a crush was fun. That it felt like butterflies in one's stomach, or so Mary had read from her numerous books. But boy, were they wrong. Having a crush was torture.

Every time Mary passed Professor Snape, it felt like someone was kicking her right under her chest. Every time she even just saw him, was it in the corridor, in the Great Hall or in the Potions classroom, she felt like her heart fell to the floor right through her body. And all the time, Mary was feeling sick. Like she was about to throw up. And the worst part: today, she was about to find out, what it felt like being alone with him.

"What am I going to do?" Mary whined. The two Slytherins had just finished their dinner and were now making their way to the Slytherin common room. Clary, who's nearly white hair was glowing in the light of the chandeliers, turned her pale blue eyes to Mary.

"I don't know." Her voice was calm, but the shadow lingering in the corner of her eyes confirmed Mary's suspicions of Clary still having feelings for her.

Why did it have to be her?

If it had been anyone else, Mary wouldn't feel so awful. She would go to Emily or even Fred and George, but she hadn't told even them about her feelings for Snape. And she wasn't going to. The fewer people knew, the better.

"I'm sorry", Mary mumbled, unsure what to say. The last thing she wanted was to make Clary's life more difficult. The young Slytherin gave Mary a weak smile before turning her gaze back to her feet.


"Professor Snape?" Mary inquired as she carefully pushed open the door, which had been slightly open when Mary had arrived at the corridor in which Professor Snape's classroom resided.

"Miss Montgomery?" Snape's questioning voice encouraged Mary to enter the classroom.

Snape was at his usual spot, sitting by his dark wooden desk, and grading some papers. As he noticed Mary entering his classroom, he lifted his dark eyes from the papers, and laid them on Mary's trembling body. The moment those onyx eyes landed on Mary's body, she felt it again. Her heart dropped. Only now it was even stronger, as she knew that there was no one, who could save her from him.

Snape, who had noticed Mary's peculiar behaviour, raised his left eyebrow. He laid the quill carefully on his desk and licked his lips, wondering what the reason behind Mary's unusual behaviour could be.

"Miss Montgomery", Snape started. Before Mary could stop it, before she even realised what she was doing, she interrupted the dark-haired professor.

"Mary", she said, looking straight into Professor Snape's eyes, "my name is Mary." Professor Snape, who had been completely thrown off guard by Mary's words, blinked his eyes before taking a deep breath.

"Right, Mary." He stopped for a moment, getting used to the mouth feel of addressing Mary with her first name.

"Last week you apparently had some sort of realization and escaped my classroom. Again. If you have sorted your things now, we could finally begin studying the Draught of Living Death", he said, taking a deep breath as he said the word "again". His words made Mary blush, partially because lately, everything he does makes Mary blush, but mostly because Mary was embarrassed. She really needed to get her shit together.

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that", Mary apologized, her cheeks in the shade of deep scarlet. Professor Snape's lips curled into a small smile as he accepted the apology with a sharp nod.

After Mary and Snape had gone through the instructions of the Draught of Living Death, Professor Snape made an unheard proposal.

"What if", he started, handing Mary the list of ingredients needed in the Draught of Living Death, "you go to my personal storeroom and fetch the ingredients for the potion?"

Mary, abashed by the suggestion, carefully took the list from Professor Snape's hand, and started making her way towards the storeroom. To what Mary had heard from Clary and older Slytherins, Snape has never allowed students in his personal storeroom. Never, until now.

Cautiously, Mary opened the door to Snape's storeroom, a rush of an overwhelming scent-cocktail attacking her nose immediately. The sensation made Mary cough a couple of time, as some of the herbs stored in Snape's storeroom had quite a strong aroma.

"Are you alright?" Snape asked as he heard Mary coughing, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine", Mary replied. "You've got quite a mélange in here", she giggled as she entered the storeroom.

"I know", said Professor Snape, "it's a perfect alarm system for any imbeciles who might find themselves tempted to steal from there."

Mary shook her head, laughing by herself to Professor Snape's response.

"Let's see", she mumbled as she begun looking for the ingredients, "powdered root of asphodel, valerian root, infusion of wormwood..." Due to the inhumanely precise order in which all the herbs were, Mary found all the ingredients needed in no time.

"Okay, I think I've got it all", Mary said as she returned to the classroom, carrying all the ingredients in her arms. Professor Snape, who clearly found the sight entertaining, tilted his head as his lips curled into a smirk.

"How many people are you planning to poison?" he asked, nodding towards the pile of bottles and herbs Mary had laid on the nearest desk. Mary put her hands on her hips and pursed her lips, giving Snape an offended yet playful glance.

"I don't know. But be careful, or you'll end up on that list", she said, a wide smirk dancing on her lips. Snape snorted, stood up and begun examining the ingredients Mary had brought.

"Really? I thought I was already on that list", he joked and turned around to look at Mary, who had been standing behind him. The two were now mere inches apart form each other. Standing in front of Professor Snape, staring into his deep onyx eyes sent shivers down Mary's spine. And then, a completely new sensation took a hold of Mary's body as Professor Snape's soft breath caressed her skin.

Even a person more clueless than Professor Snape couldn't go on without noticing the shift that had happened in Mary's demeanour. The Potions Master looked straight into Mary's green eyes, trying to figure out what was going on behind them. Unable to come to a conclusion, he only narrowed his eyes before stepping away.

"Alright, shall we begin?" he said, pulling Mary out of her thought.



After achieving an enormous cauldron filled with Draught of Living Death, Mary and Professor Snape discussed what they would be doing next week. Luckily, both Mary and Professor Snape had though that Polyjuice Potion would be a good choice for their next lesson.

"I believe we are done for today", said Professor Snape as he started heading towards his desk, signalling Mary that it was time to go. Mary, who found it difficult to hide her disappointment, nodded and packed her things.

"Well, I'll go now", she said, grabbed her backpack and prepared to leave.

"Yes. I'll see on Monday", said Professor Snape, who was walking back and forth behind his desk. There was unusual stiffness within the way he said those words, especially after today's more relaxed manner.

"Yeah, I'll see you then, Professor", Mary replied.

She was already halfway through the door when sudden sound of Professor Snape's voice interrupted Mary's journey.

"Mary", he said. He had now stopped pacing back and forth and was standing in front of his desk, looking at Mary with an uncertain look in his eyes.

"Yes?" Mary said, turning her face back towards the dark-haired professor.

"It's Severus", Snape mumbled, avoiding Mary's gaze. Mary, who didn't know what she had expected, but knew that it most certainly wasn't this, look at the Potions Master with a mixture of confusion and astonishment in her eyes.


"My name is Severus", repeated Professor Snape, Severus. There was a dangerous sparkle in his eyes as he began walking towards Mary.

"But if you use that in the presence of anyone else but the two of us, I'll make you regret it."

Sincerely yours I Severus Snape - A Harry Potter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now