Hello there, old friend

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On Friday morning, 2nd of November, Mary woke up to a horrifying, soul-crushing realization. Ever since her mother had passed away five years ago, the darkening evening brought an unwelcomed guest. Even though Mary loved the starry night skies and beautiful fall of snow, the pervasive darkness affected Mary's mental state. And so, on that dreadful Friday morning, Mary was woken up by a heavy weight that fell upon her chest.

Hello there, old friend.

Still laying on her back, Mary drew couple of deep breaths before opening her eyes and accepting her new reality. As she opened her eyes and crawled out of the bed, Clary started twisting and turning in the bed next to Mary's.

"Mm, no... Not yet", the blonde girl mumbled.

Mary watched as Clary buried herself under the covers, and a smile formed on her soft lips.

"I'm sorry, but it is time to get up", Mary's soft voice begun luring Clary out of her cave.

"I don't want to", Clary whined, but nonetheless peeked under the dark green bed covers. Mary smirked, got up and started approaching Clary's bed, aiming to pull the covers off the young fellow Slytherin. The moment Clary realized Mary's intentions, she quickly jumped out of the bed and started pulling on her clothes and reassuring, "I'm awake, I'm awake".

"Alright, I believe you", Mary giggled and started getting dressed as well.

After getting dressed and freshening up, Mary and Clary headed towards the Great Hall for breakfast. After breakfast was time for the first lessons of the day, Study of Ancient Runes. After that was Transfiguration and Charms. Then it was time for lunch and the last lessons before weekend: double lesson of Potions and Mary's private lesson with Professor Snape.


The shadows danced on the castle walls as Mary made her way towards the dungeons, preparing herself for the private lesson. Usually, she was rather enthusiastic and looking forward to spending her evening with Professor Snape, but not today. The whole day of running around the castle combined with Mary's growing anxiety had completely worn her out.

Her heart was beating heavily in her chest, making every step ten times heavier. The flickering lights were burning her eyes and twisting the corridors surrounding her. And the banging. Inside Mary's head. Loud, deafening banging, as if someone was beating a door with a gigantic hammer. Getting louder and louder, and then suddenly fading away. And then getting louder again.


Mary pushed the dark wooden door, letting herself inside the Snape's classroom. It was only when her eyes met with Professor Snape's onyx eyes, that she realized, she probably should've knocked before entering the room. A simultaneously surprised and furious expression formed on the Potions Master's face.

"Didn't your mother teach you to knock?" he snapped.

Mary's jaw dropped to the ground. Of all the ways in which he could express his displeasure in Mary's lack of manners, he decided to use that. Mary was quite sure that being the Head of the Slytherin house, Professor Snape most certainly knew that Mary's mother had died five years ago. Since she had already been feeling under the weather, she was unable to control her tongue.

"No, she died".

Professor Snape's eyes glittered dangerously, signalling Mary that she should back off and apologize for her behaviour. But Mary wasn't in the mood for it. After realizing that he was unable to demand respect with only his expression, Snape decided to request it verbally.

"Miss Montgomery, might I remind you that I am using my personal time here just so that I can attempt to beat some information into that empty head of yours", Professor Snape stood up from behind his desk as he spoke and begun approaching Mary, "and might I add, with poor results".

Mary was bewildered by Snape's irreverent tone. She could have apologized and sought to find resolution if it had been any other day. But today, Mary chose to fight. As she drew a deep breath, Snape raised his eyebrow, realizing Mary's intentions.

"Miss Montgomery, I'm warning you. Do not cross the line with me".

But it was too late.

"Firstly, might I remind you that I too am using my personal time just to be here with you. Did it ever occur to you that I might want to spend my Friday evenings somewhere else than here, with you! And secondly, if I have been making poor progress with my studies, maybe I'm not the one to blame. Maybe you should look into a mirror and question whether you are a proficient teacher or not! And to think that I nearly defended you to other students. Maybe, indeed, I am empty headed, if it took me this long to realize that you are nothing but a nasty, heartless piece of shit!"

Whatever it took to truly cross the line with Professor Snape, Mary had definitely outdone it.

"Out!", Professor Snape groaned, "Out of my classroom!"

And without saying another word, Mary stormed out of Professor Snape's classroom.


"You're back already?" Mary was met with Clary's surprised face as she entered the Slytherin common room.

"Yes. And I'm not going back", Mary sniffed.

"What happened?" Clary followed Mary to their bed chamber, in which Mary jumped under the covers.

"Professor Snape happened" Mary's voice was muffled by the thick layer of bed covers. Carefully, Clary sat on the edge of Mary's bed, and placed her hand reassuringly on Mary's back.

"What did he do?", she asked.

Mary stayed in silence for a few moments, recalling the events that had occurred in Professor Snape's classroom, before she turned on her back and pulled the bed covers off her face.

"Ever since my mother passed away, I've been suffering from seasonal anxiety. And this morning, when I woke up, it was back. The anxiety. So, today was very difficult even to begin with. And as I was going to the Snape's classroom, I forgot to knock".

Clary gasped.

"And he said, 'Didn't you mother teach you to knock?'. It was a bit too much for me today, and so in brief, I called Professor Snape a 'nasty, heartless piece of shit'".

Clary stared at Mary in shock.

"Do you wish to die?", was the only thing she managed to say.

Mary sighed and pulled the covers back on her face.

"I know, it was stupid. But when he used that sentence, knowing that my mother isn't alive, I just... I guess I lost my temper".

"Yeah, to put it mildly", Clary said and rolled her eyes, "but luckily this happened on Friday. Maybe Snape forgets your little outburst during the weekend, and you can continue your private lessons next Friday".

"No, Clary. I don't want to continue the lessons. Not with him. I know it's stupid to call Snape 'a heartless piece of shit' to his face, but I did mean it", Mary explained.

"I think you spelled it wrong; I believe you meant 'S-U-I-C-I-D-A-L' and not 'S-T-U-P-I-D'", Clary remarked with a sparkle in the corner of her eye.

Mary giggled and swerved into a sitting position.

"Thanks, Clary", she said.

"Any time", Clary said and gave the dark haired Slytherin a much-needed hug. 

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