Someone really special

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Ever since Professor Snape gave Mary a permission to address him with his first name, Mary couldn't help but feel a strange, tickling sensation every time her thought wandered to that raven-haired man. In those moments, which nowadays happened quite often, Mary had to correct herself in her mind. When she saw him in the corridors, she would always think: There's Professor Snape! And then right after: You mean Severus?

But there was another problem that had occurred after Severus had moved on a more friend-like ground with Mary. Clary had noticed Mary jumping every time she saw Severus. Before the latest private lesson, Mary had managed to maintain her feelings in the presence of the Potions Master, but the events of last Friday evening had changed things. Mary felt like something had shifted between her and Severus. The only thing, that had been troubling the dark-haired Slytherin's mind ever since that day, was the uncertainty of Severus' thoughts. Did he feel like something had shifted too? And what made the whole thing even more daunting, was that Mary wasn't even sure which option was better. The fact that Severus was a teacher and that he saw Mary only as a student or maybe a friend, made Mary's heart weep. But the other option felt even more frightening.

"Mary? Do you hear me?" Clary, who had been trying to get Mary's attention for a while, had now begun poking Mary's shoulder with a fork.

"What? Hey! Stop that!" Mary snapped when she noticed the fork stabbing her skin. "Why do you always do that?"

"Sorry", apologized Clary, who didn't seem to be sorry at all, "but it's been proven multiple times that it is a bullet proof way to get your attention when you're taking a trip in the world of Mary's Mysterious Mind."

Mary couldn't help but giggle, although her shoulder was still hurting, and the fabric was slightly ruined from the spot in which Clary had been poking.

"Fine. But you owe me a new jumper", Mary muttered, rubbing her left shoulder, and glancing the blonde Slytherin. Clary rolled her eyes.

"You'll get another one from Mrs Weasley next Christmas", she said. In ten months! It's the 1st of March, Mary thought, but decided to drop the subject. Besides, the jumper didn't bother her that much, she other things to worry about. She was looking forward the evening's lesson, that was clear, but she was also anxious. She didn't know what to expect. Severus had seemed normal during the afternoon's double-lesson, but that meant nothing.

After Mary and Clary had finished their dinner, they decided to go to the library and work on their homework from Transfiguration, their least favourite subject, and Charms. With great struggles, Mary managed to finish her homework from Transfiguration, but she didn't have time to do the homework from Charms. She had something she needed to do before the private lesson with Severus.

"Where are you going?" Clary asked as Mary stood up and packed her things. Even though Mary tried her best to maintain cool, she couldn't stop a hint of a smirk spreading on her lips.

"You've ruined my shirt, haven't you? I have to change", Mary explained.

"Oh, alright then. I'll stay here for a while, I want to finish this before the weekend", Clary said, a knowing grin on her lips as she turned back to her essay.

Mary said goodbyes to Clary and practically ran to the Slytherin common room. As she entered the Girls' Dormitory, she saw Alison Murphy sitting on her bed, holding a familiar looking green box in her hands. The girl looked startled when she saw Mary entering the room.

"Oh, hi Mary!" she said, noticing the surprised look in Mary's eyes. Quickly, Alison handed the box to Mary, a guilty look on her face.

"I'm so sorry. I know I shouldn't have taken it. It's just... I was taking that book you recommended from your nightstand, and I noticed this box", Alison explained. The young Slytherin's cheeks were burning red with embarrassment. Mary, who usually wouldn't like seeing Alison holding that green box, was too hyped-up to get mad. All she wanted was to get ready and head to Severus' classroom.

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