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"Half-Blood Prince?" Clary giggled, snatching the letter from Mary's grip, and eyeing the text written on the parchment. "If the writing wasn't so good, I'd say your pen pal is a first-year student", she stated.

Mary shrugged and tried to recapture the letter from Clary's hold, but unsuccessfully.

"Give it to me", Mary demanded and tried to stay calm. There was something weird going on within her mind. She didn't want anyone else to read the letter. Not even Clary. This letter was hers, and only hers.

"Fine", Clary groaned and dropped the letter on the table.

"Thank you", Mary mumbled.

"Anyway, we should finish these papers before you have to go back to the dungeons", Clary remarked, to which Mary nodded in agreement.


By the time Mary and Clary had finished their papers, most of the students had already left to their dormitories and left the schoolwork behind. Sighing deeply, Clary rolled her now complete assignment and shook her head.

"I pity you, Mary", she said as Mary started packing her stuff into her school bag.

"It's alright", Mary tried to brush it off, even though inside she hoped to be able to enjoy a peaceful Friday evening with Clary. But she didn't have a choice. She had to return to the cold and gloomy dungeons and continue working under Professor Snape's watchful eye.

"Well, I'll see you when I get back. If you're not sleeping already", Mary said and tried to give Clary a carefree smile. Clary promised to try to stay awake, and they waved a goodbye.

Leaving Clary, warmth and light behind her, Mary set a direction towards Professor Snape's classroom. As she navigated through the dimly lit corridors, Mary noticed herself humming quietly. Maybe it was a way to calm her nerves before she would face Professor Snape and his nasty insults.

Once Mary reached the door of Professor Snape's classroom, she attempted to regain her professional composure, before knocking on the door.

"Enter", the familiar velvety voice commanded from inside the room.

Mary did as she was told and pushed the great wooden door open.

"Good evening, Professor", Mary announced her presence.

"Evening, Miss Montgomery. Sit", the bat-like creature responded and motioned the chair set in front of the teacher's workstation. And again, Mary did as she was told.

"Now", Professor Snape paused and placed his hand on his desk, slightly leaning on it, "I must admit, your acquaintance in potion brewing is remarkable, at least compared to these dunderheads I usually deal with".

Mary gave a weak smile, hoping to lighten the usually unsettling atmosphere hanging in the room. Professor Snape glanced at Mary, clearly not impressed by her attempt, and continued speaking in his low, thunderous tone.

"However, if you wish to strive for a position of a teacher, your knowledge for the theoretical site is lacking behind", he stated and transported towards a cupboard placed at the back of the room. As he reached the cupboard, he swifty unlocked the doors and started rummaging around the wooden piece of furniture. After few minutes, he pulled out a pile of dusty books and slammed them on the table.

"You can start by reading these", he said, "all of these".

The book-pile presented on the table was enormous indeed, and for any other student hearing the words "read these", would be a nightmare. But Mary wasn't any other student.

"Alright, Professor", Mary responded.

Surprised by Mary's lack of reluctance, Snape's presence slightly sifted.

"Good", he muttered and returned to his workstation, "open the page 24 from the book 'Rarest herbs found in England by Harbour Kettler'". Mary sought the book in question, which had dark green covers and golden writing on top of it and opened the page 24. After ensuring that Mary was on the right page, Snape began lecturing about the subject written on the page.

After about thirty minutes of lecturing, Snape sat down and instructed Mary to quietly read the next chapter. Whilst Mary was reading, Snape began grading what seemed to be their homework from the last week.

"Moron", he muttered after reading someone's paper.

Mary couldn't help but giggle and say, "I hope that wasn't my essay".

Snape lifted his gaze from the paper he was holding and bore his onyx eyes into Mary's moss-green ones.

Shit, Mary thought.

Contrary to all reason, a slightest resemblance of a smirk formed on Professor Snape's lift. Mary's jaw dropped to the ground.

"No", the dark-haired professor chuckled and continued reviewing the essays.

Surprised by the sudden change in Professor's behaviour, Mary found it hard to focus on the book laying in front of her. And then, not long after the previous interruption, Professor Snape spoke again.

"Your friend, that blonde girl", he began.


"Yes. She isn't too keen on Potions, is she?", Professor Snape asked.

Mary felt her cheeks burning. "Oh. You heard us, didn't you? At the beginning of this afternoon's lesson?"

Professor Snape chuckled again.

"Yes, I did".

Embarrassed by the fact that the Potions Master had heard Clary complaining about his subject, Mary buried her face in the book and pretended to continue reading it. Professor Snape eyed Mary for a short while before turning his attention, yet again, back to the essays.

Mary had lost the track of time, when Professor Snape finally announced that it was time to finish their lesson.

"Thank you, Professor", Mary spoke and started cramming the books into her back.

"It wasn't my decision. Professor Dumbledore made me", Snape muttered and swished back to his workstation.

Back to his normal self, I see, Mary giggled and turned around to leave.

"Before you go", Snape interrupted.

"Yes?" Mary turned back to face the Potions Master. His dark gaze lingered on Mary for a short while.

"Make sure you have read all the books before our next lesson. I'll see you same time next week. That is all".

"Alright", Mary sighed and left.

After exiting the classroom, Mary practically ran through the dark and empty corridors. Quickly, she reached entrance to the Slytherin common room and entered the room.

"What the hell were you doing with that git? It's past midnight!" Clary mumbled the moment Mary arrived at their bedchamber, "I though he had killed you or something".

"No", Mary laughed, "he just gave me about ten books to finish before next week's lesson".

"Bloody hell", Clary sighed and fell back to sleep.

"Good night", Mary whispered. 

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