Doubles, Troubles and Bubbles

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Mary Montgomery sat at the table in the dimply lit Great Hall, a piece of parchment and a quill in hand. It was time to reply to her secret pen pal, number 114. They had exchanged a couple of letters during the past weeks, but Mary's companion was yet finding it difficult to share personal information. On the other hand, Professor Dumbledore had instructed them to not reveal their true identities until the very end of the schoolyear, so it was apprehensible to not share too many personal details.

Even though Mary and Clary had spent many nights speculating who their secret pen pals might be, every time they had concluded that they didn't have enough information even to begin guessing their identities.

"What are you going to say?" a blonde girl whispered over Mary's shoulder.

"Clary! Don't startle me like that!" Mary hissed. "And I don't know. I'm still trying to figure it out."

"Fine. But try to pry on more personal information. I'm dying to find out who it is!" Clary sighed and stood up to leave.

"Where are you going?" Mary asked.

"To the Slytherin common room. I've got tons of homework to do. Unlike some others, not all of us have a private Potions Mentor up in our sleeve", Clary smirked. Mary sighed and rolled her eyes.

"You know it's not like that. Professor Snape is just going to mentor me. Not help me with my homework. I think...", Mary explained. Clary raised an eyebrow in response to Mary pondering face.

"You're right. I shouldn't complain. I couldn't think of a worse way to spend my Friday evenings that to have a one-on-one study session with Professor Snape", Clary teased.

"Who knows, maybe it's just a one-time thing", Mary guessed, "maybe Professor Snape notices that I'm just as hopeless as any other student and gives up on me."

Clary shrugged and waved Mary a goodbye.

Mary turned back to her still empty letter and began writing.

Dear 114,

I cannot help but notice that you are very secretive of any personal information. I guess it makes sense, Professor Dumbledore did indeed ask us to remain anonymous, but I'd love to get to know you better.

Why don't we start by giving ourselves nicknames, so that we don't have to call each other just "114". So, from now on, you may call me Tilly. What shall I call you?

Kind regards,


Just as Mary placed the letter aside, the Great Hall doors swung open, and in walked Fred and George Weasley, mischief glinting in their eyes. Mary had run into them a couple of weeks back when they had pulled a prank on Flinch. Mary had found it hard to keep a straight face and the twins had noticed that. After that, they began hanging out every now and then.

"Mary, our dear Slytherin comrade!" George exclaimed with a cheeky grin. "What trouble shall we stir up this week?"

"It is Friday evening, you idiot, this week ends in five hours", Fred snapped at his brother.

"You sound like Percy, only the school week ends in five hours", George replied and rolled his eyes.

Mary smiled, appreciating the Weasley twins' spirited nature. "Oh, I'm sure you two have an abundance of pranks up your sleeves. What have you been planning lately?"

Fred exchanged a conspiratorial glance with his brother. "Let's just say the corridors of Hogwarts might witness a shower of enchanted bubbles in the near future," he whispered, his voice filled with mischief.

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