Self-Centered and Bipolar

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A/N: Hello! Just a quick a warning before you start reading: this chapter is slightly longer than usual. Enjoy!

After Mary had left the stunned Potions Master standing alone in his classroom, she had shoved the old and rugged book into her backpack and made her way towards the Slytherin common room. Even though the book might be interesting, Mary had no intentions of opening it. There was something about Professor Snape that Mary didn't like. No, what Mary hated. She had sometimes wondered where her relentless hatred towards that man embarked. After pondering on it for several nights, she had come to a conclusion. Growing up, Mary had never had friends. The closest relationship she had ever had, was with her mother. And when she had been fourteen, her mother had died. She had no one to rely on. Of course she had her father, but she had never been as close with him as she had been with her mother. But after she had begun her studies at Hogwarts, everything had changed. She had met Professor Snape. Even though he seemed cold and hateful, he had another side. Or so Mary had thought. She had started to trust him. She had even grown fond of him. But on that day when she had most needed someone to lean on, he had attacked her.

Of course, Mary had Clary as well. She was a great friend and all, but she was also five years younger than Mary. Usually, it didn't bother Mary. But when it came to deeper, more grievous matters, she yearned for the company of someone, well, mature. And Professor Snape was most definitely more mature than Clary. And then of course there was Prince. Mary had felt like they had been getting closer before Christmas, but for some reason, he hadn't replied to Mary's latest letter. Of course, he might be just busy, but usually he was rather quick with his responses.

"Maybe he didn't get the letter", Mary wondered silently. If the letter Mary wrote for Prince didn't reach its destination, there was a possibility that Prince is asking the same questions as well.

I will write for Prince as soon as I get back to the Slytherin common room, Mary decided and quickened her steps.

Within a couple of minutes Mary reached the entrance of the Slytherin common room. Hesitantly, she entered the room, looked for an empty space and found one right in front of the fireplace. Mary almost knocked over a second-year student as she jumped on the armchair.

"Sorry!" she apologized.

"It's okay", the frightened second-year student squeaked before she quickly ran back to her friends.

Mary emptied her backpack on the table and selected her writing supplies from the pile of books. She rolled open an empty piece of parchment and started writing.

Dear Prince,

I don't know if the letter I wrote for you before Christmas has arrived. I haven't got any response from you after Christmas, so I'm wondering if I have said something to upset you. If I have, I sincerely apologize.

Another thing I've been meaning to do ever since Christmas morning was to thank you for your present. It was truly beautiful.

Anyway, I hope you're alright and that you'll write me soon. I really miss speaking with you.

Kind regards,


After finishing the letter Mary asked for that second-year student and her friends if they could watch out for her belongings while she was taking the letter to the owlery. The second-year girls agreed and gathered in front of the fireplace. Mary thanked them before she started making her way towards the owlery.

Like wind, Mary rushed through the darkening corridors of Hogwarts. She climbed the stairs leading to the owlery and picked the first owl her eyes landed on. She had troubles tying the letter on the owl's leg, because her hands were so sweaty and shaking. Finally, she managed to tie the letter and sent the owl on its way.

Sincerely yours I Severus Snape - A Harry Potter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now