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On the morning of Saturday the 9th of February, two weeks after Clary's confession, Mary Montgomery was woken up by an oppressive sensation lingering over her body. She pulled the dark green covers over her face as she tried to shake off the tiresome anxiety. Although the covers might be enough to hide Mary from Clary and her conflicted glances, it certainly wasn't enough to hide Mary from her emotions.

By the time Mary finally decided to get up and face the obstacles of the day, Clary had already left the Girls' Dormitory. That was a relief to Mary.

After Mary had put on her clothes, a dark blue sweater, black skirt, and dark tights, she made her way out of the Slytherin common room and headed towards the Great Hall for breakfast. It was only then when Mary realized that she would, once again, have to sit alone.

As Mary was hesitating in front of the gigantic wooden doors, a certain red-headed twins opened the wooden doors, almost bumping into Mary.

"Mary, our mischievous comrade, what are you doing?" said Fred Weasley after he had recovered from the first-hand shock of almost crashing into Mary. Mary, who was just as surprised as the twins, only stared at Fred and blinked her deep forest green eyes.

"I was just leaving", she finally managed to mumble, deciding that she wasn't going to eat this morning. Fred and George exchanged concerned looks.

"Poppycock", snorted George, who was now eyeing Mary, and slammed his hand on Mary's shoulder, "My, my Mary, what's going on?"

Mary bit her cheek, unsure if her troubles were too complicated for the young Gryffindor boys to understand, after all, they were only 12 years old.

"Look, it's nothing. I'm okay, I promise. You don't have to worry about me", Mary explained, squeezing George's hand reassuringly. The twins squinted their eyes as they pondered on Mary's words but seemingly decided to believe Mary after a while, as their mouths twisted back to their normal, frisky smiles.

"So, it is a Saturday. Want to tag along? Unless, of course, you prefer to spend it alone in some cold, dark corner in the dungeons", joked Fred Weasley. Mary couldn't help but giggle, mostly because that was very much a way in which Mary's would like to spend the day. Just when Mary was about to answer, someone called Fred and George. A young, also red haired, woman approached them from the stairs.

Is this their sister, Ginny? I though she was much younger... Mary thought.

"Emily!" Fred and George exclaimed in unison. When the young witch, Emily, reached them, she stopped and turned her gaze to Mary, examining her with a curious look in her blue-green eyes. Mary lent out her hand, and Emily mimicked her motion, grabbing Mary's hand and shaking it.

"Hi, I'm Emily Sheridan", she said, revealing her sparkling white teeth as she smiled.

"Mary Montgomery", Mary replied, abashed by the captivating energy radiating from Emily's body. There was something about her, Mary couldn't tell what, that made Mary feel at peace. Maybe it was the soothing sound of her voice? Maybe it was her tranquil presence? Or maybe it was her gentle smile, adorning her face like flowers in the meadow.

"Mary?" said Fred, who had presumably attempted to get her attention for a good while. Mary blinked her eyes, freeing herself from Emily's spell, and laughed nervously.


"It's alright". It was now Emily speaking, who was still holding onto Mary's hand, "I said it's nice to meet you"

"Oh, sorry", Mary mumbled, "nice to meet you too, Emily"

Reluctantly, Mary finally let go of Emily's warm hand.

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