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It has been three days since Mary sent the first letter to the other 114. She was getting slightly worried. She hasn't got any response from her pen pal, even though Clary's and many other Slytherins' letters had arrived on Tuesday morning.

"If I haven't got any letter, has my pen pal got the one I sent?" Mary speculated, her hand combing through a pile of mould. Clary rolled her eyes and sighed. "It has only been three days, I'm sure there are many other students who are still waiting their first letter", she said.

"I guess so", Mary replied and pursed her lips. She had now started spreading the mould all over the table.

"I mean it Mary, stop worrying. I'm sure you'll get your letter soon and if not, just ask Professor Dumbledore about it", Clary assured. "And stop playing with our mould!"

"I know it is getting late, but I must ask you to focus just a little longer". Professor Sprout's irritated voice interfered Mary and Clary's argument.

"Sorry Professor Sprout", they said in unison.


Mary and Clary were sitting by the Slytherin table, having dinner, and talking about their plans for the weekend. "I can't believe it has only been a week tomorrow; we've got tons of homework to do!" Clary complained and twiddled a piece of meat with a fork. "Tell me about it!" Mary joined in. "Professor McGonagall said the essay on vanishing spells is due on Tuesday!" she wailed. Clary sighed and took a bite of the steak she was playing with. "And Snape wasn't exactly pleased with my work during the last Potions lesson", she said, mouth filled with the delicious meat and sauce. "Yeah", Mary laughed. She felt slightly uncomfortable because she had always been rather good in Potions. Her mother had taught her all about herbs and how to use them, so Mary hadn't had any trouble with the task Snape had given them at their previous lesson.

"Tomorrow seems mostly a reasonable day", Clary was holding her timetable in her hands and eyeing it with an approving expression on her face. "Except for the Potion's double lesson in the afternoon", she added. "What a perfect way to start a weekend", Mary moaned and rolled her eyes. Even though Snape hadn't commented on Mary's potion during their last lesson, she didn't exactly enjoy his company. Snape was always lingering behind their table and making comment about how "Clary was clearly unable to read" or "He had started suspecting if Clary was actually a squib".

Mary and Clary finished their dinner and made their way to the Slytherin's common room. On their way, they bumped into a fourth year Ravenclaw girl. "Sorry", Mary and Clary apologized. The girl rubbed her head and mumbled "It's alright".

"Hey aren't you in Ravenclaw?" Clary asked.

"Yes, I am", she said. "My name is Ruby. Ruby Brown."

"Oh right, then you must be Lucille Brown's little sister!" Mary blurted.

Ruby's face went red, and she turned to look at her toes. "Yeah", she breathed.

Mary and Clary exchanged confused looks.

"Are you alright?" Mary asked.

"Yeah, yeah, just... Nothing. I must go. I'm late", Ruby mumbled and started walking away.

"Bye!", Mary and Clary shouted after her.

"Weird", Clary voiced.

They continued walking towards the Slytherin common room, discussing what might have been the reason of Ruby's peculiar behaviour.


When Mary and Clary woke up and got dressed next morning, they rushed to the Great Hall to have breakfast before the first lesson of the day. Mary had Study of Ancient Runes, which she had taken an interest in. Excitedly, she sat down next to Clary. They had already chosen a particular part of the table in which they would sit every time they were eating or studying. It was about five seats away from that end of the table that was facing the High Table.

"Transfiguration, Charms, Lunch, Potions for two eternities..." Clary mumbled as she was studying her timetable. Mary snorted. "... Dinner and Freedom!" Clary rejoiced. "Do you think we'll have a Hogsmeade weekend soon?" she pondered. Mary shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. I've never been there".

"Really?" Clary wondered, a genuinely surprised expression on her face. "Didn't you start your fourth year before... Well, you know", Clary squirmed uneasily in her seat.

"It's alright. It's been years since my mother passed away. You can talk about it", Mary assured. "And yeah, I did, but I wasn't at Hogwarts. I went to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic", she explained.

"Oh... I didn't know you're French!" Clary exclaimed.

"Well, only half, my mother is French, but my father is Scottish", Mary laughed.

"I see...", Clary nodded. Suddenly she furrowed her brows. "Have I shifted from another universe, because I distinctly remember you saying that your mother was a Ravenclaw", she wondered with a puzzled look on her face.

"I'm pretty sure you are still in the same universe", Mary giggled. "My mum was seven when my grandparents moved temporarily to England. My grandfather, Nathan, was offered a position at Gringotts Wizarding Bank".

Clary was about answer when an envelope dropped on her head.

"Seriously?" she glanced at an owl that had delivered the letter. "It's for you", Clary said and grinned after reading the small print on top of the letter. Confused, Mary took the letter and looked at the envelope. Elegant and small figures formed three numbers on top of the envelope.

"I finally got my letter!" Mary gasped. "Should I open it?" she looked at Clary.

"Unless you haven't got x-ray vision, I highly recommend it", Clary snotyed. Mary smirked and opened the letter.

Dear 114,

I apologize for my late response. I must admit that I found writing this letter surprisingly troublesome. I suppose I am not used to having someone to write for.

I have already received and read the letter you have sent me, so I shall respond the questions you presented in the letter previously mentioned.

1. My day was satisfactory. I was, yet again, surrounded by a heard of imbecilic, but I am accustomed to it.

2. My favourite subjects are Defence Against the Dark Arts and Potions.3. I don't have any particular teacher whose company I find myself enjoying, but I prefer not to be around Professor Trelawney.

That is all for today.

Sincerely yours,


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