Are you stalking me?

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What just happened?

What the hell just happened?

Mary's mind was going wild as she stood in Severus' Storeroom. She placed her hand over her lips – lips, on which Severus had placed his lips only minutes ago. She couldn't believe it had happened. Severus had kissed her.

But why did he run away, Mary thought.

Mary tried to catch her breath for a couple more minutes, before she too ran out of the storeroom, out of that part of dungeons and to the Slytherin common room, to Girls' Dormitory.

"Oh, you're back already?" Clary, who was sitting on her bed with Alison, asked, a surprised expression on her face. Mary stopped in front of the door, not sure what she had just walked into.

"Yeah, I am", Mary answered, a questioning tone within her voice. The way Alison was blushing made Mary wonder what had happened. Why was she on Clary's bed?

"Okay, well, that's... That's great. How was the lesson?" Clary asked, finding it difficult to form her thoughts into words. Mary sighed and sat on her own bed. She wasn't going to tell anything about what had happened in the Storeroom, especially when Alison was with them. But even if it had been just Mary and Clary, she wouldn't have told her anything about her special moment with Severus. It was one thing Mary having a crush on a professor, but for that professor to be kissing Mary in a dimly lit Storeroom? That was a disaster.

"The lesson was alright. We had some Butterbeers and made this one quite complicated potion", Mary said, hoping for that conversation to end quickly.

Apparently, Clary and Alison also wanted the conversation to end as quickly as possible. Alison stood up, yawned, and stretched her arms, making her way towards her own bed.

"Merlin, am I tired!", she sighed and crawled under the bedcovers. Mary has never seen a yawn so obviously fake.

"Goodnight, everyone", Alison said and pulled the blanket over her head.

"Goodnight", Mary, and Clary replied, awkwardly avoiding each other's eyes.


Mary barely closed her eyes the night after her heated exchange with Severus. She tossed and turned all night, wondering why Severus had run away. Did he regret kissing Mary? Or was there another reason for his sudden escape?

Whilst rolling in her bed all night like a street roller, Mary formed a decision. As there wouldn't be any classes on the next day, it being both a Saturday and a Holiday, Mary decided to find Severus and ask for an explanation. It shouldn't be too hard; she'll just wait for him after the breakfast.


Quickly, Mary found out that it wasn't as easy as it had seemed, for Severus didn't come to breakfast. And he didn't come to lunch either.

"Where is he hiding?" Mary cursed underneath her breath as she was walking around in the dungeons, trying to find Severus' office. Mary had checked his classroom, but he wasn't there, so Mary had concluded that he was either in his office or in his personal chambers. Mary really hoped he wasn't in the latter one, as she had no idea where his personal chamber was. To be honest, Mary didn't know where his office was either, but she could ask that from one of the other teachers. But asking where Severus' personal chamber was from someone like Professor McGonagall? No way.

Mary turned from another corner, another long, dimly light corridor opening in front of her eyes. She eyed the corridor, trying to spot a door she hadn't entered before.

"Those are broom closets..." Mary muttered as she walked past two wooden doors. She continued her journey right to the end of the corridor, where resided one more door. She looked at the door and squinted her eyes, trying to remember what was hidden behind that door. Suddenly, she spotted a small board next to the door.

Professor Severus Snape
Potions Master

"Finally!" Mary exclaimed, letting out a deep sigh as she at last managed to find Severus' office. For a couple of minutes, she gathered her courage. Then, she squeezed her hand into a fist and knocked on the door.


She knocked again.


Mary wasn't sure if the office was empty or was Severus just avoiding her. Concluding from his behaviour last night, it was highly possible that the man was indeed inside the office but didn't want to open the door for Mary.

"Miss Montgomery, what are you doing?" A familiar voice of an elderly lady echoed in the cold corridor. Mary turned her eyes to right, towards the source of the voice, and saw the one and only Professor McGonagall standing in front of one of the broom closets.

"Oh, good evening, Professor McGonagall. I was just wondering where Sev- I mean Professor Snape was", Mary laughed nervously. She had nearly called Severus 'a Severus' in front of Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall narrowed her eyes, clearly examining Mary's response. She was a smart woman, and she had definitely noticed Mary's confusion.

"Professor Snape?" she asked. Mary felt her ears burning as she nodded, her voice shaking as she said "Yes, Professor."

"I believe he is spending his last holidays in his personal chambers", Professor McGonagall said, still looking at Mary with a pondering expression on her face. "Why? Do you need me to deliver a message to him?"

Mary blushed even harder, panic rushing through her body.

"No, no! I'll just talk to him on Monday. It's about this one essay, but there's no rush", Mary explained quickly, walking, nearly running, past Professor McGonagall. "Have a good evening, Professor."

"You too, Miss Montgomery", a confused Professor McGonagall said to Mary's back.

Mary decided to skip dinner, as she was still too embarrassed to look at Professor McGonagall in the eyes. She wandered back to that part of dungeons where the Slytherin common room was but walked past the entrance to the common room. She walked straight to the hidden staircase at the back of the corridor, down the stairs and to the end of that corridor. She pulled a book from her backpack and settled down as comfortably as she could and started reading.


"Merlin's Beard!" Mary, who had fallen asleep with the book in her hands, screamed as the door next to her reading spot was opened. No one had ever come out or gone in that door. She had just assumed that it was a forgotten broom closet. There were only two doors at that corridor. One right at the back of the right side of the corridor, a toilet, and the one at the back of the left side of the corridor. The one that had just been opened.

The man who had just come out of the room next to Mary's reading spot was clearly as surprised as Mary was. He was staring at Mary with his black eyes, trying to understand why Mary was at the corridor.

"Mary?" Severus said, a questioning tone within his deep, velvety voice. Mary stared at him, holding tightly onto the book she was reading as if it was a shield that could protect her from Severus.

"Hi", Mary breathed, unable to come up with a better response. Severus studied Mary with his dark eyes, then looked at Mary's set up at the bench residing at the end of the corridor.

"Are you stalking me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Stalking you!?

"Am I what?" Mary gasped, looking at Severus with a disbelieved expression on her face. "No, Mr Potions Master, I am not stalking you. I was just reading."

Severus raised his brow again.

"Reading? Here?" he said, his voice sounding like he couldn't understand why anyone would like to read in that place.

Mary looked straight into Severus' eyes and nodded. Severus blinked his eyes and shook his head.

"Alright then. Continue", he said and started making his way towards the stairs.

"Wait!" Mary yelled.

Severus stopped and turned around. Their eyes locked.


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