chapter 5 - knock on the door

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Jason started to walk in front of me as he was shouting nonsense. "We are here waiting and you two chat in the car." was his excuse. I knew better. I bet he knew he was not being reasonable as well.

Yet, I laughed because these times remind me that he is the closest thing to me to having a father. In between his yellings, I heard someone saying "What happened?" It was Sam's.

I looked at Jason, he did not look at me or him, he just kept on walking and said. "Nothing." Now he is even madder. He started to follow me to my room.

"Where is Vince?" I asked while I was putting my stuff in my room he was watching me as he leaned the door frame "He is out of town, he will come tomorrow at noon. He said he would call you."

However, his gaze never met mine at all which was pissing me off "What's wrong with you?" I said in a very defensive way.

"Nothing" he replied, still in a grumpy mood.

"Don't be like this Jason. You were cool with it. Me and Sam. You were the one who was cool enough with this to tell Vince yourself. So now you are mad because Vince is mad?"

He looked at me with a surprised face. He might be thinking that I didn't realize it. I thought for a moment he was feeling guilty. "Whatever Vince feels, I feel," he said and left.

Even if Vince would do everything wrong from this day to eternity, he did one thing so right that it would not change. It is the loyalty he earned from every single soul in this house. Including mine. So what Jason meant was that he was loyal to him.

I was over that night. Still feel guilty that Sam might have lost his job, I might have lost Sam, and Vince might have lost his mind.

Somehow I'm okay with it. Probably because Vince has just returned and I still did not get enough of him. My being mad at him phase hasn't returned yet.

But Jason's face the minute he heard Sam reminded me of that day. The memory of that night makes me mad again. Sam was the closest person ever to me. He got punched because of this. My heart was beating fast. The images were coming back. I was about to go to sleep when someone knocked on the door. "Come in"

I was hoping that it was Jason after him being a jerk, assuming that it might be Maya because she did not check me even if I did not go downstairs for dinner. I also thought that it might be Jamie because he never sleeps. But that was the last person that I expected.

With his curly hair and green eyes, Sam. "Can I come in?" he said. He knew that I did not say to come in thinking he would be the one to come.

My first thought was Vince. But he was not home. Maybe that's why he's brave enough to come to my room."Yeah sure," I said.

As he entered the room, he looked at the chair at the table. He looked at the sofa close to my window but far from my bed. He stared at the bed and then stood still.

He was now confused about where to put his hands. Even though it was fun for me to watch him, I said "Sit down on the bed already!"

Maybe not the smartest choice though. Because when he did sit, I wanted to hug him and even cry a little bit. Now we were just looking at each other. Then he broke the silence.

"I wanted to see if you were okay. " he laughed trying to hide his tension. "But I never saw Jason yelling at you like that. So I thought maybe something more happened."

I smiled with a sound but it was clearly not laughing. I really don't know what it was. "No just typical Jason being a dad."

He smiled "Typical. He is the father of the house. Bossier than the boss."

Then the 'I'm okay with it' faded, and a wave of mixed emotions hit me when he said 'boss'. That guilt, pain, fear, and excitement came back, along with memories. My head was spinning.

"Look. I'm sorry. I just don't know what to say" and I began to cry. He came closer to me He was wearing the perfume that I bought for him which brought me more tears.

"Are you crazy? Why are you crying? You didn't do anything wrong. You even made him have my job back. I don't know how could you do it but you did. You are a superhero maybe? Mind hunting things? Changing reality?"

He was trying to make me laugh. I miss him for that. He always used to make me laugh.

"Because what he did was stupid. It was all 5 years ago. He punched you for it. I feel guilty." I replied.

I flinched when he tried to wipe my tears away because I hate it when someone does that. He probably assumed I was mad at him even more.

"Why would you feel guilty?"

I was not ready to answer this question because I did not know why I was feeling guilty. I somehow felt it was my fault. However, when I look back, I did not do anything. Neither did he.

I was surprised when I said, "Because forgiving him was not fair to you." I did not know that that was the reason.

He took my head to his chest and said "Oh you silly. It is okay. He means a lot to you. Everybody knows it. I am not mad about it. You know him better than anyone of us." he said as he moved me away from his chest to look me directly in the eyes. "You should know that he was not mad at something that happened 5 years ago."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He stood there with no answer. His green eyes were still on me, and he didn't answer. "What?"

He stood up. "It is nothing. You know him. He was mad at something else and took it on me." He answered without looking at me.

Then he leaned over and kissed my forehead, saying, "Good night, you should rest."

I knew that that would be our last talk for a while. "I miss you," I said while he was walking to the door. He looked back and smiled.

"What are you doing here?" he almost yelled at someone I did not see.

"I just saw the lights on and wanted to see if she was okay" Dylan answered.

"She is fine" Sam replied. He sounded angry.

"Come in Dylan," I yelled.

When I heard Dylan's voice. I felt really happy. I needed company. Because that jerk was about to leave on top of everything like 'he was not mad about that' crap. Something to think about and can't sleep.

"Thank you, Sam," I said. He looked at Dylan without moving away from the door. as he walks into the room. Dylan had a hard time coming in since Sam did not move at all.

Dylan's face said it all. "That's okay. He just wanted to check on me." I explained. He did not say anything back for a while. It's kind of crazy how fast he caught up and how mad he is at Sam now too. He is supposed to be different from everyone else.

"That's why I'm here too, Jason said someone should check on you," he said.

I guess fear in my eyes explained it all.

"I came and see that you are okay, you were just not hungry so you did not come for dinner," he said lifting both of his hands.

"Thank you," I said.

He is my friend.

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