chapter 11 - they talked?

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When we came inside, Maya was cleaning the table. It looked fancy. "Wow," I said looking at the table. "I know," Vince answered with his cocky smile.

He was very proud of this. I had too many questions to ask. However, I knew that someone else in this room would ask them on my behalf. So I played it cool.

"Anything we need to know?" Jason started with his questions.

"What do you mean?" Vince asked.

"Are you kidding? The first woman you brought home, you asked everyone to leave. She is a 7! So something is going on. You better tell us." he said like he read my mind.

"There is time for this. She is not 7 nor was she here," he said as he was bothered by this question and walked to the stairs and took his blazer off. I followed him.

"What do you mean she was not here?" I asked as we walked up the stairs.

"Dia, it was just a business dinner. I don't know how would you assume it was about Laura. I did not say anything like that." He sounded angry. He went into his room and left the door open for me to go after him.

"I'm sorry. I know you haven't. I just-" I stopped for a minute when he took his shirt off.

"You just what?"

"Jason said you had company, and you wanted everybody out. You never go to these things alone."

"Yes. I wanted everybody out except Sam. So that I can talk to him after this dinner as I promised to you."

He was standing very close to me and looking at me with his sharp blue eyes with his 'did I ever disappoint you' He never did. Never. Not once. But it was about me. He does/did things that should be disappointing at least a tiny bit. I never cared. I knew his heart. Always.

I gulped. "So you 2 talked?" Inside I was screaming. They talked. They talked!

He turned around, hung his shirt in the closet, and said "Yes we did. We are better now. And I can hear your inner screams." he laughed. "You have to stop worrying. We have punched each other way too many times to worry. You know this. You were there."

Yes, they have. Sam grew up with us as well. They had fought before that too. I did not know what made me this tense this time. Probably everybody left at the same time. I was lonely in this crowd.

The 3 best things in my life were gone at the same time. Vince, Sam, and Adelina.

He was weirdly calm and okay with this. Like he was not the one who was about to cry and shout at me about this very same topic at our dinner.

"Why are you mad now?" he asked, confused. I did not know that I was mad until he asked me. I was lost in my thoughts.

"Stop reading me!" I said. It seemed like I was mad. Who knew?

"So I should just stop knowing you this well?"

There it was. His cocky smile. He was so proud of himself. Because he has control of the situation. Control of me.

"Well, don't trust yourself this much about me. I am not that predictable."

That smile was lost. He realized I was serious now. "I'm glad that you two worked this out," I said and left.

I closed the door and let out a huge sigh. I was relieved and had no time to figure out everything Vince said. I started to run downstairs. I was running to Sam. I needed to celebrate this. I was hoping he needed that too. I was running everywhere now, there was no sign of him. I gave up and sat down on the couch, going through the channels.

"You.." that was his voice, I immediately turned around and saw his huge smile with his joyful eyes. As an answer, I gave him a huge smile. ".. you mind controller!"

That was not what I expected. "What?" I said with confusion.

"You did this. Didn't you? There is nothing in this world that might change his mind. So it has to be you who changed him about this." He sounded proud so I did not have to hide.

"Maybe..." I said playfully.

"Come here," he said opening his arms widely and I ran into them.

"So tell me everything," I said as we sat down on the couch.

"Well, I came home and realized no one was around. Vince said that he let everybody out and I would be the only person in this meeting with this other company. I was surprised of course. The meeting went well. After they were gone he called me to his office. And we talked." he said.

Then he took the remote control as if he was finished.

"Do you seriously think that I just wanted to know the location of this conversation held? Or how did you go there? I want to know the details!"

He sighed "C'mon Diana. We are guys. We don't have details. It is just what it is. I said a few things, he said a few things, and we realized that it was all a misunderstanding." He took my hand and started playing with it.

At first, I believed Adelina and was angry with Vince at that dinner and thought he does not want to tell because it was about me. But he said 'misunderstanding'

Plus, I know Vince's details are always important to him. He is always careful about his words. I bet he planned it all along and gave him a very well-prepared speech but Sam being in that 'guy' framework he insist on being in, did not even pay attention.

"Anyway if all worked out well, so everything is back to normal?" I asked. All I need is a yes from his joyful eyes.

"Yes! Don't worry. It was all so stupid. If he never left those 3 months we could have solved this sooner. But timing is a bitch." he said and pet me like an animal as he was walking away.

"Good night babes," he shouted. He was back. The first time his voice was that loud in the house for 3 months. He got his confidence back.

"Still do not like the word babes," Vince replied. I got up so instantly that even I was shocked. My body started moving before I realized I heard him. Sam gave me that what the fuck look over his shoulder. That will be the first time I will see them near each other. They were walking toward each other and they made a fist bomb that made me laugh.

As Vince was walking towards me, Sam was waving to me behind his back. He mouthed me "Happy?" and gave me his adorable naughty boy laugh.

"So I assume you are no longer mad," he said pouring a diet coke for me, implying me being ridiculously mad seconds ago with literally no reason.

"Yeah," I said. "Sorry about that. I just.. don't know actually why I was that way."

"That's okay, that was nothing. We've moved on from it now."

He probably knew that I didn't want to talk about this. He really did not need me to explain. Even when I can't even understand myself, he always gets me.

"So tell me about your night," he asked. Never miss asking me that.

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