chapter 7 - brother-ish mood

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* long chapter. 

I have been thinking for half an hour. Talking to Vince was the smartest thing I could have done, but each time I thought I had come up with something clever, I remember he is smarter than me. Always one step ahead of me.

So, simple is better. I chose the easy way. I will just take him out for dinner and talk like an adult.

Because it is what he was. An adult. We were different in terms of this. I might be 24 but I was still a child. He was grown up since he is 16 when he lost his dad. Since he was forced into this life.

He was always serious. Yes, he is fun, funny, charming, and easy to talk to but these qualities seem to be shown only to me. However, he was intimidating even to me. Despite the fact that I grew up with him, I cannot blame Adelina for thinking that he does not like her.

He is direct. What he thinks, he says. He does what he thinks is right. There is no gray area. Only black and white, right and wrong. I always hoped that will change in time and it is just his mask. Logic is his fuel. He is always in control of himself. Especially to those other than me. So when he punched Sam, he believed it was the right thing to do.

I heard a car noise. I looked out the window and it was him. I was sure that he would make it to my room first. "She is in her room." I heard Jason say as he was coming upstairs.

"Here is my escapism," he said coming into my room which means he had a hard day. Minutes ago, I was in my room thinking about how serious he is, and now he is being the easiest one in this house. He is full of surprises.

"I'm going to go and change now. I was planning to take you out for dinner, but is it okay?" he was clearly meaning something that I couldn't catch.

"What?" I questioned.

"Do I have to ask about Jason?"

My heart wanted to leave my body in that instant. I was screwed. What would I say to him? What did he say to him? Was this the time I talk about Sam?

"Stop overthinking. He did not say anything to me. However, I knew you did not go down for dinner, his tone on the phone was weird."

He took a step towards me when I did not respond "You and he have a dad and a daughter relationship, I'm trying to let it slide however when you don't answer me, Dia, my mind is going to the things that make me uneasy. I just called you escapism, you know I need to be relaxed. Just tell me is there anyone I need to kill?"

"I'd love to go outside," I responded. Gave him the escapism he needed which also meant I answered no. Hope Jason won't tell him.

"Good. See you at 7." he said.

By that he means, he will be in his car waiting for me at 7. It is 2 pm which means I have time to call Adelina. We keep texting, but I did not tell her about Sam checking me the other night, and my plan about him and Vince.

When I heard the knock on the door, Adelina was trying to convince me that I shouldn't be involved because it was about me. I said I need to go and hang up. "Come in."

"So I wanted to ask the rules about when you and Vince eat out for dinner?" Dylan asked without making eye contact. His body was still on the other side of the door.

"What do you mean? Come in please." I said.

When he did I smiled. He always wears his daily clothes to work. He was wearing a shirt with tight black jeans and great boots.

"You don't have to dress nicely for me and Vince if this was the rule you were talking about?" I said smiling. He was clearly shy, so I added, "You look great."

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