chapter 10 - how dare he?

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He had every right to ask but somehow I didn't want to tell. With a selfish feeling, I wanted him to stay out of this. It was one of the most uncomfortable rides of us. Because he was being stupid. Maybe it was not right for him, maybe for him, it was the most ridiculous thing.

Just because it was not right for him does not mean that it was wrong. Maybe this was the right thing for me. And he does not know it all. How dare he? Somehow every silent moment with him felt like he was judging me. How dare he?

"Just so you know," I said. I must be loud he got scared. "Vince had a girlfriend. She got shot when she was at the mall. The pretty much the same mall that we went to with Adelina when you first met."

He stopped looking at the road. "Eyes on the road," I said. "So that is why he is a bit .." I tried to find the right word to define him but there were no words "bit .. like you know himself."

He shook his head with understanding which made me beyond happy. There was a side of me needs his approval, and the other side laughs at this side of me but the still needy side wins.

"I'm sorry if I sound judgmental," he said like really fast. It seemed like he was holding it too long and said it once as if sneezing.

"I'm sorry I got this mad. It is just not my thing. I can't stand when someone disapproves of me." I said smiling.

He laughed. "It is not that. I mean I did not disapprove of you! Who am I to do that? I just wanted to learn everything."

"I want to learn everything too. Tell me this needing money thing."

He instantly got nervous. I could tell that about him. "What makes you so nervous about this topic?" I asked. He looked at me questioning how I could tell. "You are not hard to read," I said jokingly.

He did not reply. "Do we still have time?" He asked. "Yeah. Why?"

Then without answering, he turned the wheel hard to the other side of the road. "Where are we - what?" I was surprised when I saw we stopped in front of a nightclub.

"According to the app, my sister is here. I need to find her. Wanna help?" he asked. I was a little surprised but still better than going home. "Sure. But we will talk about this." I said pointing to his phone.

We went inside. Everybody was wasted which made me look at the clock it was really late. "She has an ex, Mark. Still, hang up on her. I think she is with him now. So I actually might kick some ass." he said.

When I turned him I was smiling, then I saw he was deadly serious. His eyes were focused on people, he was trying to find her. "There she is." He pointed to the table full of girls. He took a step toward them, almost running. I grabbed his arm.

How dare he? I was mad at him. He was accusing Vince of a lot of things that he is doing right now. But I let that thought slip away.

"Are you kidding me? Look at them. That is clearly a girl's night out, no boys, they seem sober just dancing and having fun. Let her be." I said.

He kept on looking at me, he was trying to decide when she yelled "Dylan?! Seriously?"

Now she took that big step towards us. They were almost twins. She had his almost curly hair and hazel eyes.

"Are you kidding me? Now you follow me?" I looked at Dylan, that furious man about 2 min ago was completely scared and did not know what to say. I smiled.

"Oh no! Hi. I'm Diana. I wanted to come here and then we saw you. I'm so sorry if we bothered you. We will go away now."

She was looking at him. She clearly did not buy it but she let us have that. "Diana?! Hey, I've heard so much about you. Nice to meet you. I thought you would be much older." she said and hugged me tightly.

"I will take that as a compliment," I said and hugged her back. "We will be over there." I pointed somewhere far from the table.

"So... You think Vince has control issues?" He did not answer. "At least he is not tracking me secretly from the app and then lying about it." I punched his shoulder and laughed. He gave me a forced smile. "So I saved your ass, you owe me a drink."

We drank a bit, talked a lot, and check on his sister once in a while. As we were drinking I had no intention to let it go, him being the control freak that he accused Vince of being was making my night great! I was making fun of him all time.

He was smiling then he got serious. "Don't push me. When I got he is just protecting you I said I'm sorry. Men can do anything for their sisters. I start to understand him a bit." he said.

Then I remembered Vince so suddenly. I looked at the clock from Dylan's phone because I was afraid to check mine. I saw he got 5 calls from Vince. That made me even more scared. Then I looked at my phone.

5 missed calls, and 5 texts. The top text was,


Where the hell are you?

I am dead. I called him back. He didn't say a thing.

As we were driving home, I was so scared that it was making Dylan laugh. "Can you just relax? I talked to him already his voice was okay," he said.

"You don't get it. He is not mad at you. If something was wrong he would be mad at you. But when everything is okay, he thinks it's my responsibility to let him know that. Now, it is my fault."

I saw Vince and Jason running to the car when we parked. Dylan and I were standing together as he was walking toward us. He must have seen Vince's eyes as well so he got me and said "You were right I guess." then he without realizing it took one step before me like he was protecting me from him.

I smiled. "That's okay." and got one step further from him.

"That's okay Vince. I'm fine as you can see." said. Dylan said 'I'm sorry

we could not check our phone because of me -" Vince cut him

"That is not your fault Dylan. She knows it. Thank you for being with her today." he said without taking his furious eyes from me.

"You can't do this to me, Diana. You know that," he said. This time he looked a bit sad.

"And you know I did not do anything, and you can't stay mad for too long."

I kept on smiling till he broke his serious face. Then he eventually gave up and pulled me to his chest. My happy place.

"You are a pain in the ass," he said while smiling.

"You have a nice ass," I answered


When I was at his chest, I looked at Dylan. He was looking at Jason, his mouth was open, and his hands were in the air like he was trying to make sense of how come his anger did not last.

Jason looked at Dylan and smiled. Then mouthed me "He will get used to it."

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