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"Ugh...", Henry wakes up. "What the hell happened here?!", he yells and the other start waking up too. They see the empty storage slot, the destroyed chair and a table with a lot of blood on it. "Is that... A HAND?!", Hannah screams and her skin starts turning white, Demi is just in time to catch her and keep her from fainting. "WHERE IS SKYE?!", Henry screeches and he looks around him. He sees Skye in a corner. "SKYE!" He runs towards her and slaps her cheek several times: "Please don't be dead... don't be dead... DON'T BE DEAD!" He slaps her hard and she wakes up. "THANK GOD!", Henry screams and he kisses her. Demi, Hannah and Joseph are relieved, but Joseph desides to look away from this. "Awkward...", he says, but then he claps his hands really hard.
They stop kissing and Skye blushes.
" where is Marijn...", Joseph says and he sits down again.

Marijn wakes up in an empty slot, completely alone. "Fuck...", he says and tries to get up. But his leg hurts like hell and his right hand is chained to a pipe. He tries to pull st the chains. "Oh... right...", he remembers that his left hand is no longer there and he stares at the handless end of his left arm that's covered in bandages, red from his blood. His injuries hurt like hell and he feels terrible. He starts to remember what happened and looks at his leg. The splint is gone, but his knee is also covered in bandages, just like his right shoulder.

Days go by and Marijn is recovering. He can walk, but his shoulder still hurts a lot, he pays attention to the times someone gets in and brings him food and water. He disides this is the time. He should make a move now. He puts his foot against the wall and pulls at the chain as hard as he can, ignoring the intense pain in his shoulder. The pipe breaks ans water starts getting into the room. "HE RELEASED HIMSELF!", Marijn hears a voice screaming and he stand behind the door with a piece of the broken pipe. A man in black armor runs in, Marijn hits him on the back of his head with the pipe and drops it. He searches the man for weapons and finds a pistol, checks thr arsenal and runs out. The hall floors are covered in a centimeter of water and he gets to a room with three guards. He shoots one and takes cover behind the wall. "This is for Melissa...", he says and he runs through the room, hitting the 2 remaining guards. He gets one of their rifles and runs into another hall with storage rooms. He bumps the door.
He hears the voice of Joseph and gets a smile on his face. He shoots the lock and opens the door. "No time, we gotta go now", he says. "Follow me!"

They all get guns off the guard corpses Marijn shot. "Lets split up", Henry says as he points at the remaining doors in the room. "Hannah you're coming with me, Joseph you go with Skye, Demi you're going with Henry", Marijn says fast. "Lets go!"
"Marijn look!", Hannah says and she points at a guard. Marijn lays the barrel of the gun on his stub and shoots him. "WAS THAT HAND YOURS?!", Hannah screams and she points at the stub. "Yes... Unfortunateley... But be quiet!", Marijn says and Hannah say something, but eventually closes her mouth. They reach a parking lot, but it's an ambush. "Well, Marijn, you keep surprising me", Drake shows up behind one of the cars and walks towards Marijn.
"But you're getting annoying"
He tries to hit Marijn's head but he dodges and hits his stomach with the stub. Drake spits out blood. "Drop your gun", he says, because Marijn already points his gun at him again. "You're surrounded", he continues. "No chance of getting out!"
Drake is right, Marijn looks around him and sees they captured Henry and Demi, so he drops his gun and gets on his knees, putting his hands behind his head, they get Hannah.
They hear the voice of Joseph and see him running out of a door. He throws the bottle at some cars and they explode. Marijn gets up and hits Drake in his face, who falls down. "GET OUTTA HERE!", Henry yells and takes advatage of the moment the guard holding him doesn't pay attention; he gets his gun and knocks the guy with the back of it. A gunfight starts. "C'mon Drake, is that everything you got?!", Marijn yells at Drake. But Drake gets up and tackles the still injured Marijn. He starts hitting Marijn in his face. "You are nothing, Marijn. You had no chance!", Drake says but he didn't notice that the gunfire stopped and the place is getting overrun by roamers.

Drake's chest starts bleeding and he falls on Marijn. Hannah fired a gun at Drake and hit his back.
"Good job...", Marijn says as he coughs up blood; his entire face is bleeding and he can barely do anything, but still gets up.
"I have no idea where the others are, but oh my llama, we need to go...", Hannah says in a hurry and she points at the roamers walking towards them. Marijn gets up and follows Hannah hobbling towards the forrest.
"We will find them one time", Hannah says and she looks at Marijn.
"I know we will", Marijn says, coughing up some other blood.

They hear a voice of a woman and Henry points his gun at a black-haired girl. She puts her hands in the air right away. "I'm Jamie", she says with a slightly European accent.

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