A Larger World: part 2

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"Here it is", Henry says and he hits the brakes of the van.
"The supermarket, so everyone go and get the stuff of the list"
They walk into the supermarket.
"We need to do this quick, silent and cautious, people", Henry says.
"Oh will you shut up, so we can start!", Demi angrily tells Henry.
Joseph grines.
"I'll go to the gardening section", Demi says and she walks to the left.
"Woop. Transparant hoses" she walks to the brooms, grabs a bunch of them and to walks to the entrence.
"No step further!"

She looks behind her and sees a woman with black hair, pointing a pistol at her head.
"Norman isn't getting anything anymore!", she yells.
"I'm not working for Norman", Demi says quickly.
"We're coming for stuff so we can fight him"
"You're stupid, but you know what's right", the woman says and she lowers her pistol.
"I'm Raven", she says.
"I'm Demi"
"Are there more?"
"2 here, 8 in total, we have taken the museum in the centrum of the city", Demi explains. "How many people do you have?"
"Way more; about 45. I know some other groups that can help you too", Raven tells her.
"Help... too?", Demi asks for explaination.
"We're coming with you"
Henry and Joseph have been attracted by the talking too.
"Everyone this i-", Demi starts, but Joseph interupts her:
"We've heard"

"So, who's your leader?", Raven asks as they walk through the supermarket and get the stuff they need.
"He's not hereat the moment, but he can be... well, you will see", Joseph says.
"Ok then..."
"This must be everything. Wait infront of the market, we will come", Raven says and she takes the stairs up.
"This is great! Now we don't have to do this alone", Henry says as they walk to the entrence
"But you don't usually trust people much, why do you now?", Demi asks.
"I just do"

They walk out and they see two schoolbusses filled with people drive towards them right away, one of them driven by Raven.
"Get in and lets go!", Raven yells from her open window.

"They're back, and they have company!"
Jamie has noticed the white vans followed by the busses stopping infront of the museum.
"We've got manpower!", Joseph laughs as he see Marijn walking towards them.
"So fucking many?! How did you do that?!", Marijn asks.
"Luck", Demi says.
"Hi, you must be the leader here", Raven says and she offers a handshake.
"My name is Raven"
Marijn accepts the handshake.
"I'm Marijn", Marijn says but he goes back to work rught away.
"I get what you meant", Raven whispers to Joseph.

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