What comes after

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"This should be it, but we need to-"
"You have 5 seconds to leave! We do not talk to Norman!"
Charlie gets interupted by a male voice. David walks to the car and points the gun in Charlie's face.
"I'm not gonna ask you again!"
"We come from Norman, but we want to join you", Charlie explains.
"And why should I believe that?"
"He treats his people like shit, we want to join you! I swear!"
"What's all this?"
David has heard the car stop and decided to have a look.
"These girls came from Norman, they say they want to join us", Henry explains.
"You know what? I'll just go and get Marijn", David says ans he walks back inside.

"Just let them in, Henry"
"You sure?"
"Yep", Marijn says and he rubs his head with his stub.
"So how did-"
He gets interupted by a loud explosion and sees a flare on the other side of town.
"Quickly get everyone here!", Marijn yells. "Henry, Raven, David and Jamie are coming with me, now!"
"Get in the the van!", Marijn says, he takes the wheel and drives away fast.
"What the hell was that?!", David asks.
"I think I know...", Marijn says, "and if I'm right, we're not ready for it..."

They reach place the flare went off; an intersection, everywhere are standing men with bats, chainsaws, pipes and all types of weapons.
"I was right...", Marijn sighs and they get out of thw car with their guns. Marijn points his handgun at Norman, who stands in the middle or the intersection, holding a bat covered in razor whire.
"What is the meaning of this?!"
"Put your fucking gun down", Norman says and ignores Marijn. He lowers his gun and signs the others to do the same.
"Now get on the fucking floor!"
Norman appears to take pleasure out of this situation.
"I've got more than 40 men standing here", Norman explains, "do you think you really have a choice?"
Marijn feels overwhelmed by the situation and gets on his knees.
"Marijn? Wtf are you doing?!", Henry asks, but Marijn stays silent.
"I'd fucking do the same and shut up, if I where you", Norman says, and they all get on their knees too.
"Get them in a motherfucking line!", Norman orders his man and they drag the other next to Marijn.
"This evening, my daughter went missing, and I'm sure that one of you sorry fucks has something to do with it. So, tell me... WHERE THE FUCK IS MY DAUGHTER?!?!", Norman's grine has disappeared in an wink.
"We don't know", Marijn says, "we have nothing to do with it.
"I'm not!"
"Then let's play it the hard way!", Norman says.
"Get that guy to me", he says and he points his bat at David. As before the men answer his orders and drag David, who is trying to break out of the grip, to Norman.
He raises his bat.
"Tell me what you know or I'll bash his skull!"
"We know nothing!", Raven yells.
"Very fucking well then!", Norman says and he bashes a dent into into David's skull with his bat, but David still lives and he bashes again.
He keeps bashing and bashing until David's head is smashed to pieces.
Henry gets up, but the men put him down again. Marijn does the same, but the men fail to get him down and he walks to Norman.
"Not today, maybe not tomorrow, but I will kill you."

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