Not alone

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"We don't have anyone to fly the choppers, man!"
"They try everything they can dad, don't be rude to them."
"You don't understand this, Charlie, but now I have other stuff to do so go to Kat"
"But dad-", Charlie begins, trying to talk to her father.
"Listen to me, Charlie!", Norman says roughly. Charlie's father rules with an iron fist over the men and women of his community, but he has accomplished to make it strong and unintrudable.

"Hullo Charlie"
"Hey Kat"
"Why aren't you with your dad?"
"He's being a dick again"
Charlie and Kat are best friends, since the beginning of Norman's community they have been.
"What did he do?", Kat asks
"He keeps sending me away when I'm trying to tell him something. He keeps treating his men like shit and I told him not to", Charlie explains. They sit on Charlie's bed.
"Look what I got", Kat says as she grabs a candyjar.
"How did you get that?!", Charlie says as she grabs a hand full of candy.
"I smuggled it in", she answers with a naughty grine.
"Bad girl", Charlie laughs as she puts as much candy in her mouth as possible. They start laughing and she spits it all out.
"You're insane, Charlie", Kat says
"I know right!"

"Norman, there appears to be a new group in the museum in the centrum of the city"
"Are they armed?"
"Then send a truck with armed men to them to introduce our groups"
The man walks off and Norman walks to the truck that rides into camp.
"Hey, Norman! Look what we found!"
"Great job, Sergio!"
Norman gives his friend a pat and opens the box. He sees a man laying in it, tied up and struggling to get out.
"Hahahaha", Norman laugh.
"He's a chopper pilot!", Sergio happily says.
"Good job Sergio! Get him to the hospital to have a look at him", Norman says and he walks to his quarters, not worrying about the new group; he thinks it's just another ordinary group.

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