Day One

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- this is set in the dream smp, and is also available on my ao3. I hope you enjoy <3 -

When Sapnap first showed up on Quackity's doorstep a few days ago, the duck-hybrid had been wary. True, their trio never would have been fiances if it weren't for Sapnap proposing to Quackity first, but it would be a lie if he said he didn't think the blaze-born had a favourite.

Karl had always been the focus of the three's relationship. He decided the activities, the chore list, who sleeps where in the bed every night. Sapnap and Quackity just went along with it like the love-sick puppies they were.

And while looking back on it makes Quackity want to crush that weak version of himself under one of those satisfying compression machines (because yes, that particular crushing would be very satisfying. Particularly if Karl was under there too) he can't remember a time in his life where he was happier than with his two fiances.

So despite how all his blissful memories are focused on Karl and Karl's laugh and Karl's grin. Half of what made it so fun was Sapnap's impressively dirty humour. His vulgar touches, his comforting warmth. Quackity and Sapnap were two sides of the same coin: make Karl happy, remark how good each other's mothers were last night.

And then he had chosen Karl. Quackity wasn't remotely surprised when Sapnap didn't follow him after their.. argument, but that didn't make him any less petty. He hates Sapnap, he decides, he hates Karl and he hates love and he hates anyone who tries to love him ever again. And he decided at that moment if either of them ever tried to apologise he'd pick it up, scrutinise it, and then drop kick it as far into the sun as he can. Or maybe the moon. The sun doesn't deserve such utter bullshit.


Then he let Sapnap in.

Although, in his own defence, Sapnap caught him at a really bad time.

That night he had been really tired. One of his workers, in all of their collective genius, had managed to order a thousand marble pillars instead of a hundred. Costing Quackity more money than he'd prefer to spend on marble pillars.

After almost six hours on hold, two minutes actually talking, and then thirty pages of paperwork: he'd managed to get a sort-of refund. It wasn't nearly as much money back as he spent, but at least it was something.

He had been leaving his office building, body begging for a warm bath, and muttering how—"It was probably Foolish. That idiot's brain seems to match his name half the time"—when the man had appeared in all of his human-furnace glory, practically begging for a second chance.

And Quackity had been tired. He stared at Sapnap and all he could remember was the time he had managed to convince him to give him a massage after they had a long day in El Rapids. His hands had been warm and the sex jokes had been soft and after they were done, the cuddles had led Quackity into arguably one of the best sleeps of his life. And on that day in Las Nevadas, he had stared at his ex-fiance and really, really wanted exactly that.

There had been one too many moments of silence after Sapnap had basically poured his heart out, while Quackity was thinking of that lush bath bomb he has and whether or not Sapnap would be allergic to it or not, so the ravenette broke the silence. "Q?"

And all Quackity could say was: "you came."

Sapnap was here. In Las Nevadas. Quackity was tired and desperate for warmth and comfort and Sapnap was here. Right where Quackity needed him.

Sapnap had stared at him, face inscrutable, and finally said, for all of Las Nevadas to hear: "that's what she said."

Quackity had blinked at him. Sapnap blinked back. Both of their expressions were blank, and Quackity is thinking; we're the same person, we both make sex jokes in uncomfortable situations and we both know how to keep your face expressionless after years of trauma.

And Quackity had broken. Because he was tired, and Sapnap was here, and he had a lush bath bomb at home that he's sure has probably expired but he is really craving right now. So he rushed into his ex-fiance's arms and sobbed.

Sapnap held him. He picked him up. He let Quackity ruin his shirt with his snot and tears. He raked expert fingers through Quackity's wings because he knows how to do that without getting them all mixed up. Quackity had been thinking, please please please. I just want this back, I want them back, please please please.

He's going to leave you eventually, they all do. His mind told him.

Quackity clinged further on to the tattered rags beneath his fingers, the cold skin turning paler with pressure, and cried more.

Dignity? He hardly knows her.

826 words.

just a quick run down of what you can expect from this fic real quick. If you've read Lemon Dove this is going to be based around when sapnap goes to quackity, and if you haven't that's so okay but u should lol its great. updates may be frequent, or may come once a moon cycle, depends what mood I'm in. but other than that I hope u enjoy, and pls remember to leave advice for me in the comments :)

please don't be a silent reader! leave votes and maybe a comment :), they feed my ego and overall make my entire week.

If you have any requests or prompts for oneshots or fics you want written, you can comment or pm me and if i like it I'll write it!

stay hydrated :)

- Bree<3

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