Day two

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His head snaps up, and he quickly takes to cleaning as much of the mess as he can before the other walks in. Better to have serious conversations in a room he hasn't just dirtied, he thinks. Or ignore a serious conversation, depending on how this goes.

There's a patter of a barefoot near where the entrance to the kitchen is, and Sapnap pauses where he has his back turned to strain his ears. Quackity is in the room, he presumes.


... Shit.

He should have thought about what he was supposed to say, what does he do now?

"What..." There's a soft exhale as Quackity seems to be thinking through his words, though Sapnap just feels glad that at least the other has slept for so long. "What?"

Sapnap turns around, he almost feels meek. "I made breakfast. Er- pancakes. I made pancakes.. for breakfast."

But Quackity isn't staring at the mess, or the batter, or the large pile of crepes on the counter in the middle of the room. Quackity is staring at Sapnap. With dark eyes that have sleep crusted in the corner, and danger running down the bloodshot veins.

Sapnap shouldn't feel intimidated, considering how he most definitely has the upper hand in.. everything. But this is Quackity. This is the man who walked into the middle of a raging war and stopped it so he could troll with his friends. The man who won a rigged election by rigging it a different way. Who ate the heart of his tyrannical husband at the funeral, and then built a city from the ground up next door. So.. yeah, Sapnap feels intimidated. But he ignorantly tries to square his shoulders anyway.

Quackity stares, and he stares, and then he glances upward with a look that shows how he's thinking whoever's up there, help me.

Finally, he looks back at Sapnap, expression calmer but jaw clenched. "It's not fair." He says the words like he didn't mean them to be expressed aloud at all.

Sapnap parts his lips, confusion playing on the tip of his tongue.

"It's not fair." Quackity continues. "I needed this- I needed.." He pauses, thinking through his words. "You can't be everything I've wanted right when I don't think I want you anymore. That's not fair."

And it isn't. It's really not fair. But Sapnap is selfish, so he repeats. "I made pancakes."

"Jesus." Quackity starts pacing, breathing quietly and his tired mind still trying to catch up with the conversation. "Jesus, Prime, I-"

"Do you not want them?" Sapnap speaks without thinking.

"No. Sapnap." Quackity whirls on him, eyes angry. "I don't want your pancakes. I want- I wanted to be your fiance. I wanted to go to Kinoko with you. I wanted-"

"What?" Sapnap squints.

"Stop! Okay, just- stop it. Get out." He bustles over to Sapnap, movements still slightly fatigued, and pointlessly tries to herd him toward the exit.

"Wait- Quackity what the fuck?" Sapnap lightly pushes him back, trying to catch his arms and stop the shoving. "What do you mean get out, i'm-"

"I said get out, Sapnap! You don't want to be here, okay, I know it and you know it-"

"-Don't put words in my mouth-"

"-Go back to Karl. He's the one you love. Go back- go back to him." Quackity pants quietly as he finishes, the exertion hitting him all at once, and Sapnap takes the pause to stare at his fiance incredulously.

"I want to stay here." He says eventually. "I.. I would rather be with you than Karl right now, because I lo-"

But Quackity doesn't even seem to take in the soft words, he only glares. "No- just shut up! Okay? Just shut up. I can't think." He turns away, back to the bedroom, but hesitates a few steps before the door and starts pacing again.

"What the fuck." Sapnap murmurs, processing. "Think about what? About how- how you want to throw me out after everything?"

"Everything?" Quackity scoffs. "What a bubble bath? I didn't realise blaze-born's were so sentimental."

"No! After you left us-"

"I left you?! Oh that's rich-"

"Let me speak." Sapnap doesn't mean to say it half as angrily or loudly as he does, but quickly finds he doesn't regret it. "You are thinking of throwing me out after everything we've been through. After I—bravely, mind you—came back to you despite what you did to us-"

Quackity clearly does not have the patience to stay silent much longer. "Oh give me a break. Prime, Sapnap! What do you want? You want me to sing your praises for bravely coming to see me? The scawey ex fiance that always hung around despite how much you hated him-"

"I have never hated you!"

"Oh, really?"

"Really! Q, Prime, you know how much I-"

"You didn't hate me when you left me behind? Or was that just you not thinking of me at all?"

"We never left you behind, I don't even know what you're angry about-?"

Quackity explodes, face flushed with anger and fingers twitching at his sides. "I hate you! Fuck, i hate you i hate you i hate you-"

Sapnap freezes, but his blood only runs hotter. "What the fuck-" He throws his hands up without thinking, and he should've known. He should have known because he has made that mistake before.

Quackity flinches. Harshly.

His entire body jerks back, palms finding their way up to shield his scarred face as he curls up half into himself only a metre or so from the blaze hybrid. The deja vu hits Sapnap in a flash, and he remembers the fateful day when they had been arguing about something stupid, Karl out for the day, and Sapnap had made exactly the same mistake.

Quackity had curled into a ball on the floor back then, hiccuping and crying as he grasped for breath. A panic attack, Karl had told him later, and Sapnap hadn't known what to do. He ended up sitting next to him, pulling the smaller into his lap, and then went and traced shapes and letters onto his spine until the other was mouthing along to the scribbled "love you's" and hearts with sniffled laughter.

It had been easy back then; apologising with cuddles on the couch as they waited for their third to arrive home. Now? They're drowning. And Sapnap has forgotten how to swim.

Because Quackity doesn't cry. He doesn't curl up or beg for physical touch and sweet words.

He only straightens himself out, brushing off the shirt hiding his wings, and curls his lip in annoyance. Though whether it's aimed at Sapnap or himself is unclear.

1070 words.

idk how to finish chapters lol

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