Day Three

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reminder that this is about fictional characters and I don't picture the cc's while writing.

Quackity wakes up early, before the sun has even risen, and as he blearily blinks awake he realises he doesn't even remember falling asleep last night. Sapnap's weight must have lulled him into a doze without him even realising, and he curses how well his ex knows him.

They've switched positions while asleep, and the duvet has been pushed down to his waist as Quackity rests between Sapnap's arms while they spoon.

A glance at the clock on his bedside table shows it's almost half five in the morning—a little later than the time he usually wakes up—and he turns to glance over at a passed out Sapnap.

Quackity isn't exactly sure where the ravenette slept the night before, if it was with him and he just got up before Quackity or whether he slept at all, but he assumes the man needs the rest today, considering how deep he seems to be sleeping now.

His mouth is slightly parted as drool leaks from the corner of his mouth, and the deep inhales through his nose almost have the potential to be snores, though they're not quite loud enough. His fingers twitch with whatever he's dreaming about as they're wrapped around Quackity, and an overwhelming sense of adoration hits the older for this pathetically beautiful man.

Sapnap has never fit into society's standards for beauty, though that's not to say he's not a diamond in a pool of coal. His eyes are slightly too small for the rest of his face and his light freckles have the potential to make his face look wonky rather than aesthetically pleasing. But Quackity thinks that even though Sapnap hasn't got a triangular, muscled body or pretty eyes and fluffy hair: he might be the most striking individual Quackity has ever had the pleasure of looking at. He has such a genuinely captivating appearance, and the noirette fell in love with it quicker than he would prefer to admit.

He shuffles so he's facing Sapnap properly, as memories of when he used to spend hours just looking at his fiance's while they lay next to each other comes back to mind. He had missed this too, he realises, not just the extremely happy moments, but when he just had people, even if they were doing nothing.

The arm that was around the smaller falls to the opposite side as Sapnap is pushed onto his back by Quackity turning, and he's left curled into the space between the man's elbow and armpit. He stretches an arm out so it's curled around Sapnap, fiddling with the other's t-shirt as he closes his eyes again and relaxes almost completely.

Sapnap's breathing changes, and it takes Quackity a moment to realise the other must be awake. He doesn't look, but he can't help the small smile that takes over his face as he realises Sapnap must just be watching him 'sleep', just as he was a moment ago.

His whole body moves as Sapnap chuckles quietly, realising Quackity is conscious. "Mornin' sugarplum."

Quackity hums softly at the tease of a pet name. "Kill yourself."

"Woah." Sapnap acts offended at the sudden insult, though despite how Quackity's eyes are still closed he can tell by his tone that Sapnap's smiling. "How can such pretty lips say such horrid things?"

Quackity can't help the full-fledged smile that appears on said lips with that, and he finally blinks his eyes open fully to snuggle further into Sapnap's chest. He can't remember the last time he was so comfortable, or so happy, and despite how the thought startles him he pushes it away to enjoy the moment.

Sapnap's looking down at him with tired, half-lidded eyes, and his smile of endearment causes cute wrinkles on his temple. Quackity matches the expression. "Sorry," he murmurs softly without thinking.

"Oh.. I was kidding, birdy. It doesn't matter. Promise I don't need an apology."

"I know.. Sorry."

Sapnap pauses before snickering, and Quackity rushes to defend himself, lifting his head. "No wait.. No wait fuck off, I didn't mean to-"

But he stops as Sapnap only laughs, and relaxes again with a grumble. "Fuck off."

"Oh, sugarplum." He sighs with a snicker, only enhanced by the pinch Quackity leaves on his hip. "Loving you is the highest privilege."

Quackity's eyes flutter shut again, and he exhales softly, the smile still present on his face showing how he appreciates Sapnap's words. Yesterday may have been hard, but today is a new day, and despite how he doesn't quite know how to reply to things like that he's thinking maybe he might learn.

It's terrifying, almost, how easy he seems to be falling back into this. But he has no room for terror between his adoration and endearment. Between the calm in this moment. A part of him, despite how he fought against it, has been yearning for exactly this for months; he can't help but fall into the familiar motions of passion and.. well, love.

Still, despite how the back of his mind still nags him into how it will all be over soon, how he won't have this forever; it only encourages him to appreciate the moment more.

"Are you going back to bed?" The quiet murmur wakes Quackity up where he had accidentally begun to doze again, and he keeps his eyes shut as he hums out a "yeah". Aside from yesterday, it's been a while since he's had a proper lie-in, and he thinks he deserves one—despite how if he were more awake he'd probably disagree, he probably has work around the city to do, especially since he skipped yesterday.

There's a pause, before Sapnap quietly speaks up again. "Do you want me to stay?"

The arm Quackity has around Sapnap subconsciously tightens, and he protectively pulls the other closer in dispute. "Here." Is all he can say on the verge of sleep, and if he were more awake he'd see the smile Sapnap can't hold back gracing his lips. "'Kay." He responds, before relaxing once more and drifting back off to sleep.

1070 words.

im back!! starting day three off with a fluffy chapter, your welcome :) next few chapters may take a while to come out as I get back in the groove of writing and debate how much angst I want to include, but ill try to get the next one out tomorrow as a treat!!

also ur welcome u wattpadders as ur getting this one before the people on ao3 ;)

love u all thank u sm for being so supportive <3

- Bree x

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