Day two

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An invitation.

Sapnap sits up properly at both sounds, and stares at the door for a solid few seconds before the rest of his body catches up and he's rising to two feet. Despite how his mind runs wild and how the adrenaline is moments away from sending deadly sparks flying from his fingers, he moves slowly. His actions are careful and precise, and even as he places his hand on a cold doorknob and turns it slowly, it doesn't melt under his grasp.

There's a light resistance when he pushes forward, and after attentive movements and the scrape of something on the ground he realises it's the broken china from whatever had been thrown at the door earlier getting stuck under the door. He recognises the pattern on the hardened clay as the one that had been on the table opposite Quackity's bed.

He manages to open the door enough to walk in fully, and the sight has his breath taken away from him.

Even in pieces, Quackity is a sublime beauty in his own way. The puzzle pieces are their own individual works of art, and Sapnap wonders if he has even seen the full picture. If he ever will.

The man is standing a few feet away, clearly backed away from where he had unlocked the door. His arms are wrapped around his middle, and his face is the pinnacle of mulled shatter. He looks metaphorically mutilated, but used to it.

His face hardens slightly at whatever expression Sapnap shows at the sight of him, and he glances down at the maze of china the ravenette will have to tip-toe his way out of to get to Quackity, before glancing back up.

"You love me?" He asks, tone incredulous.

Sapnap swallows. "Always."

"Even after everything I said?"

"Even after everything I didn't."

Quackity watches Sapnap carefully, looking him up and down before making eye contact again. His eyes are dark in the shadowed lighting from the window, and it makes him look like either a doe-eyed Bambi or a dangerous form of Medusa.

"Come here." He takes a few steps backwards, signalling for Sapnap to pick his way through the pool of china and stand where he just was. Sapnap hesitates, wondering if it's some form of trap of proving his greediness even more, before realising the possible reward is way greater than the risk.

So Sapnap complies, picking his way through carefully and then straightening himself out when he reaches the edge of the china pile. He continues to hope blindly as he stares into the eyes of his fiance, now only a few feet away.

"I don't want to pretend everything's fine." Quackity murmurs. "I lied earlier. But I hate everything being shit."

Sapnap chokes a laugh. "It's a vicious cycle." His fingers twitch at his sides with the urge to caress the man's cheek affectionately. "That's why I was trying to fix it."

"It's hard to fix what's already broken without there being remaining cracks, you should know that."

"But sometimes the outcome can be even more beautiful."

Quackity sniffs a chuckle. "Recycling."

The two reflect back on the joke as they laugh quietly, but Sapnap grows embarrassed as he realises Quackity is watching how his fingers tap against his thighs. He must have calculated by now how Sapnap is dying to touch him, to hug and soothe.

Quackity quietens in his brief laughter, expression changing to look more considerate. "I don't want to promise every fracture being fixed, but would you be willing to try for at least a little repair?"

Sapnap can't tell what's going on in his fiance's mind as he stares at him, but he finds that he can't process the other's expressions at all as soon as Quackity moves so they're pressed against each other chest-to-chest.

His mind is clogged, adjusting to the sudden flow of too many memories and thoughts to churn any of them out of the receiving end. It's similar to a scrapbook so stuffed with pages and photos you can't even open it up. He stares at his lover's face with no thoughts processing but yes.

If he had been able to think, he would have seen the contriving expression in the others eyes. The way his lips twist almost nervously as he debates something in his head.

And then those lips are on Sapnap's.

Sapnap kisses back, the emotion in him making him want to hunt something to release the adrenaline, only makes him more overwhelmed. So he kisses instead.

It's intense and harsh and it hurts. Teeth clash and tongues battle, and they stumble around as both push for more more more. Sapnap is barely computing what he's doing as he grasps at Quackity's jawline, feeling the other do the same to the back of his head.

They've become waves ricocheting off of eachother in a tsunami, destroying everything in their path but only focused on eachother. The destruction means nothing when they can do it together.

It's only a few seconds, but it feels like centuries until Sapnap comes up for air, choking on his own insolence and passion. Quackity staggers away as they separate, hand coming up to touch his lips as they both pant for breath.

And then they make eye contact. And burst into laughter.

861 words.

cliffhanger whoo

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