Day Three

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Sapnap sits between Quackity's legs, leaning back against his hands as they rake through his hair carefully. They people-watch from the top of the Needle quietly, occasionally exchanging a cigarette that Sapnap originally refused, but gave in after Quackity lit one up.

Now they're taking turns doing each other's hair in ridiculous styles. Earlier Sapnap clipped a plait to the back of Quackity's head and caused a weird spurt of hair reaching over the top. He called it the pineapple plait, and the two had been absolutely pissing themselves with laughter over it.

Though that may be due to how late it's become; they've been sleeping a lot recently, so they deserve to stay up to the early hours of the morning on the top of the tallest building in Essempi doing absolutely nothing of importance.

Now Quackity's doing bubble plaits in Sapnap's hair, though he's quickly running out of hair ties. Sapnap speaks up when Quackity stops fiddling with his hair, twisting to be facing his lap. "You run out?"

Quackity hums and pouts down at his ex. "They were so beautiful, it's a shame."

"My hair is beautiful." The blazeborn hums, smirk tempting the corner of his lips up through his fond expression.

"The hair all over your body's beautiful."

It takes Sapnap a moment for him to realise that's a sex joke referencing his pubic hair and not just an odd compliment, but when he does his smirk falls into a disapproving expression. His eyes twinkle with amusement though, just as they always seem to even at Quackity's worser jokes.

"That's terrible." He shakes his head, turning back to the front and accepting the cigarette when passed it. Quackity giggles deliriously, the tiredness getting to him a little, and leans back in his chair to bask in the moment. "I know."

His eyes drift down Sapnap's figure sitting on the floor, and he leans forward to trace the scars on his back through the loose t-shirt that he saw on the first night. They've healed somewhat since being here, not being very deep in the first place, but Sapnap still shivers at the contact.

"You never explained how you got them." Quackity murmurs.

"You never explained the anti-depressants." Sapnap refutes softly through fluttering eyelids, and Quackity tenses.

"I felt depressed." He shrugs it off, "it's sort of in the name. Your turn."

Sapnap passes the cigarette when asked, and lets out a huff as he sits back, leaning further into Quackity's hands. "Why did you feel depressed?"

Quackity snorts, taking a puff. "Why do you think?"

Sapnap goes quiet at that, contemplation crossing his face along with something alike to melancholy. He looks forlorn, almost, and the pensive look is almost amusing in late night humour. "Because of me."

"Because of bad relationships." Quackity amends, putting out the cigarette and throwing it over the edge. "You were just wrong person, wrong time."

Sapnap shuffles so he's leaning back against Quackity's legs, looking in his eyes. "Is now the right time?"

Quackity stares, thinking, before shrugging dismissively, putting an end to that conversation. "And the scars?"

Sapnap's expression turns from curious to sullen and he purses his lips. "Me and Karl got in a fight, so I went hunting to blow off some steam. I was reckless though, and a wildcat got me."

The cool night air indulges their momentary silence, the high altitude breeze lifting hairs from the edges. Quackity hesitates before replying. "Can.. Can I ask what you were arguing about?"

The duck-hybrid can't recall anytime he saw Karl and Sapnap arguing. They had fond disputes, sure, about french toast and waffles or whether pancakes were better with chocolate spread or syrup. But arguments? Where one stormed out in such a rage he couldn't even defeat a measly cat? The idea is so foreign it's almost comical.

Karl and Sapnap never fought. Hell, Quackity doubted they could even be sad when in a ten metre radius of each other. So the picture of them shouting at each other over a couch Quackity's never been cuddled on or a table he's never sat at is almost.. Satisfying.

But it's not such a great feeling when he can see Sapnap's troubled expression up close, though. Especially when he looks so sad.

Sapnap's shrug is a pitiful sight. "Just.. He hadn't been home in a while and I was tired of doing all the chores."

"You fought over chores?" Quackity almost laughs, but doesn't. It's ridiculous that soulmates would argue over something so measly.

"I guess on the surface. But it also ran deeper too. Karl kept explaining how it was something he needed to do. How chores were the least of his problems. I dunno, it was a while ago now I don't really remember."

"A while ago as in.."

"As in like a month." Sapnap thinks about it as he fiddles with his fingers. "Maybe five weeks."

Quackity feels his mouth go dry, and his hands slip toward the edge of Sapnap's t-shirt so he can look at the scars again. "They.. look worse than a month old." He says softly.

"Well.. My back was hard to reach, so I couldn't really clean them up as well as they probably should have been treated."

"Karl?" Quackity questions, Karl can hold a grudge, but never extremely enough to let someone he loves feel pain.. Or, never extreme enough to let Sapnap feel pain. He would've treated this without second thought and then soothed the pain with tender kisses.

"I haven't seen him since the fight." Sapnap leans back into Quackity's hands as they stroke the scars. "He wasn't there when I got back, and he hasn't come home since."

"What?" Quackity's hands falter in shock.

"I told you he's been disappearing." Sapnap shrugs.

"Well I thought you meant he was missing Taco Tuesday or something! Not.. leaving for months at a time."

Sapnap laughs dryly, though there's nothing funny about it. "We don't even have Taco Tuesdays anymore. Haven't in.. years." He leans back and looks up at Quackity, trying to force his grimace to a smile. "Wasn't the same without you, lovely."

Quackity's expression flickers with emotion; pity, then grief, then love. He can't think of what to say to that (can't decide whether to be reassuring or thankful) so instead he leans down and presses a chaste kiss to Sapnap's forehead. He hopes it conveys everything he doesn't know how to say, and by the way the blaze's eyelids flutter, it probably does.

Sapnap leans up afterward and joins their lips together. It isn't big and monumental like their first few kisses were, and it's more tired than loving, but Quackity cherishes it like a poppy on a battlefield.

"C'mon." Sapnap grunts as he stands, pushing off of the chair Quackity's sitting on. "Let's go to bed."

The duck lets himself be pulled, and allows the hand that finds its way onto his lower back as they walk to the elevator. "Good idea, sunshine."

1130 words.

Last chapter of day three:) I've already started on the next day but it may take a while anyway lol

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