Day two

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"Hi." Sapnap whispers, aware of how his breath is hitting Quackity's face from how the noirette's nose wrinkles and he smiles. "Hey." He replies in the same tone.

Sapnap reluctantly moves his gaze so he can see out the window, and when he notices the setting sun he bites his lip and adjusts so he's looking into Quackity's eyes again, who hasn't stopped staring at Sapnap's face. "You wanna go to bed?"

"I've done nothing and I'm exhausted." The duck-hybrid responds, laughing quietly, before twisting his lips and relaxing his expression. "You wanna go to bed?"

"I wanna do whatever you wanna do, love."

Quackity fully cackles at that, shifting so he's lying on his back and can hide his blushing. "Fucking.. Stop, that's not even funny."

Sapnap grins at the reaction. "Sorry, love."

"Stop! You're literally an asshole."

"Will you be the dick to my asshole?"

Quackity snickers, pushing away Sapnap's kissy face with a half-hearted slap. "What the fuck is wrong with you."

Sapnap smiles dopily, ignoring the hit and reaching out so he can pull Quackity to be closer to him again. "It's love on the brain, babe, better get used to it."

"I take it back, get the fuck out of my country." The words are harsh but they're said through a fond giggle, Quackity clearly not meaning them as he lets Sapnap press a kiss to his jaw. The two smile at each other for a moment.

"I've missed this." The blaze-born breaks the solace eventually, his smile turning bittersweet. Quackity's expression matches it, and he shuffles down a bit so he can wrap his arms around Sapnap so they're hugging properly. "Yeah, me too."

The silence turns more awkward after that, and it's clearly noticeable. Sapnap plans on breaking it when lips press to his again. It's hard to stop melting into it, the wax of his love turning hot and malleable, easy to conform into whatever Quackity wishes.

They kiss languidly, the position slightly clumsy but both of them uncaring. This is a moment for them, somewhere the guilt and pain can't get to.

When they move away Sapnap tries to speak again, but Quackity breaks it off by kissing him again, pulling away from the hug with their lips still together so he's sat on his knees. Sapnap follows the movements blindly, barely even processing as Quackity moves to be straddling his waist, hands gripping his shoulders like he'd fly away if he let go. So instead Sapnap moves his own hands to be wrapped around the duck's middle, careful not to touch his wings and instead just massage the showing skin between his trousers and shirt.

The kiss turns more lewd quickly, morphing into more of a make-out as Quackity takes the reins, parting Sapnap's lips with his tongue and promptly taking advantage of the new access.

It isn't long before what they're doing hits Sapnap though, and he finds himself reluctantly pushing the other to be sat up, propping himself up on his elbows as they pant. Quackity looks embarrassed as Sapnap finally comes to, and the ravenette regrets breaking off the kiss at the other's expense.

"Q." He murmurs, and the man pushes himself back down in response so they're chest to chest as before, faces only moments away from each other. Quackity smiles sensually, though his eyes stay blank. "This is the part where you flip us over."

Sapnap sighs. Oh. He's realised what's happening.

"Q." He repeats in the same tone, wrapping his arms around Quackity and complying as he flips them over. It's not in the way that was suggested though. That was implied to be an act of dominance; this is crushing the duck under him as he sleeps on his chest.

Quackity makes a noise of confusion, but doesn't speak, letting Sapnap bury his face into his neck and press a soft kiss to the skin there.

The noirette lays under Sapnap for a few moments, bewilderment clearly racking his frozen body, before he tries to pull his arms out from where he's being crushed so he can wrap them back around the blaze born. He stays as uptight as before though, his anxiety keeping him wound tight until he begins to bask under the weight.

Quackity has always enjoyed being squashed under heavy weights—whether that be mounds of blankets or one of his boyfriends—and it seems that Sapnap was right in his assumption that that didn't change even after he constructed an entire country.

The duck finally begins to wind down under the 'sleeping' man, and even though he still shuffles occasionally, it seems all ideology of having to please his fiance has disappeared.

It breaks Sapnap's heart that Quackity has been taught the way to act when happy with your significant-other should always be sex, and it breaks it even more that he didn't manage to repel the belief like he and Karl swore they would. But still, he's glad to be here now.

The two drift off together, wrapped in each other and not thinking of anyone else. Not of a third lover chasing fairytales or a man so encompassed in green he forgot to look for the blue. They're just there for each other, and they sleep well that night.

858 words.

I'm not very proud of day two and no matter what I do I can't seem to like it, so it may take a while for the next chapter to be posted as I take a bit of a mental health break.

I will take constructive criticism for this chapter though if anyones willing to offer it :) please be as mean as you want lol idc I just wanna know where I went wrong.

Love you all!! If you get bored between chapters a quick reminder I have a finished short irl dnf fic, the hit karlnapity fic (Lemon Dove) about Karl remembering Quackity, and various short stories that I believe are heavily underrated in my short story book, so check those out!!

thanks for reading xx


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