Day One

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sapnap pov!!!

Sapnap stops his hands at 10:37pm, or so the digital clock on the table tells him. He is sure he must have been in a sort of trance for the last few hours, because he barely felt them go by at all. His hands and legs are sore from the same repetitive movement for so long, and the warmth in his fingers went out a long time ago, but he can't say he minds all too much.

He slowly lifts his leg off of the man beneath him, and falls into a sitting position next to him, unable to help the fond smile from winding its way onto his face. Quackity is spread out almost entirely across the large bed, and were it the size of the one in El Rapids he would be taking up the whole thing.

His wings are fully expanded, which they only ever do when he's either completely relaxed or puffing himself up to seem bigger, and his arms are spread out by his head over the pillows. His lips are parted from where his head has sunk into the fluffy pillow, and there's a trace of drool slipping out and sleep already crusting into his closed eyes.

He looks ethereal; domestically familiar.

Sapnap sits there for a moment longer, eyes grazing the room but never straying from his fiance for too long, and contemplates his choices.

After a long moment he gives in to his own greed, and shuffles carefully over to the head of the bed, not letting himself hesitate before he bends down and brushes a hair from Quackity's face, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead.

It's intimate, and he regrets it almost instantly, but he can't find it in himself to pull away. Sapnap stays with his nose only moments away from the other's hair, eyes squeezed shut and just letting himself exist there.

If he tries hard enough he can almost imagine that everything's fine. That he's not in this characterless palace and instead in their cosy cottage in the middle of the world. Karl's just out collecting wood, instead of gone for good, or maybe on the other side of the bed letting out his cute little snores.

It's a lot easier to imagine, he finds, when he has someone to hold close to him instead of a cold pillow.

"B'be?" The slurred words make him startle, and then the realisation of the pet name makes him startle again.

"Go back to sleep." He murmurs in a voice he hasn't used in a long time, unable to help pressing another kiss to Quackity's face, this time closer to the eyebrow. It's almost autopilot, and Sapnap is unsure of how that makes him feel.

Quackity hums without opening his mouth or eyes, smiling cutely at the tickling sensation of the kiss. "K." He's barely saying anything with how quiet the words are, and it's clear he's on the verge of sleep. "Love you.." he exhales softly, and turns unconscious once more.

He's delirious. Sapnap reminds himself. He's barely aware of what he's saying. No, scratch that, he isn't aware of what he's saying. He won't remember this in the morning.

Sapnap sits up slowly, sighing and squeezing his eyes shut so hard that it hurts, trying to ignore the need to cry he suddenly feels. He shakes himself off, quickly stepping off the bed and just standing alone for a moment. Sapnap hurts, but he brushes it off.

A minute goes by, and then another, and finally Sapnap begins to move. He gingerly pulls the duvet out from underneath Quackity, and then drapes it over the man without looking at his face—almost as if he's scared of his own lack of control in kissing the man everywhere he can reach—before stealing a few of the blankets that were draped over the covers.

He drapes three of them on the floor on top of eachother, and then places a pillow at the end. He is grateful for the fact his Quackity is a bird hybrid, for if not for his nesting tendencies he doubts he would have so many blankets so nearby.

He lies down on his makeshift creation, arranging the final blanket—a weighted one, he finds—over himself. He shifts a few times, grateful for the rug but mourning his back, before exhaling and closing his eyes, trying to let the fatigue set into his muscles.

Sapnap does not sleep that night.

728 words.

a/n first day finished, how do we feel?


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