Day Three

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tw; detailed description of overstimulation

"Asshole!" Quackity screeches as he's pulled from under the covers, though it comes out unintelligible through his relentless laughter. He's pulled off of the bed by his feet, despite how he scrabbled at the blankets and headframe to hold on, and goes tumbling to the floor in a pile of pillows and duvets.

As Quackity pulls a blanket from off his head, he can see where Sapnap's bent over from how much he's laughing, still in a similar position to where he was when he pulled Quackity from his nest in the first place, and the bird shuffles so his legs and arms are crossed and a pout is present on his face.

But it's hard to help the smile tugging on the edge of his lips, pulling on his cheekbones like a puppeteer fighting his marionette into position, even though he rallies as hard as he can against the expression.

"Asshole." he repeats, more composed this time, but it only sends Sapnap into a new round of laughter. Quackity frowns half-heartedly at how his insult is taken, and his pout deepens. "You asshole, Sapnap. I was sleeping."

"It's two pm!" The ravenette protests through a grin that must be hurting his cheeks; it looks too serene to be painless. "I'm surprised I slept in so long, let alone you."

Quackity huffs out a sigh, and retreats into his makeshift nest of blankets. "Fuck you." He mutters into a pillow, and Sapnap laughs again, though more endeared.

"You certainly tried."

That earns him a pillow blindly thrown in his general direction. (Though Quackity would never admit to missing.)

"C'mon" Quackity can feel a familiar hand grab his ankle again, and he screeches at the deja vu and reminder of what happened last time, so begins to kick out to where he assumes Sapnap's general direction is. Quackity faintly hears a groan of annoyance and pain as a foot makes contact, and he grins into the pillow his face is buried in.

"Q- Quackity I swear.. No- bad bird, bad bird!! Ugh, fucking hell you- Oww! I'm trying to get you to the kitchen to eat dammit, not stuffing you in a torture chamber."

Quackity lifts his head as a joke comes to mind, and his legs subconsciously slow as he grins. "Well you don't know what I'm into, maybe I'd prefer the torture chamber- HEY!"

Sapnap takes the opportunity for all it's worth, and as Quackity slows he grabs the duck hybrid and flings him over his shoulder, marching for the kitchen.

"Sap- Sapnap! What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Put me down, right now!" Quackity begins to kick again, but it's useless as his feet only make contact with air as he's draped down his ex's back. He begins to wack Sapnap's ass and lower back in protest, but the man only chuckles in amusement and then makes a noise of protest when Quackity's knee skims his chin.

"Well." The duck frowns as he crosses his arms as best he can. "At least I got a good view."

When they arrive in the kitchen, Sapnap attempts to pull Quackity off of him to be sat on the counter, but by now the man's stubbornness means he's only interested in inconveniencing the taller as much as possible, so his strategies change as he clings on like a koala to a tree as Sapnap tries and fails to pry him off.

"Fuck off." The ravenette mutters eventually, giving up and letting the duck hang off of the front of him—legs wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck—and Quackity beams in success, grateful that the blazeborn's arms are so comfortable as he can doze for a bit as the other makes them food.

But as the adrenaline wears off, and Sapnap sets to heating up the crepes from yesterday, Quackity's thoughts drift to more negative ones without his consent. This morning it had almost been easy to forget their situation, to go through the motions of loving and receiving love in return. But now, in the quiet when Quackity's thoughts are too loud and Sapnap's skin against his is suddenly unnerving, the insecurity comes easily.

He's forgetting that Sapnap only came here for selfish reasons, not for Quackity. It's pathetic and embarrassing how he's melting into the normality of having Sapnap here again. It's not his normal. It can never be his normal again.

He regrets every thought as he has it, trying to focus on the love and the love and the love. But Sapnap's skin is suddenly too much, the lights above them are twisting around each other, and everything seems to bulge out of the corner of his eye to try to take his attention. It's too much stimulation, and yet it's a minimalist room that's almost silent save for Sapnap's occasional breaths.

Quackity inhales a sharp breath before loosening his muscles around Sapnap and letting himself drop. He lands suddenly, his knees almost buckling beneath him, and the ravenette is instantly holding his arms in an attempt to keep him up and looking at him in concerned confusion.

"Hey—you okay? You could've stayed, it's fine, you're light as a feather."

Quackity pulls out of his grasp desperately. "Fine." He smiles, but his words are almost breathless and even though the skin-on-skin contact is gone, the air is suddenly too cold and prickling against his skin. He suppresses the urge to shiver. "I'm fine."

Sapnap stares at him for a moment, before he clearly comes to a sullen realisation: Quackity has remembered that he has walls around his heart for a reason.

He nods once, offering a smile that only reflects on his lips in return, before turning back to the food. He's not pushing the subject, Quackity realises, and then—of course he's not pushing, he's Sapnap.

The blaze born turns back to what he's doing, and Quackity suddenly feels small (weak) standing and shivering in his own kitchen. He's too out of his depth, and he hates it. He's always in control, he's always got to be in control, because he can't let anyone have a chance to control him. Not again.

He straightens out a little, and is suddenly very aware of how he's standing with rumpled pyjamas, disordered wings, and bed hair that could rival Karl's. He hesitates, before turning his body toward the bedroom door. "I'll go take a shower."

If Sapnap notices the change in posture, his strained smile doesn't reveal anything, and he only nods once before replying without eye contact. "Breakfast will be ready when you're done."


"And.." Quackity speaks up again, pausing before he walks out. "Maybe we could go out today?"

He can feel Sapnap's gaze on his back, but doesn't turn to see his expression. Finally, the ravenette speaks up. "Yeah, we can.." He clears his throat. "Sure."


1122 words.

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