Day two

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"Oh shit.. Oh fuck, oh, what the fuck was that?" Sapnap snickers, unable to explain the joke but knowing it's hilarious. The aftermath of kissing Quackity feels like what it would be like to kiss your best friend; awkward but loving.

Quackity begins to grasp at his own hair, pulling it back into a ponytail and then dropping it to sway around his face again, chuckling all the way. "I dont- I dont know?"

"You don't know?!"

"I don't know!"

They laugh together, feeling high on the hysteric of the silent joke. It's a brutal, tender moment, where neither care for aesthetics when snorting through their giggles; instead just taking a brief moment to be happy for once.

When they calm down somewhat, still grinning but staring at each other this time, Quackity tilts his head in question when Sapnap doesn't look away, smile turning to smirk.

Then they kiss again.

It's more controlled this time. Less of a forest fire and more of a contained bonfire raging as it climbs higher and higher toward the sky. Both still fight for control, but in a more intimate way. Like a violent sex scene instead of a battle in the middle of a war.

When they separate, they're laughing again, but this time it's more soft chuckles against each other's lips. They stay connected, swaying in place as they kiss again and again and again, and soon Sapnap is wondering what loneliness is. The sadness doesn't seem important when he can have this.

They kiss passionately, like they'll never be able to again, but also slowly, like they have the rest of forever ahead of them.

Soon though, they have no choice but to pull away for good, and Quackity is still grinning when he studies Sapnap's expression. "You have a question for me." He states, and Sapnap thinks, I have more than one.

He wants to know how Quackity can do that. How he can make everything wrong with the world seem like gold at the end of the rainbow, and how he can turn their day-long argument into soft kisses exchanged in sunlight peeping through the windows, all while still remaining an enigma.

Instead he says, "why did you do that?"

Quackity laughs through his smile, though he doesn't seem to find it particularly funny and is more laughing for the sake of laughing. "What?"

"Kiss me." Sapnap explains, but now he's grinning again too.

"Because you love me. You liked it, didn't you?"


Quackity giggles, and the sound is so pure Sapnap wants to bottle it as lava just so he can melt in it. "Then why do I need to explain?"

"Because.. Because I thought we were going to stop pretending."

"Sapnap. Did that feel like pretending to you?"

The taller curls his lip in amusement. "No, I suppose not."

"Then shut the fuck up." Quackity settles that thought with another peck on the other's lips. Then he confidently takes Sapnap's hand and begins leading him toward bed, climbing under the covers before the other can protest.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Quackity tilts his head cockily as he leans back against the headboard, a smile playing on his lips.

Sapnap glances back at the pile of china, at the open door, and huffs out a deranged laugh. "What the fuck." He murmurs to himself, but straightens himself out when Quackity opens his mouth to ask, turning back to address the duck-hybrid. "You look like you're asking for no-homo cuddles."

Quackit snorts, fiddling with the edge of the blanket. "Then I must be doing something wrong because I'm asking for full-homo cuddles."

Sapnap's speechless at that, very much amused while also very conflicted. That sentence could have a lot of meaning behind it if he squinted, but then again, Quackity could have just said it in honour of reminiscent banter. He ponders his choices for a second, before he slowly leans down to his feet and begins to take his socks off.

That makes Quackity burst into laughter, though the noirette tries to hide it by muffling his mouth with his hand. The way his eyes squint with the laughter make it impossible to help the grin on Sapnap's face at the infectious sight.

When done, and with a new burst of confidence, the blaze born clambers in next to Quackity, crushing the man with his own body when there's not enough room on the bed for him to lie next to him.

"Noo." Quackity squeals, but doesn't look at all thrown off, and instead shuffles over so Sapnap has enough room to shimmy under the covers next to him. The two then end up facing each other with ears on pillows, their entertained smiles fading as the mood shifts to a more sensual one.

779 words.

I promise there's no smut in this lolol

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