Day Three

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Quackity can tell how impressed Sapnap is with the sight before he breathes out his predicted "wow", and he can't help the satisfied smile that winds its way onto his face. The view of the city from the top of the Needle is unmatched, and it reflects in Sapnap's expression.

His lips are parted slightly, eyes wide as they take in every light and person wandering the streets. He's completely frozen where he's walked up next to the railing, and as Quackity joins him he revels in the silent complement of his ex's body language.

"Thank you." He mumbles, laughing quietly at Sapnap's dumb-foundedness. "I'm glad you like it."

It's almost evening now, as it took them a while for them both to shower separately, eat, and get out of the house after their lie-in, and Las Nevada's streets are just beginning to properly bustle with people. It's the perfect view to have dinner at, Quackity thinks, and he's glad for his own intelligence in creating such a ravishing city.

"It's.." Sapnap turns to him, large eyes reflecting the city as they shimmer with an emotion Quackity couldn't unpick if he tried. He smiles as he breathes out the final word. "Beautiful."

Quackity swallows hard, the impact of his ex saying such a word as they stare at each other like this did more to him than he would usually admit. But rather than sucking up his feelings and looking away, he only stares right back, every confession he wishes to say dying on his tongue.

The sound of the elevator doors opening breaks the moment, and the pair finally turn from their eye contact to see Tubbo walking through the door holding two large plates with small portions. "Hey, Q, I got-"

He startles as he notices the pair, squinting at where they'd moved apart in confusion. "..Sapnap?"

Sapnap reaches up and scratches the back of his neck, smiling meekly. "Hey, Tubbo."

Tubbo's gaze moves to Quackity, a disbelieving look still on his face, and Quackity flushes in embarrassment as he remembers the many times he ranted to the kid how he will never submit to love again.

Tubbo's eyes narrow at the expression, but he plays it off coolly enough as he walks over to the balcony and sits the plates down on one of the tables along the outer rim.

"I didn't realise Tubbo would be bringing our dinner." Sapnap comments, domestically moves his hand to be sat on the duck's waist, and Quackity can't help the anger that instinctively racks through him at the action that implies ownership.

He shoves it down though, aware of Tubbo's already mistrustful temperament and unable to predict what would happen should that pile of emotions be imploded. His relationship with the teenager has been developing for the better between their dispute with the whole cookie thing and Quackity hiring him, but he still isn't too sure whether the kid would defend him or not if assumed he was in danger, and how he would defend him if he did.

"Tubbo runs the top restaurant chain in Las Nevadas, he supplies me with meals when I can't be bothered to cook." Which is more often than not, and coincidentally means the two are forced to spend more time together. Much to what was originally the goat's chagrin, and now both of their jubilation.

Sapnap's expression flickers through the motions, despite the blank smile he plasters on his face, and a sick part of Quackity is glad that his ex is so far out of the loop. He never deserved to be in it in the first place. (Though he knows that's nearly a lie now; the part of him that festered the almost-hatred for a year still lingers.) "Cool."

Tubbo nods along, keeping up the polite conversation. "Though when you said light dinner for two I'd assumed you meant with Slime, it's a surprise to see Sapnap here."

𝘽𝙀𝙀 𝙃𝙐𝙈𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙂𝘽𝙄𝙍𝘿 | quacknapWhere stories live. Discover now