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Freya didn't speak to Prince Loki again. The nerve of being caught talking so casually to her superior scared her too much. She knew Lysa would snitch in a heartbeat, and talking like she did would be punishable by the Allfather. 

It was hard not to. There was something about him that drew her to him. Perhaps she would visit the library again tonight. She was sure he would be there.

The rest of the day passed as days do. Freya didn't have much to do with anything, as the celebrations were mostly feats of strength and drinking contests. Like the rest of the Valkyrie, Freya merely observed, sat still, and acted pretty. Lysa and Søren had gone off to reap, and she was left behind. Freya had never felt more alone.

Lysa and Søren still weren't back by nightfall, so Freya decided to go back to the library. She brought a candle with her to see her way through.

Upon entering the library through its grandiose wooden doors with the ash tree Yggdrassil carved into it, Freya once again saw the same candle lit in the corner. She approached it and heard the same thud that she heard last night. "Prince Loki?" Freya asked into the darkness. He stepped forward. "You've come again."

"Did you not think I would, my Prince?"

"I...I wasn't sure. Nobody usually comes here at this hour."

"It's the only way I can get away from my family."

Prince Loki nodded. Was it understanding or agreement? It looked more sentimental than a simple "Yes, I agree." Freya filed it away and asked, "Well, seeing that I may as well become a regular here, do you have any books you would recommend?"

"You're asking me?"

"Yes, Prince Loki," Freya responded timidly. She had never been this nervous, even in the presence of the Allfather. "Follow me." Freya trailed after him, following him to the upstairs part of the library. There was another candle there, and what appeared to be a reading nook. Freya had an inkling that this was where he spent his time. But she didn't say anything for fear of overstepping.

Prince Loki took a thick tome in his hand and placed it in Freya's arms. "Start with this. Then come see me once you're done." Freya nodded. "Will you visit tomorrow evening?"

"I will, my Prince."

"You don't have to do that, you know."

"I beg your pardon?"

"You can just call me Loki when nobody's around. I don't mind."

Freya turned pink and responded, "Yes, my--Loki. Loki." She said his name again, as if trying it on for size. "I bid you goodnight, Freya. Will you allow me to escort you to your chambers?" Freya. He had used her name for the first time. She thought about it for a moment, then thought that she wouldn't care if she got caught. It was Loki's idea, anyway. "Yes. You may."

The very thought of it all! A Valkyrie allowing a member of the royal family to walk her to her chambers. Yes of course the Valkyrie had power, they lived in the palace, but not nearly as enough as the royal family. He walked her down the winding corridors to where the Valkyrie lived. Loki smiled, a bit wider this time, and took Freya's hand. "Goodnight, my Valkyrie," he said. My Valkyrie. Those two words stuck in Freya's head.

"Goodnight, my Prince."

Lady Mischief (rewrite) (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now