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Freya felt alien in her dress. She was supposed to be a good little Valkyrie, not pretending to be some perfect Asgardian princess. Loki held tight to her hand as they both walked down. "Loki?"

"Yes, my Valkyrie?"

"I--I don't know that I should do this."

Loki smiled sadly and said, "You can. You'll be alright, my Valkyrie." Freya nodded and they continued walking, neither one of them letting go.

Upon their entrance, everyone in the room stood. Freya caught a glimpse of Søren and Lysa, but she quickly averted her eyes from them. She could feel the judgmental glares bearing down on her. Loki and Freya took their seats on a loveseat, near his brother, and waited for the music to begin.

Thor had the first dance dedicated to him, obviously, and then Loki's turn came around. He offered a hand to Freya, which she gratefully took. Lysa and Søren looked down upon her with disgust, but Freya didn't care.

The music started and Loki slipped his hand down to her waist. "Yes?" He cautiously asked. Freya nodded as they waltzed around the room. Everyone was silent, watching the young Prince with his Valkyrie. Suddenly, the music stopped.

The Allfather ordered everyone in the room silent. "Loki?" Freya said barely audible. The Allfather gasped quietly, with only two words, "Frost Giants."

The doors broke down and in came an army of Frost Giants. Loki quickly drew two large swords and yelled, "Freya! Your sword!" Her wings burst out of her dress and she drew her Dragonfang. Loki shot a bolt of magic so it would be on fire. The Frost Giants' one weakness. The other Valkyries came in with their swords and it wasn't long until the Frost Giants lay on the floor, slaughtered.

The Valkyrie were still waiting with bated breath, wondering where the King, Laufey, was. Freya was still in the air with her flaming sword. She too was anxious. Then, they heard a rumbling. Laufey was here.

He came in, thundering louder than the others had. Freya flew down, attempting to decapitate the Jotun King, but she was caught in his grip. She screamed in pain as he burned her with his icy grip. Loki widened his eyes and stole Gugnir, the scepter of the heavens, from the Allfather. He gave one blast towards Laufey and he dissipated into thin air. Freya fell to the ground, limp and nearly lifeless. The spell on the Dragonfang fell as Loki rushed towards Freya.

He picked her up and examined her arm--it was black and burned. "S-shit," he muttered, carrying her towards the healers wing. "This is all my fault," he said to himself as he set her on the bed. Lady Eir, the head healer, quickly ran the Soul Forge on her and a magic mist somewhat healed her arm. "Will she be alright?" Loki asked, perhaps a bit too quickly.

"She will be fine, Your Highness. She just needs rest, and plenty of it."

Loki nodded as Lady Eir handed his Valkyrie back to him. Freya limped back to Loki's quarters and she collapsed on the bed. "My Valkyrie. Is there anything I can do for you?" yeah u can fuck me--

"N-no. I need sleep."

Loki nodded and used magic to change her into soft pajamas. She turned over and fell onto her hurt arm, and whimpered in pain. Loki bolted upright and swallowed a lump back in his throat. "Are you alright, my Valkyrie? I heard--"

"My arm. I forgot I can't sleep on that side."

He relaxed and fell back onto his pillows. "Loki?" Freya asked softly. "Yes, Freya?"

"Why were they here? The...Frost Giants?"

Loki paused a moment before answering. "They wanted me. For information, I assume." Freya sighed and Loki continued, "I'm a fucking monster. I led them here, I got you hurt." Freya huffed and responded, "It's not your fault. And Loki?"


"I don't think you're a monster." He barely smiled and replied, "Thank you."

Lady Mischief (rewrite) (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now