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Loki grasped Freya's hand tightly as they trekked to the edge of the close canyon. She got distracted and nearly fell off the edge; Loki narrowly catching her and holding her tight to his front. "Be careful, love! I know it's beautiful but don't die for a canyon," he half joked. "Sorry, Loki. I've never seen anything like this before."

"You don't need to apologize. Just be careful, okay?"

"Okay," Freya responded as she held Loki's hand. They sat down on the edge and Freya rested her head under Loki's neck, Loki pressing kisses to her hand. Freya closed her eyes, allowing sleep to take her.

She woke up shortly after the two came back, making a small noise. She was in Loki's arms. "Hmm? Loki, what's--"

"Don't worry about it, darling. I'm just taking you to bed, you fell asleep at the canyon."

She smiled as Loki tucked her under the covers. Loki's hand rested on her back as Freya fell asleep.

The next morning, Freya woke before Loki. She admired him for a moment, before he opened his eyes. He looked at her with adoration, kissing her on the forehead. "Good morning, love," he whispered. Freya rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and replied, "Mm, good morning."

"Were you watching me sleep?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

Loki ruffled Freya's hair and kissed her. "My cheeky little Valkyrie," he smirked. Freya giggled and replied, "I miss you calling me that."

"Calling you what?"

"Your Valkyrie."

"Then I shall do it more often," Loki said, wrapping Freya up in his arms as he tickled and kissed her. She let out a delighted squeal, which made Thor and Jane come in the room. "Is everything--oh!" Jane stopped being concerned once she saw Freya smiling. Thor knew what was going on right away. Freya quickly composed herself and said, "Sorry."

"No need to be sorry, little sister. It warms my heart that you and my brother make each other very happy."

Loki turned pink as he and Freya both got up. Thor started cooking pancakes as Jane got the Pop-Tarts down. "Thanks, Thor," Freya smiled. "Of course, little sister." Jane served the pancakes on some china plates, which Loki nearly dropped one of them. Freya's quick reflexes caught it. "What happened?" asked Jane. "Nothing!" Freya and Loki said in perfect sync.

Later, her and Thor went into town as Loki had to help Jane with some science things. Freya spotted a pet store. "Ooh, ooh, Thor! Can we go inside?" She asked with doe eyes. "Sure. Maybe you'll find a furry companion." Freya dragged Thor into the pet store and gazed upon the puppies, kittens, and birds put on display. She held up a little black kitten with one eye. "How much?" She asked. The cashier said, "Oh yeah, we've been trying to get that one sold for ages. You can have him for a few bucks."

A few bucks and some care package stuff later, Freya walked back to the house with a small kitten in hand. "Do you think Loki will like him? He's very cute." Thor smiled and said, "I'm sure my brother will adore him."

"I can't imagine why nobody would buy him. He's the cutest creature I've ever laid eyes on."

"Wow, are we just going to forget about Loki like that?" Thor jested. "Loki is handsome. Cute is a difference." Thor ruffled her hair and they arrived back at the house, just as Loki was finishing up with Jane. He saw Freya walk in and then laid eyes upon the kitten. "Did you just buy it?" Loki asked, examining the furry creature. "Mmhm! Nobody would buy him, it was sad."

"I think it's because he has one eye."

"But that makes him cuter! He's special, just like you."

Loki kissed her forehead. The kitten mewed, and Loki looked at him. "What should we call him?" He asked. Freya thought for a moment and said, "What about Binx? Jane told me about a movie where the cat's name was Binx." Loki smiled and replied, "That sounds wonderful darling."

Lady Mischief (rewrite) (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now