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Freya stayed awake that night, staring at the moon until her mother and her sister returned late. Søren scoffed at Freya sitting out on the terrace. "Why aren't you in bed? We have a long day tomorrow, the Light Elves will be visiting to discuss Prince Loki's engagement!"

"I was thinking, Mother."

"Well, off to bed with you. I mean it, blackbird."

Blackbird. The nickname she hadn't heard since she was a young Valkyrie fledgling. Still, it didn't faze Freya. She tucked herself into bed, folding her wings so they didn't get crushed. But is Loki really getting betrothed? Married? She didn't think that Asgard had the strongest relations with Alfheim but perhaps she was wrong. She turned pink and curled under her blankets, wondering why she was worrying about it in the first place.


The next morning, Lysa woke Freya bright and early. "Norns, you are such a heavy sleeper! Come on, Mother wants us down in the feast hall, the Light Elves will be arriving soon." Freya groaned and slinked out of bed.

She dressed into a simple white dress with gold embellishments. Valkyrie weren't meant to be the center of attention, anyway. Freya walked down with her sister and they met their mother in the feast hall. Freya took her usual seat next to Loki, who looked a bit paler than usual. Something was undoubtedly wrong. Oh, well. She would find it out tonight in the library.

A few pages trumpeted and the doors to the palace opened. The Light Elf king, Leife, and his two daughters, Jimena and Azalena, had arrived. The breakfast party stood and some came to a knee. The Allfather greeted Leife graciously, telling him, "Bring Azalena over to Loki. They need to meet each other." Leife nodded and brought his older daughter, Azalena, over to Loki. She was perfect, confident, and everything Freya aspired to be.

They seemed to be stiff, but maybe that was the atmosphere, Freya thought. She couldn't help but feeling a bit jealous despite the fact that they were having no relations whatsoever outside of their nightly library escapades.

The visit continued for the entire day, and Freya was left alone at dinner sitting next to Loki. She couldn't talk, everyone would look down on her. But she needed to. She waited until nobody was looking, then whispered, "Meet me in the library tonight."


As she had done the past few nights, Freya took a candle to the library. She hoped that Loki would come. There was so much she needed to say, so many questions.

Sure enough, the candle was flickering as it had been the past few nights. Without hesitation, Freya spoke up, "Loki." Not a question this time. The young Prince stepped out of the shadows with a somber expression painting his face. "What's wrong?" Freya asked, even though she knew what was wrong.

"My engagement. I don't want to do this."

I don't want you to either. "Is there any way to get out of it?" Freya asked. Loki shook his head. "We're doing this as an alliance. So if Asgard goes to war, we'll have some of the most powerful sorcerers on our side." Freya clenched her jaw. She didn't even love him, yet if he was gone it would leave a void in her soul. "How long do you have left here?"

"Until the first full moon of spring. That's when I leave for Alfheim, it's supposed to be good luck to get married then. At least in their customs."

Freya couldn't say anything. How could she? What would she say? I don't want you to leave because I want you to be with me, even though it's completely against tradition? Loki could see Freya struggling with herself as well, because he said, "Look after yourself when I'm gone. Please, my Valkyrie."

"I'll have my Valkyrie sisters. I'll be fine."

Somehow, as she said this, Freya wasn't convinced. And nor was Loki. She would miss these nightly chats with her Prince. She would miss Loki calling her My Valkyrie. He would have someone else to call his. "Freya?" His smooth, pleasurable tenor voice interrupted her thoughts. "Oh, yes?"

He hesitated.

"Never mind. I forgot what I was going to say, anyway."

Freya sighed and as she left, Loki asked, "Will you allow me to escort you to your quarters?" The same as always. "I will, my Prince." Loki took her hand and they walked down the many winding corridors and halls to her chambers. They passed a maid, Ylvana, who quickly pretended she had seen nothing.

"Goodnight, my Valkyrie," Loki said. "Goodnight, my Prince."

Lady Mischief (rewrite) (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now