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The next morning, Freya was woken by her mother. Søren had returned with Lysa from reaping. "You are such a late sleeper, girl. The Allfather wants our presence."

Freya walked down to the Great Hall, in a somewhat wrinkled white dress. She made the mistake of yawning. "You know, one of Odin's ravens caught you with the Prince. You're lucky it doesn't tell him," Lysa said knowingly. Freya blanched and Lysa narrowed her eyes.

They took their seats and Freya was sat next to Loki, in her usual spot. Loki blushed and they both waited for Odin to tuck in, a sign that it was socially acceptable for them to begin. Freya kept one hand under the table, and a moment later, she felt a cool hand on her. She briefly looked down, not enough to draw suspicion. Loki's left hand was on her right.

Freya was beginning to wonder why his hand was so cold; the other Asgardians were always warm and tan. The younger Prince, however, was pale as milk and cold as ice. Her thoughts got the better of her, and she barely bothered to look down when a piece of parchment appeared in front of her.

Meet me in the library tonight.
~Your Prince

For once, he was asking. Freya balled up the parchment and stuffed it in her pocket. Thank the Norns all her dresses had pockets. The Allfather stood, everyone coming to attention. "May all the Valkyrie please come to me?" Though he acted like it was a question, Freya knew better. It was a command as all the Valkyrie stood in a line before the Allfather.

Freya knew a bit too late that he was assigning Valkyrie to members of the royal family. Some of them, anyway. Her sister and mother would stay as reapers, since apparently as Lysa said, "We don't have our heads in the clouds all the time." She stepped forward and took a knee, placing one fist over her heart. The Allfather hesitated. "Freya, the youngest Valkyrie. You shall--"

Oh please hurry up. I can't take it.

"--you shall be assigned to Prince Loki Odinson." Freya's heart began to beat just a little faster. But why? Why? "Rise, Valkyrie." She stood and nodded, a sign of respect. Loki stepped over to Freya, and she took a knee. "My Prince, I am willing to do whatever you ask." Loki said, "Rise, my Valkyrie." She could see his pale cheeks turn just the slightest shade of pastel pink.

Freya was sent to Loki's quarters. Upon arriving in there, she saw there was not one, but two beds. Obviously as he was the Prince, he had the bigger one. Her bed was around a queen size, with gold and black coverings, and a thin green canopy around it. Much bigger and much more comfortable than her old bed had been. "Freya? Are you okay?" Loki asked.

"Oh--oh yes. Sorry, I just zoned out."

Loki nodded as if to say, You're good. Freya kicked her flats off and felt the carpet between her toes. The floors in the Valkyrie chambers had been stiff hardwood. Then it occurred to her--"Do you mind if I take my shoes off in here?" Though she was technically residing in Loki's chambers now, it had been Loki's chambers. "Do whatever you please with your shoes. They're your chambers too." There it was again, the fluttering of her heart.

Freya cautiously sat herself on her bed and scanned the bookshelf beside it. There was not a single speck of dust, the maids must have done well. Or perhaps he didn't let the maids in, Freya thought Loki would prefer to do his own cleaning.

And her theory proved to be correct when later, she saw Loki dusting his own shelves and organizing his own books. She kept quiet instead of questioning it, he had his own system and to inquire about it would be far too nosy.

Freya took the crumpled piece of parchment and set it on her nightstand. "What is that?" Loki questioned. "Oh. It's just that piece of parchment you gave me earlier." There was a brief silence before Loki said, "If you need or want anything, don't be afraid to ask for it." Freya turned pink. "Ok. Thanks."

At dinner, the Valkyries that had been assigned to the royal family were sitting with their charges. Freya's seat didn't change and she noticed Loki was keeping a close eye on her. As the bowl of fresh fruit was passed around, Freya began to ask Loki if he wanted some. He responded, "You can get yours first. I don't mind waiting." Freya had the smallest glimmer of a smile as she scooped herself some honeydew and apples, and passed the bowl to Loki.

She noticed the same cool sensation on her hand. Looking down, pretending that she had dropped a piece of cutlery, Loki's hand was on hers again. Freya felt herself turn quite warm, but didn't draw her hand back. She knew he just needed a friend. A good friend, indeed.

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