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Freya kept her gaze down to the floor. Not only had the Allfather awakened, but there was a very real threat prevalent. She knew what was about to happen, why else would Odin request to see her? She knew the ravens had seen her and Loki together. Together together. And she knew it was forbidden, yet she kept doing it.

Søren kneeled before Odin and Freya followed. "Allfather, I have brought you Freya." Her mother left the room and her heart beat faster. "All--Allfather? May I ask what you wished to see me about?" She asked timidly. Odin's jaw clenched and he said, "Young Valkyrie, I have word that you are having relations with the Prince Loki."

"How do you know?" Dammit, why did you say that?

"Another Valkyrie has told me."

"You cannot believe the word of one compared to another."

"And you're to tell me what I can and cannot believe?"

He had a point. "I apologize, Allfather." Odin tilted his head up and then asked, "How do you plead to these charges?" Freya gulped and said as she frowned, "Guilty. Guilty, Allfather." Odin inhaled sharply and said, "Then, by the power given to me by my father, and his father before, I Odin Allfather cast--"


Freya and Odin both turned to see Loki out of breath. Freya gasped and, out of her control, ran to him. He engulfed her in a warm hug and kissed the top of her head. "Father, this is the woman I deeply care for. Who are you to take her away from me?"

"Loki, you know as well as I do that the Valkyrie are forbidden to have relations with us."

"Her name is Freya."

Freya kept her head tucked into his chest as they continued arguing. "If you dare cast her out, I will never forgive you." Odin rebutted with, "You are a Prince! You are not supposed to have relations with a Valkyrie!"

"Odin, do not speak of Freya that way!"

"It's Odin now, is it?"

"You are no father to me," Loki spat. Odin tilted his head upright and replied, "I have an ultimatum. Either you stop seeing her, or she will have her wings clipped." Loki blanched and Freya stepped forward. "Allfather, I would like to add something."

"What is it that you want, girl?"

"I--I would much rather live with my wings clipped than that I would be forbidden to live without Loki. I could not bear to see him everyday knowing that I could not be with him."

Loki's eyes widened. "Freya, no--" Odin put a hand up. "Valkyrie, do you understand what you are doing? Or are you blinded by love?"

"I fully understand the gravity and the consequences of my choice."

Loki wrapped his hand around her wrist. "Please don't," he whispered. "Loki. I know we will meet again someday. I promise you that," she replied equally quietly. Odin stepped forward and calmly said, "By the power given to me by my father, and his father before, I Odin Allfather cast you out!"

Loki was left with one final kiss before his Valkyrie disappeared.

She was gone.

"Odin, what have you done?!" He snarled. Odin put his staff down and replied, "I merely granted her request." Loki's eyes twitched and he said, "Banish me too, then. I have done actions far worse than Thor--"

"You merely accompanied Thor to Jotunheim. You did not reignite an ancient war."

"But I helped him! Banish me as well, so I can at least see her."

"I will not. You will live the rest of your days here on Asgard, unless I say otherwise."

Loki swallowed a lump in his throat and walked away. She was really gone.

Lady Mischief (rewrite) (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now