𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟎𝟔-𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲

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[Chapter Six-The Party] ¡!

'*•.¸ ¸.•*'

DREW AND SLOANE HAD ARRIVED at the party a while ago. Music played on the speakers, as the house was crowded. People were everywhere, while multicolored lights flickered around the house.

Chad grabbed a small glass of liquor as he looked towards the crowd of people.

"To Wes!" He shouted, raising his glass.

"To Wes!" All of them shouted as they also raised their glasses before going back to take a sip.

"Beautiful son of a bitch." Chad muttered to himself as he took a sip as Amber and Garrison walked up to him.

"Shots, really?" Garrison said, snatching the cup from Chad and throwing it on the floor.

"This is supposed to be a memorial." Amber said.

"Well, this is how I mourn and distract myself from the looming specter of death."

"Hey, we're low on beer." Mindy said to Amber.

"Alright. There's more in the basement, I'll go get some." Amber said, as she walked downstairs to the basement while Mindy watched.

Drew sat down next to Sloane, watching the movies, as Drew took a sip of the beer. This was the only thing she could really find herself interested in at this party. Suddenly, Sloane and Drew both watched as they saw Liv storm out, pushing through the crowd, making them both furrow their eyebrows as they both looked over to Chad.

"Oh, looks like I was right. You really do have a chance now." Sloane joked to Drew, making Drew hit her on the shoulder

Garrison sat down next to Sloane. "So, Chad and Liv broke up?"

"Kind of seems like it." Sloane said.

"Huh, why?"

"Well, Chad doesn't trust that she's not the killer, so, she took that personally."

Garrison slowly nodded in understanding. Garrison got a text on his phone from Liv, as he looked at it, furrowing his eyebrows.

Can we talk? I'm upstairs. Don't tell anyone that I texted you.

Garrison was confused by this text, as he began to type something back.

Garrison: Why not?

Liv: Because, I only wanna talk to you alone. And, you're the only one I feel like I can talk to.

Garrison: Why?

Liv:... Well, it's because...I really like you, Garrison. And I feel like you're easy to talk to. Can you please come upstairs?

Garrison couldn't really understand why she felt this way. He was the last person he could ever imagine someone wanting to talk to about a breakup. And he definitely couldn't understand why she had admitted her feelings to him right after a breakup. He turned to the others, who weren't really paying him any attention. Despite how much he wanted to tell them, he couldn't. He couldn't tell Chad that his ex had just hit on him. He didn't like Liv that way, but he couldn't tell her that over a text. He had to tell her this directly. He sighed as he put his phone back his pocket, and turned to the others.

"Look, guys. I gotta go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." He said.

"Nope! Never say "I'll be right back", Garrison! You know this!" Mindy said to him.

"Right! I'll...uh..catch you later." He said.

"That's better." She smiled as Garrison walked off.

'*•.¸ ¸.•*'

GARRISON WALKED UPSTAIRS, obviously not knowing which room Liv was in, as he saw many different rooms in the hall. He took his phone back out of his pocket as he texted Liv.

I'm upstairs. Which room are you in?

He stood there as he waited for her to reply, as he saw that she was texting back.

The one to your right.

He nodded, as he walked over to the room on his right, as he opened the door, only to see the room was all dark, and not only that, but it was empty. Nobody was in there. It was just a bedroom.

"Liv?" He called out, obviously confused, as he turned the light on, seeing that no one was there at all. He walked into the room, looking around, not seeing anybody.

"Liv?" He questioned as stood near the window. Nobody was there. Not a single person.

"Okay." He whispered to himself as he turned around, only to be met with Ghostface standing there.

"Oh shit!" Garrison shouted as he tried to run past him, but Ghostface grabbed him by his hair, and tossed him on the ground. Ghostface walked up to him, as Garrison quickly grabbed the lamp off of the nightstand, tossing it at him, causing Ghostface to stumble back.

Garrison got up, as he ran through the halls, trying to escape as he ran into a random room, and closed the door behind him, locking it. He looked over as he saw a door, leading into another room.

He took a deep breath as he slowly walked over to that door, going through it, as he entered the other room. He closed the door behind him slowly, as he let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. As a he turned to his side, he saw Ghostface standing there, as he screamed in fear.

Ghostface grabbed on his wrist, as he tried to stab Garrison, but Garrison was quick and punched him with his free hand. He proceeded to run, as he tried to open the door, but the lock was stuck. As he tried to undo the lock, he noticed Ghostface was starting to get up.

Garrison panicked as noticed Ghostface approaching him, making him give up on trying to undo the lock as he ran over to the window, as Ghostface followed after him. Garrison grabbed a book off of the nearby dresser and tossed it at the Ghostface, and grabbed another and threw that one at him as well, making them stumble back.

He proceeded to try and open the window, but it was a bit old, so it was kind of a struggle.

"Come on, piece of shit." Garrison muttered to himself as he practically hyperventilating. He managed to pry the window open as he looked down, seeing how much of a far fall it was. At that moment, he froze, not knowing what to do. His fear of heights couldn't have been any worse than it was before. He was so caught up in his fear , as well as his own indecisiveness that he hadn't noticed that Ghostface was getting up, approaching him.

Ghostface suddenly grabbed by his hair, turning him face him, as Garrison screamed in fear, struggling to fight back, as Ghostface plunged a knife into Garrison's stomach, causing him to let out such a painful and disturbing scream, as the feeling of the knife penetrating his body.

As Ghostface twisted the knife, he continued to scream even more, as his blood stained his shirt. Ghostface tilted his head at him, as Garrison looked at them, staring as his eyes widened at the realization.

At that moment, he was tossed out of the window by the masked killer, falling to his death, as his body hit the ground, every ounce of life that was in his body immediately leaving the moment his body collided with the ground.

Ghostface stared at his body for a moment as they closed the window, walking away from the scene as Garrison's dead body laid there.

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