𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟐𝟎-𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐢𝐱

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[Chapter Twenty-The Main Six] ¡!

'*•.¸ ¸.•*'

DREW SAT OUTSIDE, AS nurses tended to her injuries, as well as Tara's and Sam's. They wrapped up her stab wounds and cleaned the blood off of her. They watched as Kirby was carried in a hospital bed, as she looked at the three of them.

"If you ever need me, call. We're all part of the same fucked up family now. And legacy doesn't always have to be a bad thing." Kirby told them, as they all smiled. Kirby turned to Drew, as she noticed the sadness behind her smile.

"What's wrong?" Kirby asked her, as Drew felt herself tearing up again.

"It's..just, Chad." She said, trying to prevent herself from crying again, as Sam put an arm around her shoulder to comfort her, rubbing her back. Drew fought back her tears as she took a breath.

"Hey, we got another one here!" They heard a firefighter about, catching their attention, as they saw the firefighters carrying somebody else on a hospital bed.

"Chad motherfucking Meeks-Martin!" Drew exclaimed, as she ran over to him, Sam and Tara following her, as she stood next to him.

"Chad! Are you-uh-are you okay?" She asked, clearing her throat, trying to act a bit more calm and normal, as if she wasn't crying about him not too long ago, as he simply just nodded at her question.

"I thought I lost you." She panted, as she looked at him.

"How are you alive?" Sam asked him, as he simply just made a number six with his hand, as Drew smiled at him.

"Fucking main six." Tara smiled, as Drew looked at him, a certain light behind her eyes.

In the heat of the moment, with all the rushes of adrenaline and excitement that was flowing through her body, Drew took it upon herself, as he had taken the tank off of Chad's mouth, immediately pulling him into a kiss, holding onto him as if he would through her fingers if she didn't hold him tight enough.

She then let him go before she could get too carried away, as she put his oxygen tank back on his face. "Sorry, sorry! You need that!" She said, awkwardly chuckling as he smiled at her, as she kissed him on the cheek.

"Oh, my God! Are you guys okay?" They heard Mindy shout, as she came running towards them, Sloane and Kit, following after her, both of them having clothes that were stained with blood.

"I know who the killer is! It's Ethan and Bailey." Mindy said, as the others just looked her.

"And Quinn." Sam added.

"And Quinn? Fuck! Did I miss the monologue again?" Mindy complained.

"Yeah. Kinda. Sorry." Drew said, awkwardly as she had saw Sloane, causing her to run over and pull her into a hug.

"Oh, thank God, you're okay!" Drew said to her, as Sloane hugged her back, before her eyes began to widen at the realization of how tight Drew was hugging her.

"Okay, Drew, you're kinda..breaking my ribs." Sloane choked out causing Drew to immediately pull away from the hug.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm just...really glad you're okay." Drew smiled, as Sloane returned it.

"I'm glad you're okay, too." She smiled, as Drew turned over to Kit, who was just smiling, as he waved.

"Hey. I'm glad you guys are okay." Kit said.

"I'm glad you're okay, too. Thank you, for keeping an eye on them at the hospital." Drew said to him.

"You're welcome." He just smiled, while Drew nodded, as Mindy just looked at the others, her eyes slightly wide, as she had looked pretty confused and worried.

"Are you okay? Are you okay?" She said to Sam, Tara and Zayani. "You don't look okay." She panted as she was walking over the ambulance truck along with Chad as she continued to ramble to herself as Drew followed after her when Sloane looked over to Tara and Zayani.

"Looks like things worked out between you two, huh?" Sloane quizzed as both Tara and Zayani shyly smiled, answering Sloane's question, as she clapped her hands together. "I knew it! I knew you two would end up together! I fucking knew it!" She smiled, as she followed the others into the truck, as Sam stood behind for a moment, looking at the Ghostface mask in her bag.

"Sam." Tara called out to her in order to get her attention, causing her to look up to face her.

"You coming?" Tara asked.

Sam looked at her for a moment before she took the mask and threw it to the pavement, leaving it there as she walked up to Tara as they had walked away from the crime scene, as Drew sat in the back of the truck, as she watched as they had been leaving.

It was a very refreshing feeling. A relieving one. Leaving behind the memories of the whole Ghostface thing. Walking away from it. Leaving the whole past behind. Things had changed for Drew in multiple ways. She had her new family, her new life, and her new lover.

She had turned to Chad, who was laying in his bed, as she had gently grabbed his hand, caressing his thumb. A smile grew on her face, as she had knew she didn't have to put up a facade anymore. She didn't have to hide her feelings. She didn't have to do any of that anymore. She was safe and secure with her friends. And, most importantly, she was safe with Chad.

She didn't have hide it anymore, nor did she have to deny it, and she didn't really want to anymore. She had fully accepted that she had loved Chad, and he loved her. And nothing could ever take that away from her. She wouldn't let anything or anyone do so. She found someone to love, someone who loved her, and she doesn't plan on losing them anytime soon.

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