𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟎𝟗-𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲

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[Chapter Nine-Recovery] ¡!

'*•.¸ ¸.•*'

DREW SAT IN THE HOSPITAL, she had stayed there all night, waiting for Chad to wake up. She had fallen asleep in the waiting room after a couple of hours, mainly after her adrenaline rush had passed over. She could feel the warmth of the sun graze her skin, as the light shined through the glass window.

She sighed as she got up, sitting upright in her chair, as a doctor had came out of Chad's room, looking at Drew.

"He's awake." He informed her.

Without any hesitation, Drew immediately got up from her seat as she ran into the room, shoving the doctor out of the way gently, as she knelt down besides Chad's hospital bed, as he looked at her with a bit of a smile on his face.

"You've been waiting for a while, haven't you?" He said, in a bit of a teasing way.

"Of course I have. I didn't want to leave you here alone. Especially considering what happened with Tara at the hospital."

Chad chuckled a bit. "Yeah, but the difference is that the killers are dead now. So, I'm not really in danger."

"I know. But, I just wanted to stay with you anyway." Drew said, scrunching her nose with a smile, as she rested her arm on his bedside.

The two of them looked at each other for a moment, in complete silence before Drew cleared her throat, thinking of something to say.

"Um, I'm sorry about Liv. I know that must be really hard for you." Drew said to him.

"Yeah, it's gonna be tough, but, Y'know, I'll manage." Chad said.

"Yeah." Drew muttered under her breath.

"Look, I'm sorry about what had happened with Florence. I know you two were really close." Chad said.

"Don't be, it's not really your fault or anything." Drew said, as she looked downward for a moment before looking back up at Chad.

"Yeah, I know. But, I'm sorry you have to go through that. Through that pain you'd have to feel over losing one of your closest friends. I mean, you loved Florence like she was family. I can only imagine how painful that must've been for you to find out." Chad told her.

"It is, trust me. But, don't worry about me, okay? I'll be alright, especially since I still have you, Chad. And Mindy, and Sloane, and Tara. So, you know, I'll be fine. You guys are my anchor. As long as I have you guys, I'll be secure and strong." She smiled at him.

"Aw, that's sweet. That must've been really excruciating for you to even say that, huh?" Chad joked.

"Oh, absolutely." Drew said, as she stood up, looking down at him.

"Well, I have to go, and uh, meet up with Sloane, I'll catch you later, I guess." Drew smiled at him.

"Oh, alright. I'll see you later." Chad said, waving with only three of his fingers, his thumb, index finger and middle finger, as Drew did the same thing before she left the room.

'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'

SLOANE AND DREW WERE AT A CAFE, sitting at a table, drinking coffee. Now, to most people, this wasn't because a normal thing to do after managing to survive a killing spree that your own friend started in the first place, but it was to Drew and Sloane.

"So, how's Chad doing?" Sloane asked Drew.

"Oh, he's alright. He's gonna survive. Thank God."

Sloane chuckled as she took a sip of her coffee, looking out the window of the cafe, admiring the scenery, before turning back to Drew.

"So, you think that now Liv's out of the picture, like quite literally cut from the picture, that you maybe can now admit your feelings for Chad are still present?" Sloane quizzed, making Drew nearly choke on her coffee, as she cleared her throat, keeping her from choking.

"What are you talking about? I told you, I don't have feelings for him anymore, and even if I did, you really think it would be a good decision for me to tell him that right after his girlfriend just died?"

Sloane raised a brow. "Well, I don't know. I mean, sometimes, that could actually be the best time to tell him."

"Oh, really? In what world?" Drew asked her, as Sloane sat silently for a moment before coming up with an answer.


Drew sighed in clear annoyance with Sloane's words. "Listen, Sloane, okay, I don't have feelings for Chad anymore. I'm over it. There. That's it. End of discussion." Drew leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms.

"Yeah. Right. Look, Drew, we just almost got murdered by our own friend just a few days ago, and if that thought us anything, it's that life's too short. And, it would really be one hell of a waste of time lying to yourself and everyone else about you having feelings for someone who you've loved since the beginning."

Drew shook her head as she turned away from Sloane, obviously not wanting to look her in the eyes as Sloane continued to stare at her, knowing she'd eventually get Drew to cave in.

Drew had decided to give up the moment she realized Sloane wasn't going to stop looking at her, as she had stopped, looking back at Sloane.

"Alright, fine!" Drew exclaimed, making Sloane blink as she stopped staring at her.

"Maybe...I might still have just a very itsy-bitsy, teeny-tiny little crush on Chad still, but that's it. Just a very small one. Nothing major. No big deal." Drew admitted, making Sloane cheer as she clapped her hands quickly, before gently slamming them back on the table.

"I knew it!" Sloane said, triumphantly.

"I thought you said relationships were repulsive and unnecessary."

"Oh, they are. But, you know, you and Chad. You might just be the exception."

Drew sighed. "Okay, I'm sorry to tell you this, Sloane. But, there's nothing that's gonna happen between me and Chad."

Sloane's smile immediately faded at the sentence. "Why?"

"Because, Sloane, me and Chad have been friends since we were little kids, and we hadn't never spoken up about these feelings then, and a lot has changed..." Drew sighed, as she tried to catch her breath, keeping herself from getting too emotional.

"What if...what if it's too late for something between us?" Drew looked down at her hands, saddened by the thought of that even being the case.

Sloane's eyes softened, as she leaned closer to her sad friend. "Oh, Drew. It could never be too late for something to happen between you two. I mean, you and Chad, it's clear, there's a spark between you two. You just need the right time to make a move. But, I promise, it could never be too late."

"You really think that?"

"Yes, I do." Sloane told her.

A smile began to grow on Drew's face, as she chuckled softly. "Thanks, Sloane."

"Any time."

"I just know you're really happy that you finally got me to admit my crush on Chad, huh?" Drew asked her, making Sloane laugh.

"Yes! Finally, after all the pining for him, how could I not be happy?" Sloane exclaimed as Drew and her chuckled.

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