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Again art not mine I just coloured a bit onto it.


3rd Person POV

A short, skinny girl wandered the streets of Yokohama. Her body was worn out and sore as thoughts of regret flooded her mind. She had been on the run from the infamous Port Mafia for a little over 4 months now, and it definitely showed. The hot sun beat down on the pavement, and the young girl could feel her pale skin getting darker by the minute, but she didn't do anything, she was too tired.

She had on a white, bloodstained shirt with a black wrinkled tie around her neck. a black trench coat that reached down until just above her knees also had darker patches on it tinted red, as did her matching black, ripped jeans. Her black hair that reached halfway down her back, was knotty and dirty as if it hadn't been washed in a while. She wore white, ankle high socks and brown, leather shoes. She had a small cut on her face, right to the left of her chin. She had a black cat in her hands, who appeared to be sound asleep, as if it felt safe in its owner's arms. And, if this all wasn't enough, what really scared people were her eyes. Her left eye was a bright emerald green and her right one was a deep ocean blue. Even though her gaze was glued to the floor, her irises still caught passerby's attention and, her whole appearance, made everyone avoid her and her pet at all costs.

She shook with every step she took, as if she was in immense pain, which she was. In the words of her old friend 'Leaving the Port Mafia is hard, but it isn't impossible' "Well no shit Oda, I should know first hand. Way to sugarcoat it." she muttered to no one in particular, getting mad. Her babbling woke up her sleeping cat who just meowed in annoyance, making strangers look her way before quickly avoiding their gaze once they saw where it came from.

"Sorry for waking you, Lucky" the girl muttered to the cat who upon opening his eyes, had the same eyes as his owner only the other way around. The black cat, Lucky, just scowled in response before jumping up onto his owners shoulder. The pair turned the corner onto a busy street, bustling with people speed walking to get to their destinations, not paying attention to their belongings. The girl smirked to herself. This was the ideal place. She closed her jacket to try hide he obvious maroon stains and headed head first into the jumble of people on the sidewalk. She kept on 'accidentally' bumping into people and quickly running off before they could notice what she'd done. She'd done this millions of times and never gotten caught, and today would be no different. With a slight flick of her wrist, she'd have the persons wallet switch from their pocket to hers in mear seconds.

After a solid hour of pickpocketing, the sun was starting to set over the sea of Yokohama, so she decided to call it a day. She started walking back to her usual alley, satisfied with her days work. Her pockets were full of wallets, watches and even a few loose notes and coins that people had lying around in their pockets. But as she turned the corner into her alley she saw none other than Ryunosuke Akutagawa standing in her new found 'home'.

"Hello, Nekori-san" he said in his usual serious tone. "The boss wants you back." he said simply, getting straight to the point while awaiting a response but not getting one "If you refuse I will have to resort to using aggressive counter measures" he went on, pointing out the obvious "Don't say I didn't warn you" he looked at her, his grey eyes fixated on his target.

It stayed silent for a while before, to the man's surprise, the girl began to chuckle. Her little chuckle soon turned into a laugh but it wasn't one of the nice, genuine laughs that he knew from her after she pulled one of her practical jokes. This was a cold laugh, a forced one that sent chills down his spine. "Oh, this is just my luck" she muttered, just loud enough for the rabid dog to hear. "Here Lucky, get off for a sec." The cat did as his owner told him to, and jumped off to go sit down at the side of the alley, right beside a red brick wall, where it watched intently, eager to see its master beet the shit out of this guy.

"Aku-kun, what took you so long?" she questioned in a menacing tone, a creepy smile on her face "I've been waiting for you. And also, I'm doing pretty well, thanks for asking. Look, there's one of two options that can happen right now and, since I'm such a nice person, I'm going to let you decide which one we're gonna do! Option 1: you can leave me alone, go away and never come back. Tell that bastard Mori that I've left and to move on and we can all live happily ever after. Option 2: is basically that you refuse to leave so I'm going to have to proceed to beat the living crap out you. Then when I beat you, you can run along home to Mori, who you obey every single command of, and tell him to LEAVE ME ALONE!" she finished, her cold smirk still on her face "Your choice. You know what I'm capable of Aku-kun, you did teach me a couple thing after all" she said, her mismatched glare not wavering or showing any signs of backing down.

Akutagawa was stunned, the normally chirpy, goofy girl she knew, was completely gone. This was another person. He actually considered doing the first option but then remembered that he was the Port Mafia's silent rabid dog, and he was definitely NOT going to get beaten up by some skinny, tiny 15 year old girl "What about option 3" he said confidently, after composing himself because of her little monologue. "What's that?" she responded, a fake pout on her tiny little face. "You come with me" he responded, his face darkening, and she could only see his figure because of a flickering street lamp behind him. "Panther in the Shadows" she called as purple rings with writing on them circled around her. It was now completely dark and only the moon and stars were able to illuminate the panther that replaced the small girl that was there mear seconds ago. The only resemblance they had of each other were their bright blue and green eyes. Akutagawa yelled into the night as well, as he activated his own ability, ready for the battle.

No one moved for a solid thirty seconds as the pair of mismatched eyes glared into his dull grey ones. Then out of nowhere the panther leaped high towards the air, but not towards her enemy. She got onto a roof of a nearby building and sprinted and leapt from roof to roof before dropping in an alley. Her cat, had also vanished. As soon as Akutagawa realized what was happening he swiftly jumped from wall to wall to see if the panther was still in sight, which it wasn't.

He spent at least an hour and a half looking for the girl but couldn't find her. She was too sly for him. He cursed mentally for letting himself be manipulated by a 15 year old before finally giving up after searching all the nearby neighborhoods from top to bottom.

"I knew he'd fall for that" she chuckled to herself after reuniting with her cat after a couple of hours. "I wish I could see his stupid face when he reports back to Mori saying he failed" she continued while her cat just purred in agreement. But to her disappointment, when she reached into her pockets, most of her loot was long gone, only a single wallet remained. 'Damn it' she cursed internally before opening the wallet. She scanned the ID inside and inspected the picture of a dirty blonde man with green eyes, glasses and a serious expression. She shrugged, before counting the money and falling asleep curled up with her pet in the corner of her new alleyway.


There's the prologue, hope you enjoyed! Any spelling or grammar mistakes pls let me know cuz it's kinda one of my pet peeves.

Tini-san out

Just My Luck {bungo stray dogs x oc}Where stories live. Discover now