Chapter 3

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"So then it's settled?"

"Yes, sir! I promise I won't let you down!"

"Ok, you are excused"

I muttered a thank you, before getting up and walking out of the room. I acted calm and collected, but as soon as I closed the door to the president's office, I started jumping and dancing around. I sprinted back to to Kenji, who was in the main office, to tell him the good news. 

"KENJI!" I yelled as I slammed open the door. "Did it go well?" he asked, his eyes hopeful as he looked at me like an eager puppy staring at a treat. "Yup!" I responded happily . "You are now looking at the newest member of the Armed Detective Agency" I said happily, pointing at myself, a confident smirk plastered in my face as my mismatched eyes glowed with happiness. 

"Well this calls for a celebration" Dazai said, popping out of no where "We should go out for ramen, all of us. Kunikida-kun's treat" "Don't be so generous with my money, Dazai!" the blonde yelled at him, looking up from his laptop. "Oh, yeah here" I said while handing him his wallet, which he snatched from me angrily. 

"Let's go!" Dazai ushered us all out, except Mr. Lazy at the back, who insisted on staying as it was too much of a hassle, according to him. We all went out for ramen that night as everyone introduced themselves and shared stories. It definitely took me some time to get all their names down, but I got it eventually. As I started getting friendly with the group, I asked what they used to do before they joined the ADA.

"Take a guess!" said Dazai eagerly. "Ok..." I said eyeing the group, analyzing them to try come up with an answer. "Were Naomi-san and Tanizaki-san students?" I asked "Bingo" the redhead responded happily as his sister nodded her head. "How'd you know?" Naomi asked me, her head tilted to her left as her deep, grey eyes scanned me, full of wonder. "Well you're wearing what looks to be a uniform and Tanizaki doesn't look to be older than 18, so it was just a bit of a guess really" I explained sheepishly, while giving her a close-eyed smile and rubbing the back of my neck. I scanned the group for my next target at this guessing game, before I locked targets with a pair of green-grey eyes that were staring right at me. 

"And Kunikida-san, were you... a teacher?"

 "We don't need to talk about my previous occupation" he responded with a huff, before crossing his arms and turning his head. "I'll take that as a yes" I giggled, you could definitely tell he was embarrassed about his former job. "You just give out that 'annoying teacher who yells at dumb kids' vibe, ya know?" I teased him, making him turn bright red in annoyance and earning a couple snickers from Dazai and Yosano.

 "Were you a farmer, Kenji-kun?" The blonde, freckled boy nodded with a close-eyed smile as he continued to slurp down his ramen. "How'd you guess?" he asked me curiously, after swallowing an insane amount of noodles. "Before you said that you had 'cats like Lucky back on your farm', right?" I informed him, a thoughtful expression on my face while I pointed one finger in the air. "That was kind of a dead give away. Also that hat you have around you're neck helped too. It isn't hot enough in Yokohama to need a hat like that so I could only guess you brought it from the country side as I haven't seen anything like it in any shops around here." I went on explaining, to which he nodded.

 "And you're a doctor, right Yosano-san?" "Spot on" the female confirmed, a proud look on her face because of her career.  "Did you remember me giving you your treatment or something? But you were unconscious the whole time..." she asked no one in particular, while eyeing me skeptically, trying to figure out how I guessed it first try. "Well, when I came into the office you were the first one to ask me if I was feeling better, meaning you must've known that my injuries were a bit more serious than a few cuts and scratches. So therefor, it must mean that you were the one that treated me. That must also mean that you probably have a healing ability. But I doubt your first job as a medical professional was with the agency, maybe in the war when you were younger?" I questioned her, to which she stiffened up immediately and I knew I must've hit a nerve. 

Dazai quickly saw that Yosano and I were uncomfortable and rapidly changed the subject. Thanks for that, Dazai. "You're really good at this, Neko-chan, you're like a mini Ranpo!" Dazai commented, praising me. "Neko-chan?" I questioned the nickname he gave me, tilting my head in confusion. "It's a little nickname for you, do you like it?"

 "Sure" I shrugged, I did kind of like it.

"Well it's getting kinda late, I should be getting home" I said as I stood up, thanking Kunikida for paying for my food. Kenji quickly typed in the address to my new apartment into my new phone and gave me the keys and I left, Lucky in my arms asleep.

"She didn't guess you, Dazai-san" Kenji stated, curious as to why the girl didn't guess. "She missed out on 700,000 yen." "She already knows, Kenji-kun." Dazai said, putting his hands in his head. "That's a really nice beam up there"

"Don't even think about it!"


It's now been a month since I started working for the Agency and it's been a blast! Now that I'm comfortable with these people I started playing my pranks again, with Kunikida and Ranpo being my main targets. Dazai had usually been my partner in crime, bailing me out from getting yelled at by Kunikida countless times. Fukuzawa-san appointed me as Kenji's partner and we have so much fun going on cases together. Although sometimes we do get a bit out of hand. When I'm not working with Kenji, I sometimes go on cases with Dazai and Kunikida, which is also fun as me and Dazai get to mess with the strict man a lot. I've also been paired with Ranpo a few times, because of our similar thinking process or something. There have been some encounters with the Port Mafia, trying to kidnap me and whatnot but it's been no problem for the Armed Detective Agency.

But sadly, recently it's been pretty boring. And I hate boredom with a burning passion. The feeling of just having nothing to do sucks. 

"Kunikida-san come quick!" I yelled with urgency from the couch in the main office. The man came sprinting from wherever he was. He opened the door and BAM! a bucket of bright, neon green slime came down on him. I rolled off the couch with laughter at seeing the sight, tears on the corner of my eyes. "You're so gullible" I said between wheezes as I got up and wiped the tears in my eyes."Nekori, it isn't funny!" he boomed at me.

"This is totally going to mess up my schedule!"

"This is totally going to mess up my schedule!"

We said at the exact same time, my sentence being in a mocking tone of course. Needless to say, Kunikida was furious as he boomed at me to mop up the mess I'd made while he went to clean up. I lazily got to work and was done by the time he came back saying that he had a case and needed me and Dazai on it with him. 

"I don't know, I'm kinda busy" I said lazily, while flopping back onto the couch, getting comfy for a nap. "No excuses" the blonde said while grabbing me by the the hood and dragging me out of the office, Dazai trailing behind with my cat on his shoulders and his hands in his pockets, whistling to his favorite song. 

"So what's the case?" I asked after Kunikida had finally let go of my clothes as I dusted myself off from being dragged around the place. "Have you heard of the weretiger that's been going around Yokohama?" he asked

"Who hasn't?" I replied, remembering last night when I as manning the phone and got countless calls about the beast. It hadn't eaten anyone. Yet. "Well we have to go catch it" Kunikida said confidently, before whipping out his notebook and writing something hurriedly in it. "Sounds like a bit of a trek, not going to lie" I responded, giving a faux yawn to prove my point. 


Before Kunikida could respond to me with a lecture, Dazai had plunged head first into the river from the bridge we were crossing. Lucky, who was on his shoulder, jumped off him into my arms just in time. I placed the cat on my shoulders before peering over the edge of the bridge at the pair of legs sticking up out of the river that belonged to my partner. 'Ugh' I thought to myself as I knew we were going to have to save him. 

'This is just my luck'


Wow I'm on an uploading streak! Anywho, hope u enjoyed

Tini-san out!

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