Chapter 11

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'Holy shit. Atsushi just lost his leg. Like it's right over there. On the floor. Not attached to his body. Shit. I should do something. Like right now' My mind raced as I looked at the scene unfolding in front of me.

Without a second thought, I turned back into a human and raised up a panther paw, slapping Akutagawa in the face and sending him flying backwards, deeper into the alley. "Oh, hey Aku-kun!" I yelled a little too loudly. I took a breath and composed myself before speaking again, doing my best to tune out Atsushi in the background.

"The kid's literally just joined the Agency today and now he's lost a limb" I began, turning the other three of my limbs into panther ones. "Now, I like an even playing field, and you know what's fair? Since he lost a leg, I think it's only fair that you loose one too, don't you think?" 

As I charged at the man, he quickly rose and ducked out of the way, making me miss my target before he sent Rashomon at me. I dodged as quickly as I could, but bashed into a wall in the process. It was that morning all over again. I got up and wiped my nose which was bleeding again as Akutagawa let out a small cough, not saying a word but eyeing me menacingly. 

"You wanna see a new trick?" I told him, wiping my nose again. As soon as my sentence finished, I dissolved into the ground and travelled sneakily on the floor till I was behind him. I re-emerged and pounced on him before he had time to react, sending us onto the floor. Rashomon attacked me again so I leapt out of the way as fast as I could, landing beside Atsushi.

Except, he had stopped screaming in pain.

I got worried that he might have passed out, or worse so I crouched down and gently shook him, to try and wake him. But turns out I didn't need to. The boy jumped off the ground and onto a redbrick wall that belonged to one of the buildings beside us. The same blue swirls with writing from the night before appeared all around him and I knew that the tiger was finally making his appearance. His leg regenerated in the blink of an eye as his features slowly yet steadily changed into the ones of a tiger as he let out a vicious growl from his pearly white teeth.

I just smirked at the terrified and confused faces of Higuchi and Akutagawa and decided to step back, letting Atsushi do the work as everyone knows, revenge is the best medicine. That has to be a saying or something, right? Anyways, moving on.

Akutagawa's expression soon changed as he let out the closest thing he could to a smile. "This is how it should be" he muttered to no one in particular as the tiger charged at the pair. The man pushed Higuchi out of the way while she screamed the classic: "Akutagawa-senpai!"

The tiger jumped back onto a wall that was the opposite of where he was before and his enemy sent a black and red monster charging at him. He swiftly leapt out of the way as Rashomon hit the wall and jumped onto it, running towards the man that had sent it. Akutagawa, in disbelief that the newbie had dodged such a fierce attack, made a net out of the monster he could control to try and brace himself for the attack of the beast but he still got sent flying back into a wall.

"Akutagawa-senpai!" the blonde yelled again, much to my disappointment as she kept on ruining the atmosphere of the very intense and super cool fight that was happening. She took out a machine gun and fired at the tiger, but the bullets seemed to do nothing. Her eyes widened in confusion and fear but she kept on pulling the trigger.

I hate guns. They're so loud and noisy and give the wielder an unfair advantage. Only cowards who can't fight use guns. Cowards like Higuchi. I pounced on the lady and slapped the gun out of her hand, and threw her behind me, as she landed near the Tanizakis, knocking her out. The tiger directed its attention towards me with a glare that sent chills down me spine.

"Continue" I told it awkwardly, waving my still transformed paw at Akutagawa, praying that it would understand and not come after me. It gave me some sort of weird approval nod as it faced its target again and I breathed a sigh of relief. I wanted to watch this fight, not be in it. The tiger pounced again as my panther eyes caught the tiniest tint of green coming from it. I glanced back and saw Junichiro Tanizaki using the last bit of strength he had left to create an illusion. Respect dude.

Akutagawa sent one of his fiercest attacks called Agito at the tiger, chopping it in half. "I was supposed to bring you back alive" he spat at the fallen beast, a look of slight pride on his face. I felt like ruining that moment. "You think you killed it?" I chuckled, rolling my eyes "You really are ignorant, Aku-kun"

The illusion vanished as everything turned a greeny glow and Akutagawa's face morphed from confusion into realization. He shot the redhead a look and saw his smirking face as he finally passed out.

"So I just ripped apart a mirage, then?" the black haired with white tips finally came to noticed. "That means.." 

As he turned around to attack the actual tiger that was now charging at him from behind, a certain brunette pushed past the three people lying on the floor and me, heading straight towards the chaos. 

"Took you long enough" I scoffed at him, causing him to give me a playful wink as I just stayed in my position leaning against the wall with my arms crossed, my cat, which had jumped off my shoulder at the beginning of the fight, was now on my head meowing at him too.

 As the tiger and the Rashomon were about to make contact...

 "All right! That's enough!"

Two extended, bandaged arms touched the tips of the beasts faces with their skinny, boney fingers, causing them to disappear and leave their wielders powerless. "Ooh, busted" I smirked "Anyway, I'm gonna go back to the Agency, I need a nap" I informed before turning around and walking out of the alley. I didn't feel like hearing Akutagawa give out to Dazai about leaving the PM and shit, 'cause then I knew he would move onto me. But as I slipped out of the alley I couldn't help but wonder.

Akutagawa said he was supposed to bring Atsushi back alive. The Port Mafia don't bring people, let alone targets, back alive. Unless they're wanted. They wouldn't want Atsushi to join them, the Port Mafia doesn't recruit people that way. It would only make sense if Atsushi had some sort of value, maybe a bounty. But who would want Atsushi? Sure his ability is strong but there are stronger, especially for long-range and strategized combat. 

'Damn' I thought to myself, trying to figure out who would want Atsushi and if the reason the Port Mafia wanted him was even a bounty in the first place. 

'This is harder than Ranpo makes it seem'


Heyo, Ima be going on holidays tmrw and amn't gonna be able to bring my laptop w me, which means no updates for about three weeks (IK Im sorry) but I promise that in the meantime I will definitely be thinking about the plot and new ideas for Nekori and Lucky.
So don't be afraid to leave a comment with an idea or a thought or smt. Anywho, I hope you've enjoyed these two consecutive posts (Im pretty proud of that) and that you have a great day!

Tini-san, out!

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