Chapter 1

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Heyyy another chapter for ya!


Nekori hugged her cat tightly in her arms as she ran as fast as her legs would go. The moon was  high in the streets of Yokohama and she could hear the sound of footsteps chasing her down behind her. "Get back here, you brat!" yelled a voice as she ignored it and ran through the dark alleys of the city, which she knew off by heart by now. She took a glance behind her to see a tall, blonde man with glasses, exactly the same as the man in the ID of the wallet she'd stolen a couple days ago. She had been using his credit card and money to eat the past few days to buy her food. Unluckily enough, the very man that owned the wallet saw her using his credit card and was now chasing her down. 

Even though it was dark, because of her ability, she could clearly see the man that was chasing her down. Panthers do have amazing eyesight after all. The man that was chasing her appeared to be a tall and slim young man, who must be in his early twenties. He had deep, green-grey eyes and his bangs were parted to the right and he had rather neat, but spiky golden-blond hair that ended in a long ponytail. He was wearing rectangular, thin-rimmed glasses that complimented his rather pointy face. His attire consisted of a beige vest over a black long-sleeved dress shirt, a red ribbon tied into a droopy bow around the collar, beige pants that matched his vest, and plain brown shoes.

She turned her head back to looking in front of her as her mismatched eyes scanned her surroundings for someplace to hide as she could feel that she couldn't run much longer. Her legs were aching in pain as she felt them get weaker with every silent footstep she took. She thought about just turning herself in, but quickly shut down the idea as she knew that if the police got to her, it wouldn't be long before the Port Mafia would find out and get to her too. She was one of their most skilled operatives after all. She got distracted by her thoughts and took a wrong turn, leading to a dead end. She turned and faced the man "I'll give you the wallet, just please leave me alone!" she yelled out fearfully. Lucky sensed  his owners fear and cuddled her affectionately, but sadly she didn't even notice as she was too scared to get caught.

"I-I-I have an a-ability and I'm not afraid to u-use it!" she managed to stutter out, trying to say it as confidently as she could but failing miserably. She would usually be here cocky and overconfident self in this situation, but being on the run for the past few months really hit her hard. "You have an ability?" the man questioned, his cold gaze softening as he saw how terrified the little girl was. "Look, give me the wallet and we can talk about it later. Do you have a place to stay?" he questioned. Nekori slowly shook her head, her mismatched eyes glued to the floor. "Come with me" the man said, slowly approaching her. But at that moment, Nekori's legs finally gave out, as she dropped to the floor she could see the man running towards her and her cat hissing at him before it all went black.


Nekori's POV

My eyes slowly opened as I realized that all my pain was gone. The wound in my side, on my shoulder... I quickly rose my hand to my face to feel that the cut I had before was gone. I slowly got up before realizing that I was in a nice comfy bed. Knowing this information I immediately plopped back down. It had been months before I'd been on a mattress and it felt so soft. I begrudgingly sit up from the very, VERY comfortable bed and look around the room. 

'I'm in some sort of infirmary by the looks of it' I thought. That's when all the memories of last night came rushing back. I jump out of the bed and call for Lucky. When I can't find him, I start to panic. Instantly terrible thoughts come rushing into my brain 'What if he was left in the alley? What if that man hurt him? What if-' My thoughts were cut short by the yelling of a man. "Dazai, you walking waste of bandages we got to get going! We're already 23 seconds late!"

Wait, DAZAI!? As in THE Osamu Dazai!? I sprinted  out of the room, looking for the literal legend of the Port Mafia. He used to be my old mentor at the Mafia but when he left roughly four years ago, I was transferred to Nakahara Chuuya's guidance. That was until I was announced an executive, one month off of beating Dazai's record. Yet here he was. This man had been like a big brother to me, taking care of me since I was seven. I was his star pupil even though the last time I went on a mission with him someone died. And it was my fault. 

As I entered the room, all eyes turned to me. I could see Dazai being strangled by the man from last night. I could also  tell they were instantly distracted by my eyes. This wasn't new to me. Everyone stared at them. They were different, weird, creepy. It was silent for a minute before Dazai spoke up "Nekori?" My eyes lit up. He did remember me. He took a step forward but so did his attacker. "This is the girl I brought in last night" he said, cautiously glancing at me. Rude. "How do you know her?" he asked, facing the brunette while pushing up his glasses. "Long story" Dazai shrugged it off, it was obvious he didn't want to talk about it so I made a mental note to keep my mouth shut.

"Are you feeling better?" a woman asked me, while taking a step forward towards me as well. She was a young woman who appeared to be in her mid-twenties. She had straight, dark hair cut into a bob that reached past her chin and bangs. Her eyes were a deep magenta colour. She wore a white button-up blouse with puffy sleeves that ended in the middle of her forearm. Her shirt was tucked into a plain black skirt that flared out just above her knees. She wore gloves that reached past her wrist, a black tie, and black tights. She also wore red high heels and a golden butterfly hairpin on the left side of her head. I shyly nodded at her. Just then, I heard a familiar purr come from the arms of a blonde kid. 

"Lucky!" I yelled, holding my arms open as my best friend jumped into them. I held him tight, careful not to squeeze him. "I'll never let you go again" I gently whispered into his ear, to which he purred in agreement, as if he was saying the same thing about me. "He's a very good cat" said the blonde kid who had been taking care of him. "He reminded me of the ones we had back on the farm at home!" He appeared to be a young boy that couldn't be much older than me, with gold eyes and short blond hair that reached past the nape of his neck. His bangs were gathered at the center of his forehead and he had freckles across his cheeks. He wore blue, beat up overalls that were cuffed and a black belt around his waist. His overalls were worn over a loose beige shirt that had tattered sleeves. He wore a black undershirt that has sleeves ending a little past the elbows. He wore an old straw hat around his neck. He had no shoes on, which was a little weird but ok. 

"So Nekori, was it?" the blonde man, who the ID said his name was Doppo Kunikida, questioned me while carefully scanning me from top to bottom. "How'd you end up on the streets?" Everyone was taken aback by how blunt he was with such a delicate matter. Everyone except for one person. 

"She's escaping from the Port Mafia" said a man, who I didn't even notice was there, from the back while munching on some snacks. "And she's failing at it too"


Hope you like this! Also, if u like my story u'll love @myanamcara s story. Its sooooo good and I 100% recommend u read it!

Tini-san out!

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