Chapter 17

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"It's day five of this no-sleep-info-gathering-athon," I whispered into the old style video camera I picked up before day one of the infamous no-sleep-info-gathering-athon. I sat in my dimly lit apartment, my blinds tightly shut and the only light that illuminated the room came from numerous screens I had placed around the floor of the room, cables twisting and connecting to different sockets on the walls. I was probably solely carrying Japan's carbon emissions this week, but that was beside the point.

"I've taken to sit like L from Death Note now, in hope to improve my brain efficiency" I continued, sitting like the popular anime character to demonstrate to the camera and staring at one of the screens while adjusting the device, giving it a better angle to see what I was doing on the computer and my beautiful anime inspired posture. "In total, I have now collected five electronic devices. I stole two computers from the dumb office ladies at the agency, telling them that they needed to be brought for repairs. I stole them from Mary and Lisa because they're both American, understand little to no Japanese and are like a thousand years old. I have an iPad that the agency gifted to me, as well as my work computer and my work phone as well."

"As for morale, it pretty much sucks. I haven't cleaned out Lucky's litter box in around three days and the same delivery guy has delivered my sushi four nights in a row and it was so embarrassing 'cause he was kind of cute and probably thinks I'm a crazy lunatic right now, but it doesn't matter!" I catch myself rambling and stop, clear my throat and resume speaking at the camera again, this time, telling it useful information.

"As for the actual purpose of the no-sleep-info-gathering-athon, it seems as if everything's finally working out for once," I sigh, shifting my gaze to another computer and clicking some buttons. "I'm no hacker, but I can write very persuasive emails. Also who knew that being an ex-mafia agent would lead to so many people being scared of you?!"

"So let's go over the game plan one more time. I've been writing emails to many 'loose ends' and people who owe me a couple favours here and there, investigative type people. Like government investigative type people. Like government people that investigate ability using organisations investigative type people. God, I'm making no sense, I'm sorry I'm extremely sleep deprived. Anyway, after some minor law-breaking, I have narrowed it down to only a few organisations"

I turn dramatically to the camera, revealing my absolutely immense eye bags and beautiful outfit that consisted of black sweatpants, a white tank top and my thin rimmed UV glasses that the optician said I should wear whenever I was looking at screens.

"I've narrowed it down to three organizations that placed that bounty on Atsushi's head"

I got the iPad and pulled up a picture of the words 'White Night' written out in a fancy font. "The White Night, a trading company that does a bunch of shady shut, including two confirmed murders, nineteen kidnappings, forty one counts of armed intimidation and so much more. Out of these 62 confirmed crimes, 40 have been said to be done with ability users. Why they want Atsushi? No clue. Could he be messing with a company's stock prices because of any recent arrests or cases he's worked on? Could they be looking for another powerful ability user to do their dirt work for them? I dunno. The point is they're insanely powerful, influential and rich and basically manipulate the market by forcing people to buy and sell shares, using ability users.

"Next!" I swipe the page again to reveal the logo of a well know law firm from Britain, Sidwell Clarke Evans. "Sidwell Clarke Evans is a law firm that, surprise, surprise, also does a bunch of shady shit! They have a knack for 'bending the rules' as the three name partners have similar brain washing abilities that have confirmed usage on district attorneys, witnesses, clients and rival lawyers. Numerous crimes including: witness tampering, collusions, destruction of evidence and so much more. Why they'd want Atsushi, I'm not entirely sure, but one of my informants (live saying that words! I feel so James Bondy) tells me that they have a history of placing bounties on peoples head to cause chaos if the company the person belongs to has something the want. They call off the bounty in exchange for evidence, false witnesses or literally anything.

I put the iPad down for a second and took a sip of the big glass of milk that was on the floor beside me. I rub my temples for a good minute, trying to internally battle sleep and hunger just long enough to finish presenting to the camera.

"Last but definitely not least," I turn to the camera, my beautiful milk moustache on full display, "A gifted organisation called the Guild. Now the Guild ALSO do some shady-"

I was very rudely interrupted by my phone ringing somewhere in the mess of my room that looked like a bomb had hit it. I could hear the NOKIA ring-tone playing over and over somewhere under the twenty boxes of empty sushi and noodles, blankets thrown around the floor, cans of cat food and tuna in a pile in the corner, and pillows and cushions wherever you looked. Finally (under Lucky) the phone was found and I quickly pressed answer, to be met with a screaming Kunikida.

"You haven't been to work in five days!"

"I legit thought you were the sushi place calling to let me know I have reached enough purchases for a free order"

"Nekori, we have a problem" Kunikida sounded unusually panicked. This cannot be good. "While you were taking your little vacation, we were actually working a case. Long story short, terrorist set a bomb by the docks, beside your favourite fish place?"

"Frank's Fishmongers!"

"Yeah that's the one. We got a bomb squad there but... this is Azure King level stuff. It's a very high level explosive. We need you to go de-arm it. Right. Now."

"Say less" I whistle, and Lucky jumped onto my shoulder. "I got your back, Kunikida"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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