Chapter 13

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Defeating raids is very fun. Cleaning up after them is not.

I lazily looked up from collecting the shattered glass of the window to see what everyone was doing. Kenji was carrying a big box full of broken supplies, Yosano was sweeping the floor swiftly and elegantly as always, Kunikida was taking note of everything that needed to be replaced or repaired and the office ladies were picking up scattered bits and pieces and putting them where they belonged. Oh, and Ranpo was doing nothing as usual.

I got up and stretched my back, hearing it crack as to being crouched down for too long. I picked up a bin bag full of shattered glass and carefully slung it over my shoulder.

"I'm going to put these in the dumpster down the street" I called out to no one in particular, just to hear a couple 'yeah's and some 'be back soon's.

Lucky jumped off his favourite couch cushion and followed me quickly, meowing at me to put him on my shoulder. I obliged and with my one free hand I scooped him up and placed him in his spot, to which he purred in delight.

I got into the elevator and went down to the ground floor. I trudged down the street and reached the big black dumpster, filled to the brim. As It threw the bag from over my shoulder into the dumpster, it broke letting at least half of the contents pour out into the street. Great.

I hastily, and a bit clumsily, picked up as much pieces of glass as I could, cutting my finger in the process. Many people passed by and stared at me and one old man called out "Hey girl! Maybe if you didn't have that unlucky cat, things like that wouldn't happen to you!" I sheepishly laughed with him before turning my head back down to my work. "Asshole" I muttered under my breath.

Once I got most of the glass into the dumpster I heard my phone ring. I got up and looked at the caller ID to see a little cartoon of a cute white tiger.

"Hey Atsushi-kun" I picked up, putting the phone to my ear and wiping some of the blood from my finger onto my skirt. Bad idea. Now it was stained.

"Hey Kawakami-san, Ranpo has a murder case and requested that you go with him. The case is about a dead woman being fished out of the river. He said something like 'you aren't as stupid as the rest and you're entertaining to have tag along'"

"Sounds like him. Be right there. Oh and Atsushi-kun?


"Drop the formalities, Nekori is fine"

"Oh, um, sure Nekori-san"

I hung up and started speed walking back to the Agency, which was at the top of the road.


After a painfully long process of teaching Ranpo how to catch a train, we were finally on board the vehicle heading to where the job was. "I see you got another marble, Ranpo-san" I admired, swinging my legs off the edge of my seat. Me and Atsushi were sitting on one side of the little train booth and Ranpo was sitting on the other, watching the sun shine on the meadows that we passed by through his new marble. Lucky sat on his lap and purred softly as Ranpo used his free hand to scratch him behind his ears.

"And I see that you've got a stain on you skirt. Another unlucky incident I suppose? I knew it was a bad idea to let you clean up the glass" Ranpo responded, not even looking away from his marble. "Yup. Alas my luck sucks" I retorted, waving my hands up dramatically before dropping them down on my lap and looking out the window too.

When we arrived at the station, Atsushi and I showed Ranpo how to get off the train and leave the train station. I took Lucky from Ranpo and placed him in my shoulder, wanting to feel my cats familiar presence. We made our way to the scene of the murder that we were supposed to be investigating to be met by a sour-faced man. "Your late, agents" he retorted rather rudely. "Oh great a Kunikida 2.0" I muttered to Atsushi, causing him to stiffen a laugh.

I inspected the man quickly. He was a tall man, likely in his forties. He had short black hair and a stubble beard. He wore a white button up shirt, a dusty red tie, long black trousers, black slacks and an army green overcoat. He had a stern expression on his face and deep wrinkles because of it.

"Eh, who are you?" Ranpo questioned suspiciously. I had read over the case files on the train ride over here and it had said that the lead detective on the case was Yasui, a good friend of Ranpo's. He was a nice man who just let Ranpo take the lead and solve the case as quickly as possible. Yasui had long slicked back golden hair and bright green eyes and was in his early thirties. Unless Yasui had gone through a serious depressed arc since the last time I'd seen him causing him to dye his hair, grow a beard and wear brown contacts, this was not him.

"I'm Minoura" said the angry looking man, taking out his police ID and showing it to us. "I'm taking over the case from Yasui-san as this murder was reassigned to our division. Because of this, we will no longer be needing you agency's services." He spoke calmly yet sternly, as if he would not tolerate any nonsense or protests. Ranpo, either didn't pick up on this or ignored it completely (probably the latter), and immediately began countering.

"Nonsense!" he announced "All cases should be given to the hands of great detectives such as myself. I am the best there is! Nekori-chan here isn't bad either and Atsushi-kun is pretty useless but never mind them because I can solve this case in seconds!"

"No" Minoura gritted his teeth "I said your services are not necessary anymore. And that is because the victim is none other than my colleague and subordinate"

Someone must've taken this as their cue because, as if the whole thing had been staged, the tarp covering the dead body was lifted and there lay a dead woman, who must've been in her early thirties. She looked like she was beautiful when she was alive, with long brown hair that I imagined must've been silky smooth but was now matted and dirty from being in the river for a couple of days. She wore a white undershirt with a ruffled collar, a pink v-neck top, a navy pencil skirt that reached just past her knees and completed her outfit with a white overcoat which was unbuttoned. She had no accessories on other than a silver designer watch. No ring on her finger either.

She had three bullet wounds in her chest that had stained her pretty clothing with the crimson red of blood. 'And I thought my stain was bad' I thought to myself.

Honestly, she was kinda pretty for a dead person. I mean as long as my list of hottest deceased people goes, I'd say she's pretty high up there.

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