Chapter 9

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Atsushi's crouched figure slowly arose from his position on the ground, a confused expression on his face as to why he didn't explode. "Jeez, I figured he was stupid but that was a whole new kevel of idiocy" Kunikida looked down on him, a smirking Dazai and a curious Tanizaki not far behind him. "He has the talent to become a suicidal maniac!" gleamed Dazai joyfully at the though of having another psychopath on the team. "Sorry, are you okay?" the redhead nervously asked, worried for the boy he was trying to 'kill' mere seconds ago.


"Awww, nee-san!" the 'hostage' ran up and hugged her attacker, tackling him to the ground with affection. "Are you okay, brother?"


This was Junichirou Tanizaki, and his ability was called Light Snow. And the hostage he had taken earlier was actually his sister Naomi Tanizaki. "You were such a wonderful villain, nee-san! I had the time of my life being tied up and threatened by you" his younger sister told him dreamily, drawing circles on his chest with her finger. "Please pick up where we left off at home" she continued, making the redhead blush. 

At this point Atsushi had caught on and he looked pissed. "So the part-time worker was in on it too?"

"Brat, you should blame Dazai" the dirty blonde pointed at his suicidal partner, throwing him under the bus. "You should also blame yourself for asking this idiot to help you find a job" 

"Wait so this is the job?" Atsushi questioned, piecing together the puzzle slowly, his eyes widening in realization. "Told you this was a test involved" Dazai smirked, closing his eyes and shrugging while putting his hands into his pockets. "So this was an entrance exam, huh?" Atsushi sighed disappointedly, still clutching onto the fake bomb. 

"That's right" a new voice spoke up from the door. Everyone immediately turned to the new face as he walked through the door, his silver hair glittering in the little sunshine entering the room and his stern face glaring daggers at everyone. To someone new they might think he was mad, but everyone at the agency knew that this was his usual expression. "The exam has been completed as planned, President" one of the office ladies said, as six of them had lined up to greet the boss of the place. He just nodded in thanks and proceeded into the main office.


He was a tall man of strong build. He had long silver hair, which ended just above his shoulder, and metallic blue eyes, which appeared to have wrinkled eyebags under them. He wore a green yukata under a black haori with golden borders with a zigzag pattern, and zori with white tabi as well. This was Yukichi Fukuzawa, the president of the Armed Detective Agency, and his ability was All Men Are Created Equal.

"Since both Dazai and Nekori said there was a capable young man, I had to test you properly to see if what they said was true" he explained as Atsushi's eyes widened at the thought of someone giving him praise. Cute. "Well, I recommended you for hire, but since you've been designated a major threat by the ward and the police and whatnot, there was a little argument of whether we should take you in or not" the brunette exclaimed. 

"But that was when Nekori stepped in..."


"President, when I was all alone on the streets, you didn't even think about it when you accepted my request to be a part of the Agency." I spoke sternly and quickly, a little bit flustered while slamming my hands onto his table, mad that he kept on turning down my request to take in the boy. "You answered on the spot for me. And I had done some pretty bad thing, all on purpose, but everything Atsushi did was an accident. He didn't mean to. I was worse off than him and you accepted me. All his life, he's been told he's worthless, a good for nothing, but he's not. He's incredible." I ranted angrily. I was about to begin again before I caught myself and attempted to convince the stern looking man using other methods.

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