Chapter 5

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"It attacked my orphanage and killed our livestock. The orphanage was already short on food so they kicked me out so they could have less mouths to feed" Atsushi explained, but it didn't make much sense to me. Why would an orphanage kick out one person? Surely if they were that short on food they'd transfer around half of the children to another orphanage, that way splitting their numbers and not getting accused of child abandonment. 

"When did you last see the tiger?" Kunikida questioned, whipping out his notebook to write all the new information down. "It appeared at my orphanage around two weeks ago and I last saw it around the river... 4 days ago, I think?" he said after thinking for a while, it was obvious this was a delicate topic for him to talk about and I kinda felt bad for tackling to the ground earlier. "That matches the recent sightings of the tiger" Kunikida confirms by flipping back a couple pages in his notebook before turning them back to his present page and writing down all he was learning.

That's when something clicked in my mind.

"Hey Atsushi, you free tonight?" me and Dazai ask him at the exact same time.

 "I'm not stupid!" Atsushi protests, crossing his arms and shaking his head vigorously, making sure he was getting his point across. "You guys are gonna use me as bait!" "Is there any way we could interest you?" I asked him slyly, a sneaky smirk plastered on my face "Such as a reward?"

I could see this immediately grabbed the silver haired's attention. "Just to be clear about my decision" he said, side eyeing me and Dazai "How much of a reward are we talking about. Dazai typed it into his phone and showed the weird eyed boy. His purpley-yellow orbs widened in shock as he saw the enormous figure my brunette partner had written down. "Ok, but please don't let me get eaten!"

"Perfect!" exclaimed Dazai as he hastily wrote a note and gave it to Kunikida. "Give this to our president please" he asked the blonde as he gave it to him. "But what about-" Kunikida began but got interrupted by Dazai, again. "Just do it" the brunette said in a more serious tone, to which the green eyed male begrudgingly agreed. "Well the, now that that's settles, let's go!" I said after Kunikida had left and it was only the three of us left. We got up and exited the restaurant as we headed for wherever Dazai was leading us.


Later that night, me, Dazai and Atsushi were in an old abandoned warehouse full of crates and boxes. Dazai sat on top of one reading one of his hundreds of books on suicide while I just closed my eyes, and put my hands behind by head while leaning against a crate behind me. Atsushi was on the other side of the room and looked around nervously for the tiger's arrival. Poor Atsushi, he really had no idea. 

"Dazai, sorry to interrupt but what are you reading?" Atsushi asked Dazai, obviously trying to get his mind off the tiger. "A good book" he replied simply, not looking up at the silver-haired male. "I'm surprised you can read in the dark" he went on, much to my dismay as I was just trying to take a little nap. "I have excellent vision, also I've read this book a thousand time. I already know everything that happens in it" he went on. I have a feeling that Atsushi and Dazai aren't gonna let me sleep with all their chattering. "The why are you reading it again?" the boy asked him, tilting his head in curiosity.

"A good book is a good book, no matter how many times you read it" A/n Facts

Atsushi smiled at him sheepishly before turning to me. "Do you really think the tiger will show up here?" he asked me. I opened my emerald eye before answering him, so I could look at him when I spoke. "I know it will" I told him, to which he trembled in fear. "But don't worry" I quickly informed him, trying to ease his anxiety while opening both my eyes to look at him. "Me and Dazai may not look like much, but we're with the Agency for good reason. It'll be no match for us" I told him before closing my eyes again, hoping that that would make him shut up and I could finally get some peace and quiet.

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