Chapter 4

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Me and Kunikida ran (well I started walking but he came back and yanked me by the hand to start sprinting) to the edge of the river to see if we could sport the suicidal maniac. We saw him with a boy, who had seemingly just dragged him out of the water. He wore what looked to be... pajamas? Who am I to judge. Anyway, when Kunikida spotted them he yelled at Dazai for jumping off a bridge. Dazai ignored Kunikida and talked indistinctively to the boy but I could here both their stomachs rumbling, even from the other side of the river. 

"Hey, are you hungry!?" I yelled from over the river, to which they both nodded. "We should all get some food, what do ya want!? Kunikida can pay!!!!!" I informed them, my hands cupping my mouth to try make sure they could here me. Kunikida started yelling at me and chasing me around to which I ran away from and started squealing at him for abusing a minor. The boy said something to Dazai, to which he burst out laughing to and the next thing I know we're eating tea on rice at some place we found nearby. What I really liked about the boy was he didn't give a shit about my eyes when he saw them but that's probably because he has crazy eyes to, half yellow, half purple, and probably knows what it feels like to be stared at. I like him already. 


"You're unbelievable! Who says 'That's a nice river' and jumps in in the middle of a job! Thanks to you, we're even more off-schedule than before because of Nekori wanting to buy pocky!" Kunikida went on before being interrupted by Dazai. "You sure like your schedules, Kunikida-kun" he sighed. "These aren't just schedules. These are ideals! My only guide in life!" the blonde responded, standing up and smacking his notebook onto the table. "Well then your life must be pretty boring" I say, popping the p in 'pretty' while looking around the tea house in boredom. I glance at the boy, who I learnt was called Atsushi who was chugging bowls of tea on rice like there was no tomorrow. Kunikida glared at me before continuing. "Nowhere on my notebook does it say my partners are a suicidal maniac and a sarcastic teenage prankster"


"Shut up! Nowhere on my expenses chapter will you find I'm buying a million bowls of tea on rice for some brat we picked up on the streets either! Especially because of how busy we were"


"We're on a job"


"Our job today? Well it involves the military"

"How the hell are you two communicating?" I ask with a sweat drop. "That's exactly what I was going to ask" Dazai agreed with me, his expression similar to mine as we looked at the two. Atsushi finished gulping down his last bowl before exclaiming "I'm so full!" Just as Kunikida was going to yell at him for emptying his wallet, the silver-haired boy's expression changed as his face darkened and he sincerely told us that we're lifesavers. Never been called that before. 

"After leaving the orphanage and coming to Yokohama, I've had nowhere to sleep and nothing to eat. I thought I'd eventually die" Damn that's dark.

"You're from an institute?" Dazai questioned, his hands interlocked on his chin, kind of how Mori would sit but, unlike Mori, he had a sincere expression on his face. "You could say that. But they kicked me out a couple weeks ago" Damn, poor kid. Well I can't really call him kid, he is older than me. "Well that was touching but we really must get back to the job at hand" Kunikida informed me and Dazai, to which we both nodded.

"You said before your job includes the military? What are you?" the silver-haired boy inquired, a puzzled look on his face. Kunikida opened his mouth to speak but I beat him to it. "We're detectives" I say with a smirk "But not the kind that handle missing pets and cheating husbands. Have you heard of the Armed Detective Agency? It's like an agency of super cool members who all have abilities" Atsushi looked shocked as I just sat there, arms crossed, proud of the admiration I was getting my the boy sitting beside me. 

"Would you look at that beam up there!" Dazai exclaimed, eyes sparkling as he thought of his dreamed suicide. "Don't think about committing suicide at a random teahouse we just found" Kunikida said to him, not even looking up at him as he was scribbling something down into his notebook.  "WHAAAAAAAT?" Dazai said, before glancing at me slightly. I give him a small nod and scheme up what I'm going to say. "I was talking about the health by hanging method!" Dazai went on, slightly winking at me. "Oh yeah!" I played along, Atsushi giving me a questioning look before I gave him the 'don't you dare talk or you're dead' glare "I heard it works wonders for your neck and shoulders. It relieves tension" "You should write this down" Dazai told him. He nodded confidently and started writing down the instructions to me and Dazai's fake health procedure.

After a few moments Dazai finally stated the obvious "We're messing with you." Kunikida snapped his fountain pen and started strangling Dazai as the brunette just laughed. I could see Atsushi's amazed expression turn into a skeptical one as he looked at the three of us, probably wondering how the hell we could be part of such a prestigious organization. "Anyways... we should probably be getting back to catching the were-tiger" I tell them lazily with my hands behind my head. They both stop and nod, calming down. Atsushi on the other hand, does the opposite. "WERE-TIGER!?" he exclaimed, before falling backwards on his chair and scrambling away from us. "ISHOULDGETGOINGNOWTHANKYOUBYE!" he said so fast that I could barely understand him. 

"Not so fast" I said before tackling to the ground and pinning an arm behind his back. Lucky tried to help by sitting on Atsushi's head, which I personally think did most of the work. "What do you know about the were-tiger?" I ask him aggressively, my grip on his arm strengthening. "Now, now, Nekori. We have got to get rid of this bad habit of yours, Kenji-kun and the president said so too. This is the ADA, we're the good guys, not the bad ones!" 

"Sorry" I muttered while standing up, Lucky reluctantly following my lead. "So what do you know about the beast?" Dazai asks in a more calm manner. "I think it's trying to kill me" Atsushi said darkly. 

We were all quiet for a few moments before I broke the silence. "Well this is just our luck" I said, while dramatically flopping back into my chair. 


Hey hope u enjoyed!

Tini-san out!

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