Chapter 2

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Another one!


"Is that true, Nekori?" the blonde kid whispers just loud enough for me to hear. I solemnly nod in response. I grab a chair and sit down, gently stroking Lucky in my arms. I don't know why, but I felt safe around this group of strangers, as if I could tell them my story. So I did. "It all started four months ago-"


"Nekori, the boss wants you" Chuuya said, while staring at some files in his hands, not looking up at me in the process. "Ugh, this is just my luck" I lazily got up from my chair from where I was polishing my shurikens and walked through the building get to the boss's office, my cat trailing at my feet. My mind wandered to all my recent antics to see if I had done something that would anger Mori-san. You see, I love playing pranks and tricks on people, it's just so fun. Mori-san usually turns a blind eye to my messing but he steps in when things get too far, sadly. 

But I hadn't done anything that bad recently, had I? As I reached the big, double doors of the boss's office, I fix my tie and coat and enter. Mori-san is sitting at his desk, sternly waiting for my arrival. "No Elise-chan today?" I said, trying to break the tension a bit, to no avail. "You're not in trouble, Kawakami-kun" he said, much to my relief. I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding  and my tense shoulders loosened. "So what's up?" I asked putting my hands in my pockets and scanned the man, trying to figure out why I was summoned. 

"I have a mission for you. We need you to kill him and everyone there" he said sternly, not the slightest hesitance in his voice. He didn't even have to show me the photo he was holding for me to know who it was. It was Yukichi Fukuzawa and when he said everyone there he was referring to the Armed Detective Agency. 

Ever since I met Odasaku when I was eleven , I stopped killing. He inspired me to. Before that I had a kill-count of at least 50 and Odasaku knew it wasn't healthy for someone my age to be killing as many people as I was. So he talked with Mori-san and he allowed me to stop. And I'll forever be grateful of him for that. But now, here Mori was, breaking the deal he made four years ago.

"And if I refuse?" I asked, my face serious and my fists clenched at my sides. I was not falling down that rabbit hole again. I wasn't becoming that person again. I could feel my body slightly trembling as I ordered it to stop. I couldn't show weakness around Mori-san. Lucky was hissing violently at him, as he could tell the man was angering me, his owner. "I thought you might say that. Akutagawa-kun" he called his little servant dog and he entered the room. "Take her away." I struggled as Rashomon attacked me and held me by the neck. I activated my ability but it was no use however much I struggled.

 I, the second youngest Port Mafia executive in history, was brought downstairs to the lowest floor of the base, where cells were lined up neatly in rows. It was a cold, long room and I couldn't see the end of the prison-like cells. Even though there were so many, they were all empty. You see, when someone angers the Port Mafia, they don't really get captured and confined, unless they have information. If you anger the Port Mafia, you're quite literally dead.

You might be wondering why they didn't do that to me. Why they didn't kill me. Or why they didn't get someone else to take down the gifted organization. It's because I'm the best. The best of the best. Mori-san knew that Fukuzawa was a skilled swordsman and bodyguard, so just sending normal operatives, like the Black Lizard, wouldn't work. He needed someone sneaky. Someone who could get close to him, without being noticed. Being sneaky isn't the Port Mafia's strong suits and the strongest operatives, like Chuuya or Akutagawa, are more of a 'dive in head first and kill everyone' kind of people, which could easily be stopped. I was the only one suitable for the job, and Mori-san knew it.

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