Chapter 6

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By the way! I changed Nekori's ability from being 'Panther in the Night' to 'Panther in the Shadows' cuz it just sounds better and fits the ability better as well. Happy reading!


Dazai just has a proud, goofy grin on his face when I see that knocked-out Atsushi has landed on Dazai, and it kinda looks like they're hugging, not gonna lie.  "Damn, you cheating on Chuuya, Dazai?" I asked him playfully, a smirk plastered on my lips as I raised my eyebrows in question. Dazai looked down before throwing the poor boy off him and onto the dusty, cement floor. "Sorry but I have no interest in men" he tells the unconscious Atsushi, which made me stifle my laughs by putting a hand over my mouth. 

I was still slightly panting from the whole discovering my ability is way more than just turning into a big cat and stuff. My raven black hair was all messy and I could feel my legs struggle to hold my weight up, and they were surviving on pure adrenaline from the fight. Most of the crates in the warehouse were completely destroyed from the little feline fight that happened earlier. The moonlight was still brightly illuminating the room and it lit up a familiar, running figure as it came forward from the shadows.

"Dazai! Nekori! There you are!" we hear a familiar voice boom through out the warehouse as a blonde man in a tan suit came forward, dashing as fast as he could before finally getting to us. When he did, he leaned over and put his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath from presumably sprinting all the way here.

"There you are Kunikida-san. You're a bit late" I inform him, standing over his crouched down figure. "Yeah, we already caught our tiger" Dazai agreed, signaling to knocked out Atsushi who was lying on the floor. "The boy, really?" Kunikida questioned us, looking at the boy with his signature skeptical look. "Yup, this boy has the ability to turn into a huge, man-eating beast" said Dazai casually, as if it were no big deal.

"Then what was with this note you gave me before you left?" he asked, slightly annoyed as he handed the note to Dazai. I peered at it, but couldn't understand it so let Dazai read it out loud. "The tiger will be in the 15th district warehouse, secure the perimeter so that it cannot escape" he read, bending over to get a good look at his handwriting. "A perfect and concise note!" He wasn't lying. The note did say everything the blonde needed to know. "You left out a significant detail!" Kunikida fumed at us, huffing before continuing. "Thanks to you, I had to bring agents that weren't even on duty."

As if on cue, three figures emerged from the shadows where Kunikida had previously been. Two of them walked casually while the other one hopped over to the sleeping boy on the ground. 

"No casualties? How sad" said Akiko Yosano, who's ability is 'Thou Shalt Not Die'.

"You've both come a long way, Dazai and Nekori. But you've still got a long way to go before comparing to me" said Ranpo Edogawa, who's ability is called 'Ultra-Deduction'.

"But what should we do with him? He didn't know he could do this" pondered Kenji Miyazawa, his ability is 'Be Not Defeated by the Rain'. 

"Yeah you're right. What do you think Dazai? The ward's designated him a major threat" asked Doppo Kunikida, whose ability was 'Doppo Poet'.

"I think I know exactly what stupid idea's going through his brain right now" I, Nekori Kawakami, scoffed teasingly while gesturing towards the thinking brunette, my ability being 'Panther in the Shadows'.

"I've already made my decision." Osamu Dazai decided, his ability's name was 'No Longer Human'.

"We'll make him one of us"

This sentence received mixed reactions from the rest of the agency.

"Called it" I said, a smirk on my face as I understood why Dazai had done this. The poor kid had nowhere to go. I remembered how kind the Armed Detective Agency had been to me when I was living in the same conditions as him. 

Ranpo didn't seem to care what we did with the boy and, to be fair, he doesn't have to. He doesn't have any reason to give a crap. He just looked away whistling, knowing the dirty blonde beside him was about to explode.

"Seriously?" Yosano deadpanned at Dazai. The moonlight coming through the same window which activated Atsushi's ability illuminated her emotionless maroon eyes as she just stared in disbelief at the brunette's idea. Kenji, on the other hand, seemed to be ecstatic. The same moonlight that lit up Yosano's face glittered onto his wide eyes, giving them a shimmer of excitement at the thought of getting a new member at the Agency.

"WhAt GiVeS yOu ThE rIgHt To DeCiDe ThAt!?" Kunikida exclaimed, booming at Dazai and, if you squinted, you could just about see the smoke coming out of his ears and nose. The smoke of rage. The loud noise made Atsushi turn in his sleep, which led to the blonde kid beside him pat his head while muttering 'There, there'. Kunikida continued to shout at Dazai, and Kenji kept on consoling the sleeping teen, while me, Yosano and Ranpo just stood to the side marveling at the spectacle. "Just another day at the office" I mumbled, rolling my eyes causing Yosano to let out a chuckle and Ranpo to give a little smirk.

"Wake up, boy!" Dazai exclaimed to the sleeping albino, ignoring the very loud lecture Kunikida was giving beside him. Everyone shut up as Atsushi began to slowly stir and eventually awake from his peaceful slumber. He looked at the kneeling blonde boy beside him, before slowly turning his yellow and purple eyes towards the source of the voice who'd awoken him.

"Do you not remember nothing from when you were transformed?" asked Dazai, earning a confused look from the clueless boy. "Transformed, what do you mean?" he inquired, turning his full body towards the brunette, revealing to everyone in the room that his right hand was still in the form of a white tiger paw.

"Oh look, you're right arm didn't change back"

He stared at his hand for a few second, wiggling the fingers of the tiger claw before it finally sunk in. The poor boy screamed in terror at the sight of his hand being replaced by a paw and instead of having fingers, five sharp claws were in their place. The moon and stars that shone through that one window lit up the figure of Atsushi, who had now jumped out of his kneeling position out of panic, as he stared at his hand in horror, as he tried shaking it as if that would do anything to get rid of the transformation. 

This 18-year-old mess was Atsushi Nakajima, his ability is 'Beast Beneath the Moonlight' and this was the moment in which we all silently agreed that we would take him in at the Agency and help him control his ability. 

"Atsushi Nakajima!" yelled Dazai. The boy immediately stopped his screaming and yelling as he turned to face the six members of the Armed Detective Agency all in a row. Not gonna lie, we must've looked so cool in that moment. Kenji was at the far right, his arms behind his head as he smiled sincerely at the silver haired male. Yosano was beside him, her hands on her hips as she stared at the 'newest member' of the Agency with a playful expression on her face. In the middle was Dazai, hands in his pockets and a serious expression on his face, as he prepared to give the boy the news of his new jobs. In front of Dazai and a little to the right was me. My hands were in my hoodie pockets with Lucky on my shoulder. We were both staring at the boy with our matching mismatched eyes, and I had on a little smirk on my lips. Next to me was Kunikida, the hand holding his notebook was on his hip while the other one rested at his side. The moonlight shone on his glasses, hiding his eyes from view, but it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that he wasn't on board with this idea by the permanent scowl on his face. Then at the far left stood Ranpo, his body tilted to the right and his arms crossed under his cape, his eyes closed and the faint traces of a smile on his lips.

"From this day forth you'll become one of us. You'll be a member of the Armed Detective Agency"

And with that his legs passed out and he fainted onto the floor once again.

"Dibs not carrying him home!" I yelled, earning a stern look from you-know-who.


Hope you enjoyed and tyssssssm for almost 200 reads! That may not seem like a lot to some of you but it's a LOT for me. Thx so much again!

Tini-san out!

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